1.格斗项目:combat(ive) [fighting] sports
2.拳击运动:boxing; pugilism; sweet science
3.散手:sanshou; free sparring
6.泰拳:Thai boxing; Muay Thai
8.赤拳格斗:bare-knuckle fighting
9.拳斗:fist fight; fisticuffs
10.业余拳击比赛:amateur boxing
11.职业拳击比赛:pro(fessional)boxing; prizefighting
12.拳王争霸赛:title bout
13.世界拳击协会:World Boxing Association (WBA)
14.世纪拳击理事会:World Boxing Council (WBC)
囟门凹陷是什么原因15.国际拳击联合会:International Boxing Federation (IBF)
16.拳击手[运动员]boxer; fighter; pugilist
17.业余拳击手:amateur boxer
18.职业拳击手:professional boxer; (prize) fighter; scrapper
19.拳王:boxing champion
20.进攻型拳击手:offensive boxer
21.防卫型拳击手:defensive boxer
23.猛冲猛打的拳击手: slugger; puncher
24.菜花耳(耳朵受伤后变形): cauliflower ear
25.左撇子(基本姿势中左手在后): southpaw
26.水平不高的拳击手: potato can; ham-and-egger
27.不堪一击的拳击手: glass jaw
28.拳击教练: boxing coach; handler
29.台边指导: ringside instruction
30.拳击陪练: sparring partner; training opponent
31.辅导员;助手: cond
32.第一辅导员: chief cond
33.第二辅导员: assistant cond
34.台上裁判员: referee
35.台下[评分]裁判员:judge; ringside official
36.推广人: promoter
37.场(包括若干回合): match; bout; fight
38.回合: round
39.体重分级: weight division [category; classification]
40.最大体重: weight limit
41.手套检查: glove inspection
破脑袋42.裁判员口令:referee’s command
43.分开: break; parate; dingage; dintangle
44.三次击倒规则: three-knockdown rule
45.数秒: count
46.强制性数8:standing-eight count
47.数完10秒: full count
48.被击倒后数10不起: counted out; down and out; take the count
49.绝对胜利(对手数10不起): knock-out
50.侥幸脱险(数秒不到10鸣锣停止比赛): narrow escape
51.击败对手: outbox; outclass
52.击倒获胜: win by a knockout
53.技术击倒[获胜]: technical knockout (TKO)
54.分数超过对方: outpoint
55.得分获胜: win by decision [on points]
56.10分获胜利: ten-point must system
57.20分获胜利: twenty-point must system
58.裁判员宣布停止比赛: referee stops contest
59.裁判员叫停获胜:win by “referee stops contest”
60.因对方弃权而获胜: win by retirement
61.因对方未出场而获胜: win by walkover (abnce)
62.胜局: winning round
63.金腰带: gold (champion) belt
64.犯规拳: foul blow
65.腰下拳: low blow; hit below the belt
66.肾部拳: kidney blow
67.击后背: hit on the back
68.击后脑勺: rabbit punch; hit on the back of neck
69.拳背击人: backhander; backhand swing
70.开掌打击: open blow; hit with open gloves
71.用手掌部位击打: hit with the inside of glove
72.以肘击人: elbow blow
73.头撞: headbutting
74.肩撞: hit with the shoulder
75.膝顶: kneeing
76.踢: kick
77.推: push
78.卡脖子: throttle; stranglehold
79.咬人: biting
80.贴靠对方:lean on one’s opponent
81.抱着打: hold and hit
82.拉住对方打: pull and hit
83.击打倒地对手: hit opponent when he is down
84.拳击技术:boxing skill; ringcraft
85.基本站立姿势:fundamental stance
梦见去相亲86.前边的手臂: guarding [leading]arm
87.后边的手臂: striking hand
88.摆好姿势: square away
89.防守姿势: on guard
90.膝部略弯身体前倾的姿势: crouch
91.拳: fist; clenched hand
92.臂长: reach
93.拳头打击面: knocking surface of the fist
94.出拳: deliver [land]a punch
95.出拳过短: short
96.出拳过远: overreach
97.击打: punch; blow; strike
98.打击力量: punching [hitting] power
99.重拳: hard [heavy] blow; smash; swipe; thump; sock
100.决定性打击: decision blow
101.最厉害的一击: Sunday punch
102.击中要害的两拳: navy double punch
103.企图击倒对方的重拳: haymaker
104.互击: crisscross; double counter; trade [exchange] blows
105.难分难解: deadlock
106.基本拳法: basic [fundamental] blows
107.左手拳: left
108.右手拳: right
109.直拳: straight (blow)
110.左直拳: straight left
111.右直拳: straight right
112.短直拳: short straight
113.刺拳: jab
114.钩拳: hook
115.上钩拳: uppercut; hook up; bolo punch
116.长钩拳: long hook
117.短钩拳: short hook
118.短上钩拳: short uppercut
119.侧钩拳: side hook
120.平钩拳: flat hook
121.摆(横)拳: swing; roundhou; round-arm blow
122.侧击: sidewinder; glancing blow
123.钻[螺旋]拳:corkscrew blow
124.捶打: hammer blow
125.向下击拳: chop; downward punch
126.上下交替拳: high-low
127.一、二连击:one-two (punch)
128.跟进拳: follow blow
129.转身击打:pivot blow
130.组合 [连续]拳: combination [rial] blows
131.开始拳: lead; leading-off blow
133.虚拳: fake flow
134.击头部的拳: nobber
135.击脸部的拳: facer
136.下巴拳:chin punch
137.拇指击眼部gouge; thumb
138.眼部青肿:black eye; mou; shiner
139.击胸部的拳:heart blow
140.击胃部的拳:solar plexus blow
141.击空:mispunch; miss blow
142.击中:hit; connect
146.拳击手痴呆症(因头部被重击引起):punch drunkenness;
pugilistica dementia