系统解剖习题 第四部分 腹部

更新时间:2023-06-21 13:02:00 阅读: 评论:0

第四部分  腹部
A、有明显的节段性  B、第6肋间神经分布于剑突平面  C、第9肋间神经分布于脐平面 
D 脐以上是第10肋间神经分布  E、耻骨联合上缘是肋下神经分布
A、左、右腹直肌鞘是相通的  B、鞘外侧缘构成弓状线  C、鞘的前、后层在正中线融合形成(腹)白线 
D、鞘的前层是腹外斜肌腱膜  E、鞘的后层是腹内斜肌腱膜
A、腹股沟韧带内侧半、腹直肌内侧缘和腹壁下动脉 B、腹股沟韧带外侧半、腹直肌外侧缘和腹壁下动脉 C、腹股沟韧带内侧半、腹直肌外侧缘和腹壁下动脉 D、(腹)白线、腹股沟镰和两侧髂前上棘的连线 E、半月线、腹壁下动脉和两侧髂前上棘的连线
A、生殖股神经的股支  B、髂腹下神经  C、髂腹股沟神经  D、阴部神经的生殖支  E、闭孔神经的生殖支
A、精索外筋膜来自腹外斜肌的腱膜  B、精索外筋膜来自腹内斜肌的腱膜  C、菲薄的提睾肌来自腹内斜肌的肌纤维 
D、精索内筋膜来自腹内斜肌筋膜  E、精索内筋膜来自腹膜下筋膜
A、胃冠状静脉注入幽门前静脉  B、胃右静脉注入脾静脉  C、胃左静脉可注入脾静脉 
D、胃短静脉直接注入肝门静脉  E、胃网膜左、右静脉均注入肠系膜上静脉
A、右半肝膈面借膈与右肋膈隐窝和右肺底相邻  B、右半肝脏面与横结肠系膜相邻  C、左半肝膈面借膈与左肺底相邻   
D、肝左纵沟后缘与腹主动脉相邻  E、左半肝脏面与胃贲门及胃底相邻
A、肝动脉、脾动脉和胃左动脉的分支  B、肝门静脉、肝动脉和胆管的各级分支C、肝静脉、肝动脉和肝管的各级分支 
D、肠系膜上静脉、脾静脉和肝门静脉的属支  E、肝动脉、胰动脉和胆管的各级分支
A、长轴与第9肋一致  B、后上端平第8肋上缘  C、前下端相当于腋前线 
D、膈面接触膈与膈结肠韧带  E、肝面邻近胃大弯与结肠左曲
A、有2个生理性狭窄部  B、位于腹膜后隙  C、全长分为腹部和盆部二段 
D、成人长约1520 cm  E、在精索内血管(卵巢血管)的前面下行
A、属腹膜内位器官  B、左肾上腺内侧缘与下腔静脉相邻  C、右肾上腺内侧缘与下腔静脉相邻  D、其血液供应很差 
12、关于腹膜后间隙,下列哪项是正确的(    淡妆
A、位于腹后侧壁腹膜与腹横筋膜之间  B、上方至横结肠平面  C、下达骶岬、骨盆上口处 
D、与盆腔腹膜后间隙不相通  E、内有肾、肾上腺、十二指肠上部等重要结构
A、位于腹直肌的外侧缘    B、位于腹直肌鞘的外侧缘    C、半月线是腹直肌鞘后层缺如形成   
D、是腹直肌鞘前、后层融合形成    E、由腹内、外斜肌和腹横肌腱膜组成
14、髂前上棘无下列哪项附着(    写秋天的诗句)塞班岛战役
A、腹股沟韧带  B、阔筋膜张肌  C、缝匠肌  D、腹外斜肌的腱膜怎么挽回  E、腹股沟管浅环的内侧脚
A、腹直肌的外侧缘为半月线  B、腹前正中线的深面有腹白线    C、脐一般平第23腰椎之间  D、右肋弓与锁骨中线的交点处相当胆囊底的体表投影  E、在体表无论男女均可触及髂前上棘
A、第7肋间神经分布于剑突平面  B、第10肋间神经分布于脐平面  C、第1腰神经分布于腹股沟韧带的上方 
A、精索(子宫圆韧带)  B、髂腹股沟神经  C、生殖股神经生殖支  D、髂腹下神经  E、输精管动脉
A、腹横肌  B、腹横筋膜  C、腹内斜肌  D、腹内斜肌腱膜  E、腹外斜肌腱膜
A、胆囊管  B、胆囊  C、副胰管  D、肝总管  E、胆总管
A、位于肝隔面与膈之间  B、向两侧延伸成左、右三角韧带  C、借镰状韧带分左、右两部分 
D、冠状韧带右侧部前、后两层之间形成肝裸区  E、左三角韧带向下延伸为肝胃韧带
A、脏面左纵沟前部有肝圆韧带  B、脏面右纵沟前部有胆囊窝  C、第一肝门有肝管、肝动脉和肝静脉出入 
D、第一肝门位于脏面的横沟处  E、膈面接触膈,故肝脓肿可能穿破膈进胸腔
A、肝固有动脉从动轮  B、肝静脉  C、肝总管  D、肝的神经  E、肝的淋巴管
A、肝左、右管在前,汇合点紧贴肝门  B、肝固有动脉左、右支居中,分叉点远离肝门 
C、肝门静脉在后,左、右支分叉点比肝左、右管汇合点稍低 D、肝固有动脉的分叉点一般相当于胆囊管与肝总管汇合处的水平  E、肝门静脉居中,肝固有动脉左、右支在肝门静脉左、右支的后方
A、一般位于右髂窝内  B、其根部附于盲肠后内侧壁  C3条结肠带汇合于阑尾根部 
D、属腹膜内位器官  E、小儿的阑尾壁肌层比成人厚
A、肾段动脉为终动脉  B、肾段动脉为三级分支  C、肾上段动脉分布于肾上端
D、肾后段动脉供应肾的全部后面  E、肾下段动脉分布于肾下端
26The usual location for an appendectomy incision is the
a) left lower quadrant  b) left upper quadrant  c) right lower quadrant  d) right upper quadrant  e) All of the above
27The inferior border of the rectus sheath posteriorly is called the
a) Falx inguinalis  b) Inguinal ligament  c) Internal inguinal ring  d) Arcuate line  e) Linea alba悟是什么意思
28A medical student was asked by her preceptor to palpate the margin of the superficial inguinal ring of a healthy male patient. After passing her finger down the edge of the medial crus of the superficial inguinal ring, she felt a bony protuberance deep to the medial edge of the spermatic cord, which she correctly identified as the
a) pecten pubis  b) pubic symphysis  c) pubic tubercle  d) iliopubic eminence  e) iliopectineal line
29You were asked to assist in a surgical operation on a young patient to treat an ulcer in the first part of the duodenum. You would expect that the surgeon will approach the ulcer by doing an anterior abdominal wall incision in the following region
a) Epigastric  b) Left inguinal  c) Left lumbar  d) Right hypochondrial  e) Hypogastric
30Following an emergency appendectomy your patient complained of having paraesthesia (numbness) of the skin at the pubic region. The most likely nerve that has been injured during the operation is
a) Genitofemoral  b) Iliohypogastric  c) Subcostal  d) Spinal nerve T10  e) Spinal nerve T9
