幼儿园工作重点logit 在统计学上是⼀个数学函数,但是在神经⽹络中却有着不同的含义。
说⽩了,logits 就是⼀个向量,下⼀步通常被投给 softmax 的向量。人的宗教
骨刺消痛胶囊logits 参考二手车交易协议书
训练器材The vector of raw (non-normalized) predictions that a classification model generates, which is ordinarily then pasd to a normalization function. If the model is solving a multi-class classification problem, logits typically become an input to the softmax function. The softmax function then generates a vector of (normalized) probabilities with one value for each possible class.
In addition, logits sometimes refer to the element-wi inver of the sigmoid function. For more information, e