(法理、法制史)Jurisprudence, History of Legal Systems
按照法律规定:according to law
按照确定的份额分享权力:be entitled to rights in proportion to his proper share of the credit
按照确定的份额分担义务:assume obligations in proportion to his proper share of the debt
案例教学法:ca system
案例汇编:ca book; ca report; law report
被视为:be deemed as
被宣布为非法:be outlawed; be declared illegal
比较法:comparative law
比较法学:comparative jurisprudence
比较法学派:school of comparative jurisprudence
比较法制史: comparative legal history
比较分析法:method of comparative analysis
比较刑法:comparative penal law
比较刑法学:comparative penal jurisprudence
必然因果关系:positive causal relationship
边缘法学:borderline jurisprudence
变通办法:adaptation; accommodation
补充规定:supplementary provision
补救办法:remedial measures
不成文法:unwritten law
不动产所在地法律:law of the place where the real property is situated; lex loci rei immobilisci
不可分割的权利:impartible right
不可抗力 :force majuere
不履行法律义务:non-performance of obligation
不要式行为:informal act
不要因的法律行为:non-causal juristic act
不因实效而丧失的权利:imprescriptible right
不作为大麻危害:abstain from an act; act of omission
部门法:department law
参照 :consult
参照具体情况: in the light of actual conditions
参照原文: consult the original
亚里士多德: Aristotle
柏拉图: Plato
德拉古: Draco
盖尤斯: Gaius
西塞罗: Marcus Tullius Cicero
乌尔比安 Ulpianus
罗马皇帝优士丁尼一世: Justinian I
乌尔比安: Ulpianus
西塞罗: Marcus Tullius Cicero
优士丁尼皇帝: Justinian《罗马法律汇编》:Roman Digest
《民法大全》:Corpus Juris Civilis
优士丁尼法典: the Codex Justinianus
《优士丁尼民法大全》(《国法大全》):Corpus Juris Civilis
《十二表法》: Twelve Tables
拿破仑法典: The Code Napolean
《日耳曼法》:Germanic law
《教会法大全》Corpus Juris Canonici
《汉穆拉比法典》: Code of Hammurabi
《保护人权与基本自由公约》(1950) :Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, 1950 (罗)
查士丁尼法典:Code Justinian; Codex Justinianus
查士丁尼法规汇编: Authenticum
《德国民法典》:German Civil code
《大宪章》(1215) :Great Charter, 1215(英)
不浪费欧洲大陆法: continental law
南京条约: (1843) Treaty of Nanking, 1843
罗马-日耳曼法系: Roman-Germanic family
罗马私法: Jus Privatum
罗马法学派: school of Romanists
家庭法: family law
教会法: canon law魔芋种植技术
罗马法理学: jurisprudential
教会法学家 decretalists
罗马法:Roman Law; Jus Romanum
罗马法系: Roman-Law System
(古罗马的)元老院: the Senate
超出法律范围的:outside of law
超过权限: exceed authority; beyond jurisdiction
成文法: written law
冲突法: conflict of laws; rules of conflict
冲突规则: conflict rule; rule of conflict
除(本法)另有规定外: except for otherwi stipulated (by this law)
除外条款: provisory clau
除外责任条款: exclusion clau
触犯公共利益: encroach on the public interests
触犯国际利益: go against the state’s interests
触犯人民利益: encroach on the interests of the people; go against the people’s interests
传统法律观念: traditional ideas of law
纯粹法学: pure theory of law
次要法规: by law
次要规则: condary rule
从宽解释原则: doctrine of liberal construction
从权利: accessory right
达到法定年龄: come of age
大法: the fundamental law
大法官: Lord High Chancellor
大陪审团 grand jury
大法官法院:Court of Chancery
大陆法系: Continental Legal System
大律师: barrister
《大明律》:Criminal Law of the Ming Dynasty (中)
《大清律例》:the Criminal Laws of the Qing Dynasty (中)
单行法规: specific regulations
单一法律体系: unitary legal system
单一制政府: unitary government
但书: proviso
当代法学动向:current trend of jurisprudence
当然解释: natural interpretation
党纪国法:party discipline and the law of the country苹果榨汁
道德规范:norm of morality
道德义务: moral obligation
第二读: cond reading
第三读: third reading
二元论:the dualistic theory
二元君主立宪制: dual constitutional monarchy system
二元论: the dualistic theory
二元制: bicameral system
法的本质: the nature of law
法的变化:changes of law
法的定义:definition of law
法的发展:development of law
法的分类: divisions of law
法律概念: legal concept
法的概念: concepts of law
法的规范作用:normalized usage of law
法的继承:succession of law
清凯h法律的理想:ideal of law
法律的权威: authority of law
法律的失效:lap of law
法律的实施:administration of law; law enforcement
法律的适用:application of law
法律的统一: unification of law
法律的推定: presumption of law
法律的推理: analogy of law
法律的完整性: integrity of law
法律的效力范围: force’s scale of law
法律的效力形式: force’s form of law
法律的修改朱子治家格言全文:alteration of law
法律的演进: evolutin of law
法律的原理: principle of law
法律地位平等:equal in legal status
法律对人的效力:personal act of law
编纂法律方法: legal methodology
法律分类: classification of law
法律赋予权力: authority conferred by law
法律改革: law reform
法律根据: legal basis
法律工作者: legal professional
法律关系:legal relation
法律关系的运行: process of legal relation
善良的姨子法律关系客体: object of legal relation