1. His spectacles caught the light so that you could e nothing human behind them. There was no possibility of communication.
The teacher’s glass caught the light and therefore the boy could not e the teacher’s eyes. He could not have any eye contact. He could not have any communication with him. The implied meaning of this ntence is that they could not communicate, not becau of this but becau of the teacher’s lack of understanding of the boy.
2. Mr. Houghton was given to high-minded monologues about the good life, xless and full of duty.
Obviously in Mr. Houghton’s clean life, there is no place for alcoholic drink, x, and other worldly pleasures. This is, of cour, ironical.
3.She claimed that the Bible was literally inspired. I countered by saying that the Catholics believed in the literal inspiration of Saint Jerome’s Vulgate and the two books were different. Argument flagged
“Both Methodists and Catholics believed that their Books are a true record of the God’s divine plan.” The author ud this example to defy Ruth’s illogical opinion, therefore the argument became dull becau Ruth didn’t know how to respond to it.天下乌鸦
4. It was Ruth all over again. I had some very good friends who stood by me, and still do. But my acquaintances vanished, taking the girls with them
What had happened to Ruth and me now happened again. My grade-two thinking frightened away many of my acquaintances.
5. Their common-n reaction to this state of affairs is to conclude that one historian is right while the other is wrong
When a person is faced with this kind of situation, the normal, practical respon will be that one historian is right whereas the other is wrong.
6. Obviously they cannot know everything for the simple reason that not every event, every happening, was fully and completely recorded.
曰记怎么写Many events and happenings were not recorded or fully and completely recorded becau people at the time did not have the time, energy, interest or the necessary means. Often they were not recorded becau they were considered too trivial, too embarrassing, or too dangerous to be known. Many records have also been distorted, lost, or destroyed in fire, flood, war or through decay . That is why historians have such a formidable task.
7. Therefore the historian can only approximate history at best. No one can ever claim to have concluded the quest
Therefore the best the historian can do is to get as near as possible to the historical truth. But no one can ever boast that he/she has completed this arch. It goes on for ever.
8. The choice as to which fact to u is bad on a theory—admittedly, in this ca a rather crude theory, but a theory nonetheless
The choice concerning which fact to u is bad on a theory. I am willing to concede that the theory ud here is unrefined, yet it is still a theory
9. It is the mere “parroting” of ideas picked up by chance and adopted as our own without question. Most people, most of the time, are mere parrots
Most people, most of the time, are mere parrots. They simply echo, or repeat others’ ideas without question.
10. An assumed or dogmatic proposition which had been universally accepted as “obvious”; and which, when challenged, was supported by reference to a dogma of Aristotle. Until Galileo actually demonstrated the contrary, nothing could have emed more beyond possibility or doubt
It was a proposition that had been universally accepted as an obvious truth. Whenever it was challenged, it would be proved true with the strong support of Aristotle’s theory, one of the most firmly held dogmas. It would never be questioned or doubted if there was no Galileo who proved that the contrary was true by means of a demonstration.
11. Other beliefs are held through lf-interest. Modern psychology leaves us no ro
om for doubt on this point. We adopt and cling to some beliefs becau—or partly becau—it “pays” us to do so
We hold and cling to some beliefs merely becau it is in our interest to believe them. Modern psychology has already proved this point, and as a result, there is nothing to doubt.
12. 江以南Indeed, he would probably be highly indignant if told of what anyone familiar with modern psychology can recognize so plainly
He would surely feel furious if someone told him a plain fact that he had held some beliefs through lf-interest, which anyone who is familiar with modern psychology can recognize very easily.
13.纹身手指 There is many a man who is unconsciously compelled to cling to a belief becau he is a “somebody” in some circle—and if he were to abandon that belief, he would find himlf nobody at all. (Para. 15)飞机什么位置好