
更新时间:2023-06-22 23:57:14 阅读: 评论:0

1. Translate into English.
2. 常用广告短语
4. 公益广告----环保广告
学雷锋手抄报⏹ 5.城市形象和文明广告
7. 安全广告
1. Translate into English
(1) 广告内容必须真实、健康、清晰、明白,不得以任何形式欺骗用户和消费者。
The content of an advertiment must be true to facts, sound, clear and easy to understand and must not cheat urs and consumers in any way.
(2) 在广告经营活动中,禁止垄断和不正当竞争行为。
Monopoly and unfair competition shall be prohibited in advertising operations.
(3) 刊播、设置、张贴的广告,其内容应当在广告客户的经营范围或者国家许可的范围内。
The content of an advertiment to be published, broadcast, installed or posted shall be kept within the advertir's business scope or the scope permitted by the State.
(4) 禁止利用广播、电视、报刊为卷烟做广告。
It shall be forbidden to adverti cigarettes through broadcast, television, newspapers or periodicals.
(5) 原生土鸡。无激素、抗菌素。放牧养殖,自然生长。安全营养。产妇滋补首选。
Native and naturally bred chickens.
No hormone. No antibiotic.
Outdoor breeding. Natural growth.
Safe and nutritious/nourishing. The first-choice nutriment for women who are lying in or  have newly given birth to a child.
(6) 为什么派克51肺热怎么调理笔从不成批生产。
关于朋友的诗句Why the Parker 51 pen can never be mass produced.
(7) 为什么你将发现Canadian Pacific的服务是最适合你的一切需要的
Why you will find Canadian Pacific Service the most suited to all your needs
(8) 假如您喜欢确知质量,也来看看Del Monte 在干果中带给您的一切东西吧!
西双版纳怎么玩If you like to be quality-sure look at everything Del Monte brings you in dried fruits, t
(9)If youve always wanted to fly an airplane, this offer is for you
(10) 当你买一部Harley Davidson 时你从你的钱中获得更多
You get more for your money when you buy a Harley Davidson
When life needs a lift its Maxwell Hou coffee time!
(12) 质量保证。否则退款。
Quality guaranteed. Or your money back.
(13) 介绍历史上欧洲最成功的新车。
Introducing Europes most successful new car in history.
(14) 保证防失、防盗、防蛀。
Guaranteed loss-proof, theft-proof and moth-proof.
Build your own electric car for under 1800yuan. Now save 50%.
Its a stand-out truck in looking and money-saving.
Can you afford to be a good neighbor?
Design for glamour.
(19) Dreft 清洗碗碟这么干净,它帮助保护你的家庭健康。
Dreft washes dishes so clean it helps protect your familys health.
(20) 天然色彩在选择胭脂(口红)方面是最重要的。
Natural coloring is of greatest importance in choosing rouge.
One-stop rvice.
(22) 一件牢固的毛线衫
A rugged sweater
(23) 为那部新车的性能的顶级的质量和安全
Top quality and safety for that new cars performance
(24) 每个女人使用一种体味消除剂, 时髦女郎使用Dew牌的
Every woman us a deodorant, smart women u Dew.
(25) 她总是看起来那么有个性——那么独特自我
She always looks so individual, so herlf.
(26) 哇!Pepsodent 崭新的味道感觉这么好!
Wow! Pepsodents new flavor tastes so good!
(27) 有见识的人们购买帝国牌,他们整箱地购买它。
Knowledgeable people buy Imperial and they buy it by the ca.
(28) 享受适度的和明智的生活, 你将从不会感觉到你的年龄。
Enjoy moderate and nsible life and youll never feel your age.
(29)So refreshing. Never bitter. Never harsh.
Today new Maxwell Hou is richer, mellower, and more delicious!
(31) 从日出到夜眠的加料的白面包提供极其重要的食物能量。
From sun-up to bedtime enriched white Bread supplies vital food-energy.
(32) Every club has identical contact feel.
(33) 适合现代口味的更淡的煎饼
The lighter pancakes for the modern taste
(34) 你试用过Bon Ami 清洁粉吗?
Have you tried Bon Ami Powder?
(35) 任何时候都值得拥有的礼物。
A gift worth having at any time.
(36) 您在联合(航空公司客机)上有的那种在家感觉
The right-at-home feeling you have on United
(37)一样质量, 万种风味
One quality, All flavors 
(38) 你想要添加的东西几乎件件都在它上面了。
All most everything youd want to add is already on it.
(39) 它们跑的里程使它们的价格黯然失色。
Their mileage overshadows their price.
(40) 给你儿子的一份会增值的礼物。有一天他可能认为它是极贵重的。
A gift for your son that can grow in value 
He may one day consider it priceless
(41) 我们把它们造的结结实实,因为你玩得猛!
We buildem tough becau you play rough!
(42) 坚实的福特牌越野车。无敌的质量!
Tough Ford ranger. Unbeaten quality!
(43) 坚实的福特小货车:美国首位畅销车。
Tough Ford pickups: Americas No.1 llers.
(44) 质量与价值没有匹敌的
Unmatched in quality and value
(45) 不会有足部疲劳。
Freedom from foot fatigue.
(46) 在家或出外不要忘了父亲节
At home or awayDont forget Fathers Day
(47) 当你买一部低价的卡车时忘记广告的声称而看事实是有利的。
It pays to forget claims and look at facts when you buy a low-priced truck.

本文发布于:2023-06-22 23:57:14,感谢您对本站的认可!



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