Effects of temperature and relative humidity on growth and calcium uptake, translocation, and accumulation in sorghum 1
期刊名称: journal of plant nutrition
成人练字作者: H.M. Murtadha,J.W. Maranville,R.B. Clark,M.D. Clegg睡前泡脚的好处
年份: 2008年
期号: 第5期
关键词: minerales, temperature ambiante, calcio, calcium, transport des
substances nutritives, temperatura ambiental, carence minerale, valeur nutritive, sorghum bicolor, mineraux, disponibilidad de nutrientes, humedad relativa,周末随笔
半信半疑teneur en elements mineraux, humidite relative, transporte de nutrientes,
absorption de substances nutritives, temperatura del aire, absorcion de花千骨2
sustancias nutritivas, valor nutritivo, temperature de l'air, contenido mineral, disponibilite d'element nutr
itif, deficiencia de minerales
摘要:Differences in temperature or relative humidity may partially explain some of the visual appearances of calcium (Ca) deficiency disorders found in sorghum [ Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] plants grown in controlled conditions. Independent temperature and relative humidity (R.H.) experiments were conducted using Redlan and Martin sorghum genotypes grown in three identical growth chambers with temperature treatments of 21/16, 28/23, and 35/30°C or R.H. regimes of 30, 60, and 90% at nutrient solution Ca levels of 25, 50, and 300 mg Ca L1. Calcium deficiency symptoms appeared on plants grown with the lowest Ca level at each temperature or R.H. Symptoms became progressively more vere as the temperature incread and were most vere at 60% R.H. The verity of deficiency was higher in Redlan than Martin in the R.H. experiment, 社会生物学