第⼀,单独使⽤可以作为⽆任何意义的语⽓词。不过也可以放在动词和介词的词组中间应⽤以加强语⽓,⽐如get fuck out,shut fuck up,⼀般所跟随的介词以元⾳开头效果更好,⼀⽓呵成,不着痕迹。
第⼆,be fucked
严格的语法上来说呢,这个就是fuck的被动语态,8过实际应⽤中只要不是很顺⼼的状况呢,都可以⽤。⼀般对⼈不对事。有⼈倒霉了,基本上就是he's fucked了。
语法中有动词进⾏式做形容词的⽤法。这个fuck⼀加上ing的话就是包治百病天下⽆双了……基本上所有的名词都可以形容。最为顺⼝的就是fucking asshole了。
第四,fuck you
以,fuck him, fuck her, fuck them, fuck the states, fuck the world, 不过总是没有fuck you来得理直⽓壮⾔简意赅。
第五,fuck me
第六,fuck up
搞砸了,⼀般对事不对⼈,类似表达可以⽤screw up
第七,fuck off
收声闭嘴之极度表达。以程度类推效果⼤于hold your tounge⼤于shut up⼤于watch your mouth。
第⼋,fuck with sb
第九,fuck you very much
这⾥的fuck you就⽐较活络了。不看语⽓和表情就很难判断对⽅的意图。因为他很有可能是在⽤另外⼀种⽅式说“thank you very much”。
在现代英语中,"Fuck"是⼀种⾼度冒犯性的⽤词,是最为严厉的4字母词"Fuck" 原意就是XXXXX(操,⼲),但它往往被⽤作⼀个咒骂语和语⽓加强词⼀些"Fuck"原意的例⼦有:
1.Let s fuck
2.That was a good fuck
3.I cant believe she's fucking him
4.I fucked my teacher!
其他则是⼀些粗直语⽤法,但这些⽤法往往牵涉到性,譬如强奸(fuck you)或者⾃慰(fuck yourlf)
"Fuck you!" or "Go fuck yourlf!" (我不喜欢你,快滚开)
"He"s a dumb fuck." (他是个⽩痴)
"Sorry, I fucked up your computer." (不好意思,我弄坏了你的电脑)
"He s pretty fucked up." (他⼼理或者⼼情不稳定)
"I fucked up on this test." (我这次测验做的很糟)
"Lets fuck around for a couple hours." (让我们浪费2个⼩时好了)
"Im fucked." (结果)
"What the fuck!" (到底刚才发⽣了什么?)
"Shut the fuck up!" (闭嘴)
"Im so fucked up right now." (我已经烂醉或者被药物搞的晕晕乎乎了)
"None of your fucking business!" (不关你"鸟"事)
"Un-fucking-believable!" (真难以置信!)
"What a fucking great day outside!" (外边的天⽓真"他妈的"的好)
"Shut the fuck up!" (你他妈的闭嘴)
"Abso-fuckin-lutley!" "绝对是!"
"Hey!, Why dont you go outside and play Hide-N-Go-Fuck-Yourlf!" "嘿,为什么你不出去⾃⼰⼀个⼈玩?
"Fuck!" (当⼀些不快的事情发⽣)
"He's a great fucker!" (他是⼀个⾮常好的家伙,注意,这⾥绝对不是他很能“⼲”的意思)在最后⼀个
例⼦中,"Fucker"这个词被⽤作⼀种赞赏,但这种⽤法并不常见譬如: "You are a smart fucker (你是⼀个聪明的家伙)". 但正因为这种⽤法的粗鲁及不明确性, 除⾮对⽅是⼀个你⾮常熟悉的朋友,这个⽤法还是不要⽤的好因为有可能你的赞赏会被误解
"Fucking fuck tho fucking fuckers!" ("忘记那些另⼈讨厌的家伙吧.") "Fucking fuckers fucking fucked!" ("它被弄坏了")
另外⼀个可以显⽰其多样性的例⼦是Mary Prankster 的歌:Mercyfuck (1998)
I wish I could fuck all my sorrow away
And fuck til the dawn of the next fucking day
Fuck the chorus and ver, fuck the pain getting wor
Fuck it all til I burn
I wish I could fuck all of you til you e
Im the worst fuck-up in all history
关于母爱的素材Fuck your image and mine, fuck your limp valentine
Fuck it all til I learn
He fucked her
They fucked all night
Im not going down there, fuck that, dude!
Im not doing that. Fuck outta here!
She is a real fuck. (没有特定的侮辱)
She is a good fuck. (特定的指向性技巧)
Eat my fuck. (是⼀种侮辱)
We had a good fuck last night. (作为⼀个性⾏为)
That was a total cluster fuck. (很多出错的事的当中⼀个)
Oh my fuck! (表明⼀种惊讶的意思)
Fuck作为感叹词时⼀般表⽰⼀种惊讶,不满或者愤怒的意思, 如:
Fuck! A punctured tire!
Fuck! Theyve hacked this computer! (噢!他们⿊了这台电脑!)
