1Global Change Biology Bioenergy 4.849Q1
2Agronomy for Sustainable Development 4.263Q1
3Industrial Crops and Products 4.191Q1
扁桃体化脓吃什么药4Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 4.189Q1
5Postharvest Biology and Technology 3.927Q1
6Theoretical and Applied Genetics 3.926Q1
7Field Crops Rearch 3.868Q1
8Advances in Agronomy 3.600Q1
9Agricultural Water Management 3.542Q1
10Rice 3.513Q1
11European Journal of Agronomy 3.384Q1
12Plant and Soil 3.259Q1
13Pest Management Science 3.255Q1
14Crop Journal 3.179Q1
15Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 2.960Q1
16Plant Pathology 2.493Q1隘口
17Irrigation Science 2.440Q1
18Rice Science 2.370Q1
19Agronomy-Bal 2.259Q1
19Agronomy-Bal 2.259Q1 20Crop Protection 2.172Q1 21Experimental Agriculture 2.089Q1 22Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 2.057Q1 23Weed Science 2.000Q2 24Phytopathologia Mediterranea 1.974Q2 25Molecular Breeding 1.862Q2 26Weed Rearch 1.857Q2 27Grass and Forage Science 1.814Q2 28Agronomy Journal 1.805Q2 29Agroforestry Systems 1.792Q2 30European Journal of Plant Pathology 1.744Q2 31Breeding Science 1.743Q2 32Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 1.731Q2 33Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 1.681Q2 34Crop Science 1.644Q2 35Euphytica 1.527Q2 36Plant Protection Science 1.464Q2 37Weed Technology 1.384Q2 38Plant Soil and Environment 1.337Q2 39Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 1.296Q2 40Paddy and Water Environment 1.264Q2 41Plant Breeding 1.251Q2
41Plant Breeding 1.251Q2 42Biological Agriculture & Horticulture 1.239Q2 43Biotechnologie Agronomie Societe Et Environnement 1.235Q2 44Plant Production Science 1.230Q2 45International Agrophysics 1.227Q3 46American Journal of Potato Rearch 1.095Q3 47Irrigation and Drainage 1.027Q3 48Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology 1.026Q3 49Sugar Tech 1.024Q3 50Weed Biology and Management 1.000Q3 51Chilean Journal of Agricultural Rearch0.991Q3 52Canadian Journal of Plant Science0.986Q3 53Italian Journal of Agronomy0.96
5Q3 54International Journal of Plant Production0.961Q3 55Italian Journal of Agrometeorology-Rivista Italiana di Agrometeorologia0.933Q3 56Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture0.921Q3 57Potato Rearch0.863Q3 58Mycobiology0.848Q3 59Acta Scientiarum-Agronomy0.842Q3 60Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B-Soil And Plant Science0.810Q3 61Grassland Science0.806Q3 62Gesunde Pflanzen0.789Q3 63Cahiers Agricultures0.780Q3
64Allelopathy Journal0.729Q3 65New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science0.727Q3 66Journal of Seed Science0.724Q3 67Cereal Rearch Communications0.708Q4 68Journal of Plant Registrations0.692Q4 69Turkish Journal of Field Crops0.690Q4 70Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis0.687Q4 71Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding0.652Q4 72Journal of Agrometeorology0.644Q4 73Maydica0.578Q4 74Revista Caatinga0.554Q4 75Ciencia Rural0.553Q4 76Seed Science and Technology0.508Q4 77Romanian Agricultural Rearch0.469Q4 78Genetika-Belgrade0.459Q4 79Tropical Grasslands-Forrajes Tropicales0.441Q4 80Bioscience Journal0.375Q4 81ITEA-Informacion Tecnica Economica Agraria0.346Q4 82Bioagro0.340Q4 83Legume Rearch0.336Q4 84Revista Fitotecnia Mexicana0.326Q4 85Journal of the American Pomological Society0.204Q4
85Revista de la Facultad de Agronomia de la Universidad del Zulia0.204Q4 87Philippine Journal of
Crop Science0.135Q4 88International Sugar Journal0.121Q4 89Range Management and Agroforestry0.103Q4