※生物工程食品科学2020, V ol.41, No.0891
镶珠图片Extraction and Stability of Monascus Pigments from Fermentation Broth of Monascus purpureus YY1-3 Using Ethanol/Ammonium Sulfate
Aqueous Two-Pha System
KONG Weibao1, YANG Shuling1, YANG Yang2, CHEN Dong1, GUO Baomin1, ZHANG Aimei1, NIU Shiquan1
(1. College of Life Science, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou 730070, China;
2. Jinhui Wine Co. Ltd., Longnan 742500, China)
Abstract:Monascus pigments (MPs) were extracted from the fermentation broth of Monascus purpureus YY1-3 in a simple and efficient way using an ethanol/ammonium sulfate aqueous two-pha system (ATPS). Thin layer chromatography (TLC) was ud to analyze the composition of the MPs and their stability was also tested. The results showed that when the ATPS was compod of 16% (m/m) ethanol and 28% (m/m) ammonium sulfate, the maximum partition coefficient and recovery rate of MPs of 171.91 and 98.13% were obtained respectively. When the volume proportion of the top pha extrac
tion solution-ethanol was 1:0.5, ammonium sulfate could be effectively removed from it. TLC showed that the extract was compod of six components, mainly Monascus red and yellow pigments. The MPs were stable in darkness, pH 4–8 and 25–65 ℃, as well as in the prence of common metal ions and food additives.
陆游书愤Keywords: Monascus pigments; Monascus purpureus; extraction; aqueous two-pha system; stability
(1.西北师范大学生命科学学院,甘肃兰州 730070;2.金徽酒股份有限公司,甘肃陇南 742500)摘 要:建立一种采取乙醇-硫酸铵双水相体系,从紫色红曲菌YY1-3菌株发酵液中简单、高效萃取红曲色素(Monascus pigments,MPs)的方法,利用薄层色谱(thin layer chromatography,TLC)分析提取液的色素成分,并考察了该菌株产红曲色素的稳定性。结果表明:当萃取体系中添加质量分数16%的乙醇和28%的硫酸铵时,MPs 的分配系数与回收率达到最大,分别为171.91和98.13%;当上相萃取液-乙醇体积比为1∶0.5时,可有效分离回收上相中的硫酸铵;TLC分析结果表明,萃取液中有6 种主要色素组分,其中以红曲红和红曲黄色素为主;色素稳定性实验结果表明,在避光、pH 4~8、
25~65 ℃以及常规金属离子和食品添加剂溶液中,该菌株所产的MPs具有良好的稳定性。
中图分类号:TS202 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-6630(2020)08-0091-09引文格式:
多肉植物的特点KONG Weibao, YANG Shuling, YANG Yang, et al. Extraction and stability of Monascus pigments from fermentation broth of Monascus purpureus YY1-3 using ethanol/ammonium sulfate aqueous two-pha system[J]. 食品科学, 2020, 41(8): 91-99. DOI:10.7506/spkx1002-6630-20190408-095. www.spkx
KONG Weibao, YANG Shuling, YANG Yang, et al. Extraction and stability of Monascus pigments from fermentation broth of Monascus purpureus YY1-3 using ethanol/ammonium sulfate aqueous two-pha system[J]. Food Science, 2020, 41(8): 91-99. DOI:10.7506/spkx1002-6630-20190408-095. www.spkx
表白情诗第一作者简介:孔维宝(1981—)(ORCID: 0000-0001-6151-5962),男,副教授,博士,研究方向为微生物技术。