Fuck! This is the best movie ever! (噢!这是历史上最好的电影!)
作为现在分词,Fucking (fuckin) 往往⽤来加强⼀个动词或者名词的语⽓它的正向意义往往多于其反向意义如:
My fucking boss made me work all weekend. (我那天杀的⽼板让我加整个周末的班)
She is fuckin hot. (她真他妈的性感)
特别需要强调进⾏学习的是,Fuck的现在分词有时被插在⼀个词的中间这种⽤法叫作感叹插⼊语. 这种fucking插⼊法的规则是: "fucking"只能插⼊到⼀个多⾳节词的韵脚之间, 例如:
that was abso-fuckin-lutely cool! (那真他妈的酷!)
In-fucking-credible (难以置信)
fan-fucking-tastic (真棒)
喷头堵塞un-fucking-believable (⽆法相信)
congratu-fucking-lations (祝贺祝贺)
The hard drive crashed, so now the databa is fucked. (硬盘坏了所以现在数据库也被损坏了)
Your engines fucked becau you forgot to change the oil! (你的引擎坏了,因你忘记换油了)
Now that the electricity is out, your computer is fucked. (没电了,你的电脑没⽤了)
You were completely fucked last night. (你昨晚真是糟糕透了,这句万不可出现歧义)
"To fuck up"意思是破坏,"to be fucked up"往往意思烂醉,或者更正规的意思是⾝体或者⼼理上的伤害(常⽤于美国) 如:
The bouncer really fucked up that guy who kept causing trouble. (那个保镖把那个⽼是滋事的家伙打的够呛)
My sisters been really fucked up since her fiancé dumped her. 我的姐姐(妹妹)惨极了,因为她的未婚夫抛弃了她
当在形容事物的时候,"to be fucked up"意思是这件事物是精神上或者其他⽅⾯上错误的
斩李广She stole my wallet while I was pasd out; thats so fucked up! (在我⾛出去的时候,她偷了我的钱包;那绝对是件错误的事)
"To fuck over" 意思背叛,或者通常不讨⼈喜欢的⾏为
Yeah, he slept with my girlfriend. I cant believe he fucked me over like that! (他睡了我GF,我真的⽆法相信他如此背叛我!)
I got fucked over at work today – they promoted my assistant instead of me. (今天我在上班的时候被玩了: 他们提升了我助理,⽽不是我!)
Thats fugly (fucking ugly). (那真他妈的丑)
You fucktard (fucking retard). (你他妈的智障)
You floor! (fucking lor) (您他妈的失败者)
Fuck有时在讲演时被⽤作⼀种填补,⽤法很象um..., 或者like..
Her name is, What was her name again? (她的名字是,恩,她的名字是什么?)
the fuck 常⽤来加强语⽓,类似于“到底”、“究竟”、“the heck”、“on
、“the hell”等,在疑问词后。
例1 熟⼈间的问候: "How the fuck are ya?"
例2 疑问: "What the fuck is(are).......?"
例3 不满: "What the fuck is going on here?"
例4 迷惘: "Where the fuck are we."
例5 担⼼: "Let's get the fuck out of here."
例6 怀疑: "How the fuck did you do that?"
get fucked , be fucked 被骗;遇到⿇烦
例7: "I got fucked by the car dealer."
例8: "I guess I'm fucked now."
Fucked again 表⽰绝望,“完了……”
Fuck it 屈从,放弃
例9: "Oh, fuck it!"
Fuck you ! 不⽤多解释了
Fuck me. 表⽰厌恶类似“sth disgusts me”
fucking 类似 the fuck ,作加强语⽓,不过还可作形容词,表⽰⼀些不爽的事物
例10: "I don't understand this fucking business!"
例11:根本不想 "I didn't fucking do it."
例12:骂⼈反击 "Up your fucking ar!"
"He's a fucking asshole."
例13:当然也有表⽰⾼兴的时候,类似于“我他妈……” "I fucking couldn't
be ha
例15:表⽰时间 "It's five fucking thirty."辣白菜怎么做
Fuck off. “滚开” 类似“go away”
Fuck around. 胡闹 “Quit ye fucking around!”
Fuck up. 弄砸了 “How did you fuck your exam up?”
Fuck with ⼲涉类似于“interfere with”
be fucked out 疲劳的,类似于“exhausted”
fuck 单独的⽤法:
例16:⼏乎 "I know fuck all about it."古天
例17:谁在乎过我了?"Who really gives a fuck, anyhow?"
perhaps one of the most interesting words in the English Language today is the word "Fuck".
Out of all of the English words that begin with the letter "F", Fuck is the only word that is refer to as the F-Word. It"s the one magical word just by its sound can describe pain, pleasure, hate and love.
In English Fuck falls into many grammatical categories.
I"m sure you can think of much more examples.
With all of the multipurpo applications, how can anyone be offended when you u the word?
We say u this unique flexible word more often in your daily speech.
It will identify the quality of your character immediately.
Say it loudly and proudly——FUCK YOU!