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Common name | Chine name | Scientific name六年级数学小报 | Parasitic type |
Awl Nematodes | 錐線蟲 | Dolichodorus spp. | 外寄生潛移性 |
Bulb and Stem Nematodes | 球莖線蟲 | Ditylenchus spp. | 內寄生潛移性 |
Bulb or Stem Nematode | 莖線蟲 | D. dipsaci | |
Potato Rot Nematode | 馬鈴薯腐敗線蟲 | D. destructor | |
Rice Stem Nematode | 水稻莖線蟲 | D. angustus | |
Burrowing Nematode | 穿孔線蟲 | Radopholus similis | 內寄生潛移性 |
Citrus Nematode | 柑桔(駝形)線蟲 | Tylenchulus mipenetrans | 半內寄生固著性 |
Coconut Palm Nematode 山水素描画 | 可可紅輪線蟲 | Rhadinaphelenchus cocophilus | 內寄生潛移性 |
Cyst Nematodes | 包囊線蟲 | Heterodera spp. Globodera spp. | 內寄生固著性 |
猪腰子 Oat Cyst or Oat Nematode | 燕麥包囊線蟲 | H. avenae | |
Pea Cyst or Pea Root Nematode | 豌豆包囊線蟲 | H. goettingiana | |
Potato Cyst Potato Root or Golden Nematode Potato Eelworm | 黃金線蟲 馬鈴薯包囊 | G. rostochiensis | |
Soybean Cyst Nematode | 大豆包囊線蟲 | H. glycines | |
Sugar Beet Cyst Sugar Beet Nematode Beet Eelworm | 甜菜包囊線蟲 | H. schachtii | |
Tobacco Cyst Nematode | 菸草包囊線蟲 | H. tabacum | |
Dagger Nematodes | 劍(匕首)線蟲 | Xiphinema spp. | 外寄生潛移性 |
Fal Root Knot Nematodes | 偽根瘤線蟲 | Naccobus spp. | 內寄生固著性虞美人李煜原文 |
Foliar or Leaf Nematodes | 葉芽線蟲 | Aphelenchoides spp. | 外寄生潛移性 |
Chrysanthemum Foliar Nematode | 菊花葉芽線蟲 | A. ritzemabosi | 內寄生潛移性 |
Rice White Tip Nematode | 水稻白尖病原線蟲 | A. besyi | 內寄生潛移性 |
Lance Nematodes | 冠(矛)線蟲 | Hoplolaimus spp. | 外寄生潛移性 |
Lesion or Meadow Nematodes | 根腐線蟲 节约图片 | Pratylenchus spp. | 內寄生潛移性 |
Needle Nematodes | 針線蟲 | Longidorus spp. | 外寄生潛移性 |
Pin Nematodes | 釘線蟲 | Paratylenchus spp. | 外寄生固著性 |
Reniform Nematode | 腎形線蟲 | Rotylenchulus reniformis | 半內寄生固著性 |
Rice Root Nematode | 水稻穿根線蟲 海尔参观 | Hirschmanniella oryzae | 內寄生潛移性 |
Ring Nematodes | 環形線蟲 | Criconemoides spp. Criconema spp. | 外寄生固著性 |
Root Knot Nematodes | 根瘤線蟲 | Meloidogyne spp. | 內寄生固著性 |
Coffee Root Knot Nematode | 咖啡根瘤線蟲 | M. exigua | |
Javane Root Knot Nematode | 爪哇根瘤線蟲 | M. javanica | |
Northern Root Knot Nematode | 北方根瘤線蟲 | M. hapla | |
Peanut Root Knot Nematode | 花生根瘤線蟲 | M. arenaria | |
Southern Root Knot or Cotton Root Knot Nematode | 南方(棉花)根瘤線蟲 | M. incognita | |
Seed and Leaf Gall Nematodes | 腫癭線蟲 | Anguina spp. | 外寄生潛移性 |
Wheat Gall or Wheat Nematode | 小麥腫癭線蟲 | A. tritici | 內寄生固著性 |
Sheath Nematodes | 鞘線蟲 | Hemicycliophora近期工作情况汇报 spp. Hemicriconemoides spp. | 外寄生固著性 |
Spiral Nematodes | 螺旋線蟲 | Helicotylenchus spp. Rotylenchus spp. Scutellonema spp. | 外寄生潛移性 |
Sting Nematodes | 刺線蟲 | Belonolaimus spp. | 外寄生潛移性 |
Peanut Sting Nematode | 花生刺線蟲 | B. gracilis | |
Turf Sting Nematode | 雜草刺線蟲 | B. longicaudatus | |
婴儿体温多少算正常范围Stubby Root Nematodes | 殘根線蟲 | Trichodorus spp. | 外寄生潛移性 |
Stunt or Stylet Nematodes | 矮化線蟲 | Tylenchorhychus spp. | 外寄生潛移性 |
Tobacco Stunt Nematode | 菸草矮化線蟲 | T. claytoni | |
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