名校版高考高中英语语法详解 动词GO及其常考短语
go的意思有很多,比如,“走,离去”,例如:I want to go, but he wants to stay.我要走,但他想留下来。
go还有“以某种方式旅行”,或“像……走”的意思,比如,We’ll go by bus.我们乘公共汽车去。
吹泡泡水的制作方法go用正在进行时表示要去进行什么活动,要去干什么事情,比如,We are going swimming tomorrow afternoon.我们明天下午去游泳。
go和home构成短语go home(回家),比如,I'm going home tomorrow,我明天就要回家了。
go和after构成短语go after,表示“追逐,追求,试图赢得”,比如说,He is going after a job.他正在寻找工作。
短语go against意思是“违反,违背”,比如,We mustn't do anything that goes against the interest of the people.我们绝不能做违反人民利益的事情。
另一个特别常用的短语是go ahead。go ahead除了指“向前,前进”之外,还有一个意思是“先走,走在前面,领先”。比如,You go ahead and tell him that we are coming.你先走一步,告诉他我们就来了。The white hor now began to go ahead.白马开始领先了。
go back意思是“返回,撤回”,比如,He went back for his hat.他回去拿帽子。This bicycle is going back to the shop where I bought it.这辆自行车将退回到那家出售的商店。
常用短语go away的意思是“离开,走开”。比如,祈使句Go away and leave me in peace.走开让我安静点。
轧道王琄go和beyond构成的短语go beyond在考试中的词汇结构题或者完型填空中常常出现,意思是“超过,超越”,相当于英语的exceed。比如,The control of the children is going beyond my power.要管住这孩子实在是无能为力。
词组go in for也是一个在考试当中常常出现的短语,它的意思是“参加,加入,致力于,从
事”。比如,He went in for the mass swim across the Yangtze River.他参加了横渡长江的群众性游泳活动。They go in for technical innovations.他们致力于搞技术革新。
常见短语go on的意思是“继续走下去,先走”,比如,After a short rest they took up their knapsacks and went on.休息了一会儿之后,他们又背起背包上路了。再比如,He went on by train after the plane was grounded on account of the fog.飞机因雾停飞后他改乘火车继续前进。
另一个在考试当中经常出现的短语是go on with意思是“继续,继续进行……”,比如,The teacher told the class to go on with the exerci while he was out of the room.老师要班上的学生在他离开教室的时候继续做练习。
短语go without也是在考试频繁出现的,它的意思是“没有,没有……而将就过去”,比如,We haven't enough new tools to go around,so somebody will have to go without.我们的新工具不够分配,因此有人拿不到工具了。再比如,We had to go without hot food becau the stove was broken.炉子坏了,我们只好吃冷的东西将就过去。
Achieving the will depend, in very large measure, upon the mobilization and education of the entire population, in particular, on improving the education of girls and women who are, at once, the most educational deprived part of the population, and that with the greatest unexploited potential and talent.
He was one of a body of men who owed reverence and obeisance to no one, who were lf-reliant to a fault, who cared hardly anything for the past,but 那么那么造句who had a sharp eye for the future.