“A ”表达⽅式
英语中有⼀种结构⾮常简单且⾮常实⽤的表达⽅式,它就是“a man of +名词”,通常表⽰“……的⼈,……者,……家”。如果我们在英语学习中能掌握和应⽤这些表达,不仅可提⾼我们的⼝语和书⾯表达⽔平,⽽且可避免表达的单⼀性。
a man of ability有才能(能⼒)的⼈
a man of action活动家,实⼲家
新西兰教育a man of business (商业上或法律上的)⼈
儿童涂鸦画图片a man of character 有个性的⼈;有⾻⽓的⼈
a man of determination 有决断⼒的⼈
a man of eminence有卓越成就的⼈;地位显赫的⼈,位居⾼位的⼈
a man of faith 有信念的⼈
碳酸钙d3咀嚼片a man of few words沉默寡⾔的⼈,少⾔寡语的⼈
a man of fortune 有运⽓的⼈,运⽓好的⼈
a man of genius 有才华的⼈,有天才的⼈
a man of great depth深沉的⼈
a man of high principle有⾼度道德原则的⼈
a man of his hands有⼿艺的⼈
a man of honour品德⾼尚的⼈
a man of ideas 主意很多的⼈
a man of impul 易冲动的⼈
a man of influence有势⼒的⼈,有权势的⼈
a man of intellect有才智的⼈
a man of iron意志坚强的⼈;严酷⽆情的⼈
a man of iron will有钢铁般意志的⼈
a man of letters⽂学家,⽂⼈,作家;学者
a man of many abilities有多⽅⾯才能的⼈
a man of many talents⾮常有才能的⼈
a man of many words话多的⼈
a man of mark 名⼈,显要⼈物
a man of means(财产;收⼊)有钱⼈
a man of moral integrity 有道德的⼈
a man of mould(终要⼊⼟的)凡⼈
小微企业所得税优惠政策a man of no importance⽆名⼩卒,⽆名之辈
a man of one’s word守信的⼈,说话算数的⼈,有信⽤的⼈
a man of opinions有见解的⼈
a man of parts有才华的⼈,有才⼲的⼈
a man of passion有激情的⼈,有热情的⼈
a man of principle有道义的⼈
a man of probity诚实的⼈,正直的⼈
a man of promi讲信⽤的⼈,说话算数的⼈
a man of property有产者
a man of resource⾜智多谋的⼈;机智的⼈
a man of robust health⾝体强壮的⼈
a man of science科学家
a man of sophistication⽼于世故的⼈
a man of sorrow悲伤的⼈
a man of straitened means经济困难的⼈
a man of straw稻草⼈;假想的对⼿;(在⾮法交易等中)被⼈⽤作挡箭牌的⼈
a man of strength有⼒⽓的⼈;有实⼒的⼈
a man of substance有财产的⼈
a man of the right kidney (性格,脾⽓)好的⼈
a man of the world深通世故的⼈
a man of thrift and benevolence节俭⽽乐善好施的⼈
a man of varied powers多才多艺的⼈ a man of wealth富⼈
a man of will有意志的⼈ a man of wisdom智者
1.a man of will有意志的⼈/a man of iron will有钢铁般意志的⼈/a man of strong will有坚强意志的⼈
2.a man of determination有决断⼒的⼈/a man of great determination⾮常有决断⼒的⼈/a man of iron determination有钢铁般决⼼的⼈
3.a man of influenec有权势的⼈/a man of great influence很有权势的⼈
4.a man of talents有才能的⼈/a man of many talents⾮常有才能的⼈
5.a man of strength有⼒⽓的⼈/a man of great strength⼒⽓⼤的⼈
6.a man of opinions有见解的⼈/a man of t opinions有固定见解的⼈
“a man of ...”表达⽤来描述男性,描述⼥性使⽤“a woman of ...”,如a woman of letters(⼥作家,⼥⽂⼈;⼥学者)、a woman of the world(深通世故的⼥⼈)等。
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