Homework 4: Morphology – Due June 17
1. Consider the following words. Underline all of the stems. Circle all of the bound morphemes. Identify the lexical category (part of speech for each)
Ex. fish (noun)
fly reu spiteful preplan desks suite
untie delight fastest prettier tree justly
丽江旅游deform mistreat dislike payment disobey premature
2. The following ntences contain both derivational and inflectional affixes. Underline all of the derivational affixes and circle the inflectional affixes.
Ex. She played with her beautiful baby.
a) The farmer’s cows escaped. b) She replaced the valuable va.
c) Tho socks are inexpensive. d) Jim needs a newer copy.
e) The strongest rower continued. f) She quickly clod the book.
g) The team scored a lot. h) That apartment needs some plants.
3. Examine the following data from Persian (or Farsi). All of the following Persian words consist of two or more morphemes. (Note: xar means ‘buy’ and –id means the past ten.)
a) xaridam ‘I bought’ b) xaridi ‘you (sg) bought’
c) xarid ‘(he) bought’ d) naxaridam ‘I did not buy’
e) namixaridand ‘they were not buying’ f) naxaridim ‘we did not buy’
现浇混凝土g) mixarid ‘(he) was buying’ h) mixaridid ‘you (pl) were buying’
( i) Try to match each of the following notions with a morpheme in the Persian data.
(ex) I = am (a) you (sg) = (b) we = (c) you (pl) =
(d) they = (e) not = (f) was/were + -ing (continuous) =
(ii) How would you say the following in Persian?
(a) They were buying. =
(b) You (sg) did not buy. =
(b) You (sg) were buying. =
4. Examine the following data from Turkish and answer the questions that follow. Be aware that the spelling has been altered for ea – this is NOT accurate either phonologically or orthographically.
a. deniz ‘an ocean’ i. elim ‘my hand
b. denizin ‘of an ocean’ j. eller ‘hands’
c. denize ‘to an ocean’ k. disler ‘teeth’园博会
d. eve ‘to a hou’ l. disimizin ‘of our tooth’
e. evden ‘from a hou’ m. dislerimizin ‘of our teeth’
f. evjikden ‘from a little hou’ n. eljike ‘to a little hand’
g. denizjikde ‘in a little ocean’ o. denizlerimizde ‘in our oceans’
h. elde ‘in a hand’ p. evjiklerimizde ‘in our little hous’
* NOTE: Ignore the indefinite article (a/an) in the English translations.
(i) Give the Turkish morpheme that corresponds to each of the following translations:
(ex) ocean = deniz (a) hou = (b) hand = (c) tooth = (d) little =
(e) in = (f) to = (g) from = (h) my = (i) of =
(j) our = (k) plural marker =
(ii) Now give a rule stating the order of morphemes in which is in a Turkish word. Here are the possible class of morphemes that you could have: noun, preposition, plural marker, determiner. Your task is to give a rule that shows the order in which the morphemes are combined.
(iii) How would one say “of our little hands” in Turkish?
5. Draw a tree structure for each word. (U a parate sheet of paper.)
a. untie b. invalid c. dislike d. replaceability e. ageless白色鞋子
爱国古诗大全100首f. oversimplification g. payment h. preplan i. fastest j. reu
k. disobey l. optionality m. prettier n. mistreat o. preview
p. unhappiness
香芋派的做法Ex. revisit
re- visit