Distraction effects of contextual advertising on online news processing: an eye-tracking study 期刊名称: Behaviour and Information Technology
作者: Wojdynski, Bartosz W,Bang, Hyejin
作者机构: Univ Georgia
年份: 2016年建国70
牙周炎吃什么药效果好感恩节活动策划方案期号: 第7-9期七夕祝福>360安全卫士怎么卸载
关键词: online news;contextual advertising;attention;websites;persuasion;
摘要:Although recent scholarship has shown that congruency between editorial content and display advertising on web pages can lead to favourable outcomes for the advertir, it is unclear whether the gains for advertirs come at the expen of urs' ability to process the content. To examine whether contextual in-page advertising distracts urs during information processing, a 2 (target message argument type: weak/strong) × 2 (ad relevance: high/low) between-subjects factorial experim
我们的团队ent (N = 99) examined how readers of a news article about risks associated with texting while driving (a) paid attention to the article, (b) paid attention to the advertiments, and (c) were persuaded by the article contents. Participants' visual attention was captured unobtrusively using a device-mounted eye-tracking device. The findings show