as soon as possible asp
for you 4u
and 'n
are you ya
becau 'cau/cuz
could have coulda
could not have couldna
did you didya
don't know dunno
give ne gimme
going to gonna
豆腐脑汤 goodbye g'bye
got to gotta
had better betta
have to hafta
her 'er
him 'im
his 'is
how did you how 'dya
how do you howdya
how does how's
in front of infrontof
-ing -in'
is that s'that
just jus'
leave me leeme
let me lemme
of a/o'
old ol'
out of outta
probably prob'ly
好恐怖>世界杯闭幕式 should not have shoulena
them 'm/'em
to ta
want to wanna
what wud/whut
what are you whachya
waht did you whadya
what do you what cha
提高用英语 what does what's
what is the what's a
would not have wudn'a/wouldna
you ya/y'
why did you whyd'ya
怎样腌萝卜 why do you why'dy'a
when's ---- when is; he's ---- he is/ he has;
kinda ---- kind of; it's been ---- it has been;
what're ---- what are; what'll ---- what will;
that'll ---- that will; I'd ---- I would/ I had;
It'd (be) ---- It would (be); wanna ---- want to;
gonna ---- going to; I've gotta ---- I have got to;
C'mon ---- Come on; shoulda ---- should have;
'cau ---- becau; a lotta ---- a lot of;
ain't=am/is/are/have/has not
but the ntence I ain't got nothing=I have not got nothing means I have nothing!
gonna=going to
wanna=want to
wonna=will to(English dialect)
gotta , hafta=got to,have to
hasta,oughta=has to,ought to 山西大院
wanna ,wannabe=want to , want to be
kinda, kindsa=kind of kinds of
lotta ,losta=lot of ,lots of
gimme, lemme=give me, let me
coulda, shoulda=could have, should have