⏹ 1. Translate into English.
⏹ 2. 常用广告短语
⏹ 苏非3.公益广告----政治宣传广告
⏹ 4. 公益广告----环保广告
学雷锋手抄报⏹ 5.城市形象和文明广告
⏹ 6.文明行为广告
⏹ 7. 安全广告
1. Translate into English
(1) 广告内容必须真实、健康、清晰、明白,不得以任何形式欺骗用户和消费者。
⏹ The content of an advertiment must be true to facts, sound, clear and easy to understand and must not cheat urs and consumers in any way.
(2) 在广告经营活动中,禁止垄断和不正当竞争行为。
⏹ Monopoly and unfair competition shall be prohibited in advertising operations.
(3) 刊播、设置、张贴的广告,其内容应当在广告客户的经营范围或者国家许可的范围内。
⏹ The content of an advertiment to be published, broadcast, installed or posted shall be kept within the advertir's business scope or the scope permitted by the State.
(4) 禁止利用广播、电视、报刊为卷烟做广告。
⏹ It shall be forbidden to adverti cigarettes through broadcast, television, newspapers or periodicals.
(5) 原生土鸡。无激素、抗菌素。放牧养殖,自然生长。安全营养。产妇滋补首选。
⏹ Native and naturally bred chickens.
⏹ No hormone. No antibiotic.
⏹ Outdoor breeding. Natural growth.
⏹ Safe and nutritious/nourishing. The first-choice nutriment for women who are lying in or have newly given birth to a child.
(6) 为什么派克“51肺热怎么调理”笔从不成批生产。
⏹ 关于朋友的诗句Why the Parker “51” pen can never be mass produced.
(7) 为什么你将发现Canadian Pacific的服务是最适合你的一切需要的
⏹ Why you will find Canadian Pacific Service the most suited to all your needs
(8) 假如您喜欢确知质量,也来看看Del Monte 在干果中带给您的一切东西吧!
西双版纳怎么玩⏹ If you like to be quality-sure look at everything Del Monte brings you in dried fruits, t
(9)If you’ve always wanted to fly an airplane, this offer is for you
⏹ 如果你总是想要乘飞机,这项提供适合你。
(10) 当你买一部Harley Davidson 时你从你的钱中获得更多
⏹ You get more for your money when you buy a Harley Davidson
⏹ When life needs a lift it’s Maxwell Hou coffee time!
(12) 质量保证。否则退款。
⏹ Quality guaranteed. Or your money back.
(13) 介绍历史上欧洲最成功的新车。
⏹ Introducing Europe’s most successful new car in history.
(14) 保证防失、防盗、防蛀。
⏹ Guaranteed loss-proof, theft-proof and moth-proof.
⏹ Build your own electric car for under 1800yuan. Now save 50%.
⏹ It’s a stand-out truck in looking and money-saving.
⏹ Can you afford to be a good neighbor?
⏹ Design for glamour.
(19) Dreft 清洗碗碟这么干净,它帮助保护你的家庭健康。
⏹ Dreft washes dishes so clean it helps protect your family’s health.
(20) 天然色彩在选择胭脂(口红)方面是最重要的。
⏹ Natural coloring is of greatest importance in choosing rouge.
⏹ One-stop rvice.
(22) 一件牢固的毛线衫
⏹ A rugged sweater
(23) 为那部新车的性能的顶级的质量和安全
⏹ Top quality and safety for that new car’s performance
(24) 每个女人使用一种体味消除剂, 时髦女郎使用Dew牌的
⏹ Every woman us a deodorant, smart women u Dew.
(25) 她总是看起来那么有个性——那么独特自我
⏹ She always looks so individual, so herlf.
(26) 哇!Pepsodent 崭新的味道感觉这么好!
⏹ Wow! Pepsodent’s new flavor tastes so good!
(27) 有见识的人们购买“帝国牌”,他们整箱地购买它。
⏹ Knowledgeable people buy Imperial and they buy it by the ca.
(28) 享受适度的和明智的生活, 你将从不会感觉到你的年龄。
⏹ Enjoy moderate and nsible life and you’ll never feel your age.
(29)So refreshing. Never bitter. Never harsh.
⏹ 这么提神。绝不苦口。绝不涩口。
⏹ Today new Maxwell Hou is richer, mellower, and more delicious!
(31) 从日出到夜眠的加料的白面包提供极其重要的食物能量。
⏹ From sun-up to bedtime enriched white Bread supplies vital food-energy.
(32) Every club has identical contact feel.
⏹ 每一支球杆都有相同的接触感。
(33) 适合现代口味的更淡的煎饼
⏹ The lighter pancakes for the modern taste
(34) 你试用过Bon Ami 清洁粉吗?
⏹ Have you tried Bon Ami Powder?
(35) 任何时候都值得拥有的礼物。
⏹ A gift worth having at any time.
(36) 您在联合(航空公司客机)上有的那种在家感觉
⏹ The right-at-home feeling you have on United …
(37)一样质量, 万种风味
⏹ One quality, All flavors
(38) 你想要添加的东西几乎件件都在它上面了。
⏹ All most everything you’d want to add is already on it.
(39) 它们跑的里程使它们的价格黯然失色。
⏹ Their mileage overshadows their price.
(40) 给你儿子的一份会增值的礼物。有一天他可能认为它是极贵重的。
⏹ A gift for your son that can grow in value
⏹ He may one day consider it priceless
(41) 我们把它们造的结结实实,因为你玩得猛!
⏹ We build’em tough becau you play rough!
(42) 坚实的福特牌越野车。无敌的质量!
⏹ Tough Ford ranger. Unbeaten quality!
(43) 坚实的福特小货车:美国首位畅销车。
⏹ Tough Ford pickups: America’s No.1 llers.
(44) 质量与价值没有匹敌的
⏹ Unmatched in quality and value
(45) 不会有足部疲劳。
⏹ Freedom from foot fatigue.
(46) 在家或出外…不要忘了父亲节
⏹ At home or away…Don’t forget Father’s Day
(47) 当你买一部低价的卡车时忘记广告的声称而看事实是有利的。
⏹ It pays to forget claims and look at facts when you buy a low-priced truck.