
更新时间:2023-06-21 09:33:19 阅读: 评论:0

1.fervent: having or showing very strong feelings about sth.热情的,热切的,热烈的    ~belief热诚的信念
2.replacement: a person or thing that will take the place of sb./sth.接替者,代替物;替换,更换
3.thrilling: 令人激动的;令人毛骨悚然的;震颤的
4.sinus: one of the spaces in the bones of your face that are connected to your no鼻窦  ~infection鼻窦感染
5.vaporizer: a device that vaporizes substances, esp. for medicinal inhalation喷雾器
6.stiff: not relaxed or friendly; formal拘谨的,一本正经的;僵硬的;不易弯曲的;难以应付的
7.slick: clever at persuading people but perhaps not completely honest圆滑的,花言巧语的
8.travesty: a grotesque misreprentation or imitation滑稽模仿;歪曲,嘲弄
9.decadence: behavior, attitudes, etc. that show low moral standards堕落;颓废    decadent a. 堕落的
10.excrement: the solid waste material that you get rid of when you go to the toilet粪便  faeces【同义】
11.flunk: to fail (an examination, etc.)通不过(考试等)
12.bootlick: 巴结,奉承
13.valedictorian: N. Amer. A person who gives a farewell address, esp. the highest-ranking member of a graduating class【北美】致告别辞的毕业生代表
14.trig: colloq. trigonometry【口】三角学 
16.rich: (of an incident or asrtion, etc.) highly amusing or ridiculous; outrageous(事情或声明等)滑稽可笑的,荒唐的
17.phalanx: a t of people etc. forming a compact mass, or banded for a common purpo密集的人群;(为共同目标)聚集在一起的人群
18.pubescence: the time when puberty begins青春期开始时期
19.daring: adventurous, bold; prepared to take risks冒险的;大胆的
20.fester: to become infected(指伤口)化脓;to become more unpleasant becau you do not deal with it successfully变得更难堪或痛苦什么药补肾好
21.weakling: a feeble person or animal瘦弱的人;弱小的动物
22.hymnal: a hymn-book赞美诗集
23.stanza: a group of lines in a repeated pattern that form a unit in some types of poem诗节
24.invincible: unconquerable; that cannot be defeated不可征服的;不能战胜的
25.iota: the smallest possible amount极少量
26.daffodil: a tall yellow flower that grows in the spring黄水仙
27.alum: (colloq.) short for alumnus, a former student of a school【口】校友
28.hash: a hot dish of meat mixed together with potato and fried肉末土豆泥煎饼
29.cond: to support sb’s suggestion or idea at a meeting so that it can then be discusd and voted on附和
30.jerk: a fool; a stupid person【俚语】蠢人,笨蛋
31.metre: the arrangement of strong and weak stress in lines of poetry that produces the rhythm(诗歌等的)韵律
32.bandstand: a covered outdoor platform for a band to play on, usu. in a park室外音乐台(通常在公园)
33.rip: to tear or be torn quickly and suddenly(猛力)撕,撕破,扯
34.perforate: to make a hold in sth.在…上开孔、穿孔或打洞
35.savor: appreciate and enjoy the taste of 品尝,欣赏
36.recur: to happen again or many times再发生,重演
37.unfetter: relea from a shackle给…除去枷锁;使自由;解放
38.amnesia: loss of memory记忆缺失,健忘症
39.demerit: a quality or action derving blame; a fault缺点,过失
40.swoon: faint; fall into a fainting-fit, esp. from excitement昏厥;(尤指兴奋过度造成的)晕厥
41.swamp: an area of soft wet land沼泽
42.rout: riot, tumult, disturbance混乱,骚动,喧嚣
43.intermission: a short period of time parating the parts of a film, play, etc.中场休息
44.raisin: a dried grape, ud in cakes, etc.葡萄干
45.demented: mad, crazy发狂的,精神错乱的
46.一年级手工作品abode: the place where you live住处
47.revel: have a good time; be extravagantly festive作乐,狂欢
二十年以后48.derision: ridicule; mockery 嘲笑,嘲弄
49.twerp: slang. A stupid or objectionable person【俚语】笨蛋;讨厌的家伙
50.moro: bad-tempered, and not saying much to other people脾气坏的,孤僻的
51.amoeba: a very small living creature that consists of only one cell变形虫
52.canine: connected with dogs与狗有关;似犬的
53.crudités: 蔬菜色拉
54.parfait: a rich iced pudding of whipped cream, eggs, etc.奶油蛋冻糕
55.resign: to accept sth. that is unpleasant but that you can not change听任,听天由命
56.lemming: 旅鼠
57.tryout: 公开面试,选拔赛
58.audition: a short performance by a singer, actor, etc. to find out if he/she is good enough to be in a play, show, etc.试演,试唱
it服务管理>鹅不食59.cesspool: an underground container for the temporary storage of liquid waste or wage污水池,化粪池
60.devotee: a person who likes sb./sth. very much仰慕者,爱好者,热心者
61.undaunted: still enthusiastic and determined, despite difficulties or disappointment百折不挠的,无畏的
62.scaffold: a platform on which criminals were killed in past times by hanging断头台,绞刑架
63.muzzle: the open end of a gun where the bullets come out枪口,炮口
64.nonchalance: being calm and casual, unmoved, unexcited, indifferent漠不关心,无动于衷,若无其事
绿芽65.henceforth: (written) from now on; in future从今以后;今后
66.puck: a mischievous or evil spirite喜欢恶作剧的小精灵
67.contentment: a feeling of happy satisfaction满意,满足
68.barbaric: very cruel and violent十分残酷的,残暴的

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