1.My friend was on his way home from work __b___ he noticed a woman standing in the parking lot looking very worried.
b. when
c. becau
d. so
2.The minister said that it was important that instructions ___a__ evolve and glow so the true will of the people can be reflected in the government.
b. would
c. must
d. need
3.According to the WWF’s projections, by 2050 humans __c___ from 180 to 220 percent of the earth’s biological capacity.
a.will consume
b. will be consume
c. will have consumed
d. will be consumed
4.I’m afraid that we have no alternative but _c them the truth.
b. telling
c. to tell
d. would tell
5.Many people still haven’t heard the new message __b___ exerci can help people with arthritis.
b. that
c. which
d. the
6.A recent study suggests that caffeine _c____ blood pressure to unhealthy levels when taken in stressful situations.
a.should push
b. push
c. can push
d. must push
7.One of the earliest sciences _a___ was astronomy.
b. emerging
c. to emerge
d. having emerged
8.Where did you get tho wonderful plates of _c____ ?
b. your
c. yours
9.__a___ the flood two years ago, they would not have been reduced to beggars.
a.But for
b. Becau of
c. Due to
d. With
10.Rearch shows that the earlier hearing loss is identified and treatment begun, __a___ of preventing or reducing the disabling effects.
a.the greater the likelihood 可能性
b.is the greater the likelihood
c.the greater is the likelihood
d.the likelihood the greater
11.Under no circumstances ___c__ trade in her old doll.
体积计算器b. she will
c. will she
d. she is to
12.___a__ that they refud to say a word.
a.So scared the girls were
b.Such scared girls were
c.So scared were the girls
d.So were the girls scared
13.The school head master __d___ the importance of evaluation of students’ progress.
a.Emphasized on
b. emphasized
c. stresd on
d. analyzed about
14.__a___ goods, rvices and houhold aids, brought on by the country’s concentration on heavy industry, affected women much more than men.
a.Lacking in
b. Lack in
c. The lack of
d. For lack of
牛肉配啥菜包饺子好吃15.Introducing onlf is an important part of establishing __c___ with one’s students.
b. rapport
c. harmony
d. connection
16.Nonverbal communication __d____ the information, attitudes, or feelings that we communicate to others without using words.
a.prefers to
b. defines as
c. refers to
d. associates with
17.Over many centuries, the Silk and Spice Routes, two of the greatest trade routes in our history, _b___ their way across Asia, linking its people and tho of Europe.
b. wove
c. won
地都d. would
18.Developments in ship design and construction methods came about in _b___ to challenges encountered in trading ever farther afield.
b. respon
c. contrast
d. agreement
19.The art of writing has enabled people to make b_____ records of their achievements and culture.
b. pertinent
c. prominent
d. personal
20.Patiently and persistently, man learned his art by ___c__, passing on his specialized knowledge over thousands of years by example and word of mouth.
a.effort and failure
b. attempt and mistake
c. trial and error
d. hard work
and luck
1.Chris left school three hours ago, so he __a___ by now.
a.must have arrived
b. could arrive
c. will arrive
d. ought to arrive
2.If you had followed my advice you __c___ much better now.
a.are feeling
b. will be feeling
c. would feel
d. must feel
3.Such beginnings and his flair for showmanship, c_____ a career in entertainment or politics, but Zeiger’s first choice was to be a writer.
a.having led to
b. had led to
c. might have led to
d. led to
4.Chuck’s career change happened to coincide __b____ an even more important development: his wedding to Sherry.
b. with
c. against
d. to
qq音乐怎么下载5.My friend’s husband, Ray, is a state trooper and enjoys sharing the excus people u ___b_.
a.when stopped for speeding
b.when they stopped to speed黑龙江工程大学
c.when stopping for speeding
d.when stopped to speed
6.I’d rather pay his fine for him than __b___ him go to prison.
< let
b. let
c. letting
d. will let
7.They want to camp in my garden but I’d rather they _c____ by the river.
a.will camp背投广告
b. camped
c. camp
d. to camp
8.Joe usually has a pub lunch, but his wife would prefer him _a____ home for a meal.
< come
b. come
c. came
d. would come
9.This kind of practice should _____b.
a.be done away
b. be done away with
c. be done with
d. do away with
10.When I consulted the dean of the biology department, he advid __a___ at once.
< to apply
b. for me to apply
c. for my applying
d. me should apply
隔行填充颜色11.Don’t you remember the shop owner recommended __b___ the big tins.
< buy
b. buying
c. for buying
d. buy
12.Once your own introduction is ready, nd a copy to __d___ is running the meeting where you will be speaking.
a.he who
b. who
c. whomever
d. the person
13.Later the director suggested that my brother __d___ the entrance examination, and my parents signed me up to take it as well.
b. needed to take
c. would take
d. took
14.Certain aspects of motivation may _d____ be expresd in terms of simple physiological reflexes.
a.some day
b. some days
c. some time
d. some way
15.This report has generated _a____ interest and additional work on the role of environmental education.
b. considerate
c. a great deal
d. concerning