31An obstetrician decides to do a Caesarean ction on a 25-year-old pregnant woman. A transver suprapubic incision is chon for that purpo. All of the following abdominal wall layers will be encountered during the incision EXCEPT the
a) Anterior rectus sheath  b) Posterior rectus sheath  c) Rectus abdominus muscle  d) Skin and subcutaneous tissue
e) Transversalis fascia, extraperitoneal fat, and peritoneum
32 In order to reduce a hernia (return it to the abdominal cavity), a surgeon finds it necessary to ligate an artery in the extraperitoneal connective tissue (preperitoneal fat) running vertically just medial to the bowel as the bowel pass through the abdominal wall. This artery is the
a) Deep circumflex iliac  b) Inferior epigastric  c) Superficial circumflex iliac  d) Superficial epigastric
e) Superficial external pudendal
33The posterior layer of the rectus sheath ends inferiorly at the
a) Arcuate line  b) Intercrestal line  c) Linea alba  d) Pectineal line  e) Semilunar line
34 Surgical approaches to the abdomen sometimes necessitate a midline incision between the two rectus sheaths, i.e., through the
a) Linea aspera  b) Arcuate line  c) Semilunar line  d) Iliopectineal line  e) Linea alba
35The internal thoracic artery is sometimes surgically cut near the caudal end of the sternum and ud to supply blood to a region of the heart. In the cas, maintenance of adequate blood flow to the rectus abdominis may be dependent on incread flow through which artery?
a) Superficial epigastric  b) Inferior epigastric  c) Umbilical  d) Superficial circumflex iliac  e) Deep circumflex iliac
36 During a laproscopic examination of the deep surface of the lower anterior abdominal wall (using a lighted scope on a thin tube inrted through the wall), the attending physician noted something of interest and asked the young resident to look at t
he medial inguinal fossa. To do so, the young doctor would have to look at the area between the
a) inferior epigastric artery and urachus  b) obliterated umbilical artery and urachus  c) inferior epigastric artery and lateral umbilical fold  d) obliterated umbilical artery and inferior epigastric artery  e) median umbilical ligament and medial umbilical ligament
37If one were to make an incision parallel to and 2 inches above the inguinal ligament, one would find the inferior epigastric vesls between which layers of the abdominal wall?
a) Camper’s and Scarpa’s fascias  b) External abdominal oblique and internal abdominal oblique muscles
c) Internal abdominal oblique and transversus abdominis muscles  d) Skin and deep fascia of the abdominal wall
e) Tranversus abdominis muscle and peritoneum
38A man is moving into a new hou and during the process lifts a large chest of drawers. As he lifts he feels a vere pain in the lower right quadrant of his abdomen. He
finds that he can no longer lift without pain and the next day goes to e his physician. Surgery is indicated and during the surgery the surgeon opens the inguinal region and finds a hernial sac with a small knuckle of intestine projecting through the abdominal wall just above the inguinal ligament and lateral to the inferior epigastric vesls. The hernia was diagnod as
a) A congenital inguinal hernia  b) A direct inguinal hernia  c) A femoral hernia 

本文发布于:2023-06-21 13:02:00,感谢您对本站的认可!



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