With a keen understanding of the appropriate range within which the economy needs to be operating, we adopted targeted steps to address the rious issues and structural problems 香葱煎蛋hindering development.
把握时代精神:Catch the spirit of the times
有把握地回答:Answer with confidence
贺新郎有把握完成任务:He is confident of completing the task
把握客观规律:Master the objective laws
把握经济增长的脉搏:Keep fingers on the pul of economic growth
“经济运行合理区间的上下限”,这里的偏正结构,用的是which句型来译: the appropriate range within which the economy needs to be operating,这种处理方式也比较好用。
“突出矛盾”,用的是 the rious issues,想想确实也是这个意思。
矛盾的普遍性:universality of contradiction
避免矛盾: avoid conflicts
人民内部矛盾:contradictions within the ranks of the people
珍惜当下的句子缓解矛盾:alleviate the problem of
心情矛盾:be in two minds about something
"定向施策,聚焦靶心,精准发力",其实说得事情基本上是一样的,所以译文只用了一个 targeted steps,比较简洁。
“发展中的突出矛盾和结构性问题”,用的是 hindering development 。偏正结构也是公文常见结构,of 式结构最简单也最普通,但政府工作报告中很多地方也往往用 for,其实有各种灵活译法,后面还会遇到。
We promoted reform to gain impetus for development, made structural adjustments to produce support for development, and improved living standards to increa the potential
for development. We both expanded market demand and incread effective supply, working to ensure that structural adjustments were made without compromising the growth rate.
“向促改革要动力,向调结构要助力,向惠民生要潜力”,又一个排比,译文则把“向”的重复变成了 to 结构的重复。断句也是之前分析的,三句一断。
Produce support 这种搭配个人是第一次见,感觉并不常用,词典里更常见的可能是 give support,例如
The president gave his full support to the reforms.
“既”字用的是 both ,以后可以借用。这类基础词有时候看着简单,翻译起来还可能会犹豫,其实掌握透彻,比多背几个 bombastic或者 narcissism 要好用。
This clock neither gains nor los.
That big-bellied fellow was very cruel and greedy.
饮食应该适当, 既不能太油腻也不能太粗淡。
The diet should be suitable, being neither too rich nor too meagre.
“速”, the growth rate,类似前面讲的“激活力”(stimulated market activity),要结合语境寻找对应词。
We have been effectively implementing proactive fiscal policy and prudent monetary policy.
We incread targeted tax reductions, reduced fees across the board, extended the coverage of tax relief policies to benefit more small and micro business, and expanded the trials to replace business tax with VAT to cover more industries.
定向减税 targeted tax reductions
普遍性降费 reduce fees across the board
税收优惠政策 tax relief policies
营改增 replace business tax with VAT
可以学习下的是 extend 和 expand 这两个词,意思相近,也稍有差别。有网友总结区别如下:extend 表示时间和空间的“延长”,也可以用于比喻意义上的“延长”,或范围的“扩展”。 例如:to extend one's stay. (延长某人的逗留) ; expand侧重指“上下、左右、前后的面或体的伸展”,例如:Irons expands when it is heated. 铁加热时就膨胀。
We sped up the process of making budgetary funds available for fiscal expenditures and
put surplus budgetary funds to good u.
这句不太好理解的可能是“加快财政支出进度”里的 budgetary,字面上毕竟没有这个词,需要从财政支出的本意来理解。
财政支出(Public finance expenditure / fiscal expenditures) 通常是指国家为实现其各种职能,由财政部门按照预算计划,将国家集中的财政资金向有关部门和方面进行支付的活动,因此也称预算支出(百度百科)。所以加快支出,也就是尽快把预算用掉, making •••• available for
存量资金:财政存量资金,主要是指要把一些没有按照预算进度执行、依然趴在账上的沉淀结余资金用起来,更好地提高财政资金使用效益。可以理解为预算中剩下的一部分, budgetary funds
灵活运用货币政策工具,采取定向降准、定向再贷款、非对称降息等措施,加大对经济社会发展薄弱环节的支持力度,小微企业、”三农”贷款增速比各项贷款平均增速分别高 4.2 和 0.7 个百分点。
By flexibly utilizing monetary policy instruments, making targeted cuts to required rerve ratios, carrying out targeted形容玫瑰的词语 re-lending, and making asymmetric interest rate cuts, we stepped up support for weaker areas in economic and social development. Increas in loans made to small and micro business, and loans for agriculture, rural areas, and farmers, outdid the average increa in loans overall by 4.2 and 0.7 percentage points respectively.
货币政策工具: monetary policy instruments