罢黜百家独尊儒术sb pay 钱 for sth造句
红楼梦读书笔记摘抄好词好句 1. I ud my SB pay account to quickly and conveniently pay for my online shopping purchas.
2. My friend asked me to help her SB pay the rent for her apartment while she was on vacation.小米校园招聘
钟离意 3. I received an invoice for my recent dental appointment and decided to u SB pay to easily and curely make the payment.
4. The restaurant I visited last night only accepted SB pay as a form of payment, so I had to download the app to complete my meal purcha.
考古古墓 5. I forgot to bring cash with me to the concert, but luckily the venue accepted SB pay so I could still buy souvenirs and snacks.。