Employment is a foundation of people's livelihood .Undergraduate employment has become the hot issue of concern in China's economic development. With that the higher education of China changes elite education into mass education, more and more young people get the access to higher education. But the contradiction between employment requirement and employment position that the employers don’t provide much with economic development in the short period of time is still rious in the current of undergraduate employment situation.
Undergraduate employment is related to the enforcement of Strengthening the Country through Talents, vital interest of mass people, social stability, sustaining and health development of higher education. The study and solution on the problem of employment is very urgent. Which is the key factor in the influence of undergraduate employment Competitiveness? What are the relationships of individual basic condition, awareness of employment planning, employment preparation and employment Competitiveness? The problems are just easy, but are difficult to finding powerful evidence in the existing data. The related and systemic studies are so little. This study surrounds the relationships of individual basic condition, awareness of employment planning, employment preparation and employment Competitiveness, and tries to provide systemic study for the ries problems. In the same time, it can also provide scientific basis for formulating employment policies, launching employment guidance, and promoting employment Competitiveness.
This study is bad on literature, and combines 237 open-ended questions to design the questionnaire. With 330 samples, Test measurement on the questionnaire was revid to prepare a formal questionnaire on 1500 graduates students (undergraduate, graduate) in the tone Study obtained first-hand data and the u of SPSS17.0 and AMOS7.0 conducted data analysis, the u of exploratory factor points Analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, variance analysis, multiple linear regr
essions, structural equation modeling and other methods. It tries to rearch awareness of employment planning, employment preparation, the structure of employment Competitiveness and their relationships. It includes five studies: awareness of employment planning, employment preparation, employment Competitiveness, the relationships of individual basic condition, awareness of employment planning, employment preparation and
employment Competitiveness, and policies bad on them.
Through empirical rearch, combined with some interviews, the main conclusions of this study were the following:
(1)through an open questionnaire analysis, reliability test, confirmatory factor analysis, students plan consists of three dimensions of employment, namely: employment planning goals, and employment planning means awareness, awareness of the value of the employment plan; obtained by analysis of variance of different groups of students planning awareness in employment, there was significant difference.
(2)through an open questionnaire analysis and literature review prepared by extracting the employment entryThe u of exploratory factor analysis to explore the students are prepared for employment, including ability to prepare employment, social experience, lf-awareness to prepare, job arch preparation, policy situation and prepared the targets for employment and job skills to prepare the ven factors; analysis of variance obtained through different groups to prepare students for employment there are significant differences.
(3)Through the Delphi and the literature from the Graduate Employment competitiveness index evaluation system, rai the competitiveness of college students jobs can be job opportunities, job cost, job efficiency, job quality indicators to evaluate the four, and the competitiveness of Graduates in the Job Characteristics were summarized using analysis of variance of different groups of students obtained employment competitiveness significant difference.
苹果静音键(4)Employment of College Students major factor in the competitiveness of the basic conditions of personal, employment planning n, three elements of job preparation. Personal awareness of the basic conditions of employment planning, job preparation, employment competitiveness have a significant effect, Employment planning awareness, preparation for employment on employability and competitiveness have a significant effect, preparation for employment on employability and com
petitiveness have a significant effect. Specifically, the basic conditions for individual students, awareness of employment planning, employment employability preparation preparation, student leaders, job arch preparation, academic performance, school level, education, employment, planning goals, and employment planning means awareness of the employability and competitiveness have a significant effect, the explanatory power of up to 58.2%.
(5)Bad on promoting employment Competitiveness., we propo the