先道With the characteristics of various species, abundant resources, distinctive transition and diversity,吊竹梅 the wild life fauna of tai bai mountains contains Palaearctic realm, Oriental realm and cosmopolitan species.
According to the scientific investigation in 2006, there are totally 2554 kinds of various wild animals of mount tai bai , among which there exists 334 kinds of vertebrates, 229 kinds of soil animals,and 1991 kinds of forest inct.
There are 39 types listed as national key protected wild animals, including 6 types of national Class-I protected wild animals and13 types of national class -II protected wild animals.
There are 24 types listed as Shananxi province key protected wild animals.
The tai bai mountain has a wide variety of wild plants形容词是什么 with distinctive diversity and north-south transition.
Apart from massive floral element distributed in area of North china, central china and the Hengduan Mountains and world wide monotypic and fewer genera, there exists unique vegetation which are known as natural botanical garden.
According to the scientific investigation in 2006, there are totally 2594 types of various wil
d plants in mount tai bai (including varietas and forma ) , among which there exists 27 kinds of unique plants( including subspecies, varietas and forma).
There are 51 types listed as 胎位不正是什么原因导致的national key protected wild plants, including 2 types of national Class-I protected wild plants and 49 types of national class -II protected wild plants.
There are 25 types listed as Shananxi province key protected wild plant.
Grand is the Taibai mountain.
The AlpBrushwood and meadow zone, Coniferous forest zone ,birch forest zone, deciduous and oak forest and artificial forest and fruits zone distributes correspondingly from baxian platform to the area of shallow mountain. 周记怎么写300字左右
According to their genus and species, each plants zone can be divided in to some sub zones.
幸福歌曲一、高山灌丛草甸带Alp Brushwood and meadow zone
At the high altitude of 3400 to 3771 meters of tai bai mountain distributes the Alp Brushwood and meadow zone.
The climate is so chilly with the strong wind and thick cloud & mist at the summit of mount Tai bai.
The gravels scattered every corner of the top of tai bai mountains and the soil of which is alpine meadow soil.
Here, the annul precipitation ranges from 700 to 800 millimeters.
二、针叶林带 Coniferous forest zone
This zone is distributed at the altitude of 2800—3400 meters
At the southern slope of mount taibai distributes the coniferous forest zone ranging from 2650 to 3450meters above the a level.
The Coniferous forest zone can be divided in to the forest zone of Larix chinensis Beissn and Abies fargesii Franch.
Birch Forest Belt
This forest belt is distributed from 2000 to 2700 meters above a level and the climate of which belongs to cold temperate zone characterized by humidity and cold.
The birch forest zone can be divided in to forest zone of red birch and betula utilis.
四、落叶栎叶林带 deciduous and oak forest
The deciduous and Coniferous forest zone is distributed at the northern slope of mount Tai bai from 800 to 2300 meters above a level and the forest zone of that distributed from 1200 to 2200 at the northern slope of mount tai bai.
The deciduous and oak forest zone can be divided in to the that of sharp tooth oak, liaotungensis mary 荆轲刺秦王教案and Quercus variabilis Blume.
五、人工林果带 artificial forest and fruits zone