Journal of Northeast Agricultural University 东北农业大学学报
淮山煲鸡2020年8月August 2020
大豆胞囊线虫病抗性相关AP2/EREBP 转录因子生物信息学分析
摘要:AP2/EREBP 转录因子家族在植物应对逆境胁迫时发挥重要作用,为进一步了解大豆胞囊线虫病3号
生理小种抗性相关AP2/EREBP 家族转录因子生物学功能,研究利用“东农L-10”转录组测序结果,筛选得到14个
与抗性相关AP2/EREBP 转录因子序列,并对其开展在线生物信息学预测和分析。结果表明,14个转录因子多数
为酸性等电点,均属于亲水性蛋白;通过与拟南芥AP2/EREBP 转录因子作多序列比对和系谱进化树分析可知,AP2/EREBP 转录因子根据其保守结构域特点分为AP2、ERF 和DREB 等3个亚族,且可分为B3、B5、A2和A5亚类。亚细胞定位预测结果显示AP2/EREBP 转录因子发挥重要作用的位置依次为细胞核、线粒体、叶绿体;蛋白
一亚族蛋白质三级结构之间无明显差异,而不同亚族之间差异显著,表明大豆胞囊线虫病相关AP2/EREBP 转录
关键词:大豆胞囊线虫;AP2/EREBP ;转录因子;生物信息学
中图分类号:S565.1文献标志码:A 文章编号:1005-9369(2020)08-0001-08
韩英鹏,卜凡珊,田利峥,等.大豆胞囊线虫病抗性相关AP2/EREBP 转录因子生物信息学分析[J].东北农业大学学报,2020,51
二十四节气养生(8):1-8.DOI :10.19720/jki.issn.1005-9369.2020.08.001.
Han Yingpeng,Bu Fanshan,Tian Lizheng,et al.Bioinformatics analysis of AP2/EREBP transcription factor to resistance to
soybean cyst nematode[J].Journal of Northeast Agricultural University,2020,51(8):1-8.(in Chine with English abstract)推荐信范文
DOI :10.19720/jki.issn.1005-9369.2020.08.001.
Bioinformatics analysis of AP2/EREBP transcription factor to resistance to soybean cyst nematode/HAN Yingpeng,BU Fanshan,TIAN Lizheng,JIANG Haipeng,
ZHAO Xue(Institute of Soybean Rearch,Key Laboratory of Soybean Biology in Chine of补肾食谱
首字下沉Ministry Education,Key Laboratory of Soybean Biology and Breeding(Genetics)of Chine
Agriculture and Rural Ministry,Northeast Agricultural University,Harbin 150030,China)
Abstract:AP2/EREBP transcription factors family play an important role in plant respon to
stress.In order to further understand the physiological function of AP2/EREBP family transcription
factors related to Race 3of soybean cyst nematode (SCN),a total of 14AP2/EREBP transcription factor
quences related to SCN resistance were screened bad on the results of ‘Dongnong L-10’transcriptome quencing and bioinformatics analysis.The results showed that most of the 14
transcription factors were acidic isoelectric points and belonged to hydrophilic proteins.According to the
multiple quence alignment and pedigree evolution analysis with Arabidopsis thaliana AP2/EREBP
transcription factors,becau of the difference of conrved domains,AP2/EREBP transcription factors
could be divided into three subgroups (AP2,ERF and DREB),and they also belonged to B3,B5,A2and