时尚用英语怎么说 我社拥有一批从事旅游多年、经验丰富、业务娴熟、社会关系广泛、诚实守信的管理人员,拥有先进的现代办公设施和一批有着良好敬业精神、高素质的专职导游队伍,凭借多年在云南地区形成的坚实广阔的实词接待及营销网络以及与各航空公司、酒店、铁路、车队的良好合作关系,为您的出行提供最优质的服务。五大洲大地殷切希望您的光临!愿与旅游界同仁、新老朋友共同携手再展宏图,共求发展,共创辉煌!
About us
Yunnan view the world international travel service co., l经天纬地td is a private joint-stock company which is invested to t up by veral career men in Yunnan tourist circle. It is authorized by the National Tourist Bureau, registered in the Industrial and Commercial Bureau of Yunnan Province (registered capital RMB 2.1 Million), and transacted its management licen in the provincial Travel Bureau. With flexible mechanism, unattached property right, advanced management, abundant strength and distinctive personality, the company mainly deals in inbound tourism, and domestic tourism.
We have advanced modern office establishment and dedicative and quality guides and a pasl of caretakers which have been engaged in tour career of many years, asoned, faithful and have extensive social relationship. With wide and solid network of ll and client reception, good cooperation with hotels, airlines, railways and motorcades, we shall provide high grade rvice for your tour. W细思极恐鬼故事e are eager for you prence. We hop
e to progress and create resplendence together with tourist coteries and all new and old friends!
To consume clearly and travel happily, simple promi can give great guarantee for your consume behalf. Our tourist product is not the cheapest but the most comparable. “1893年属相View the World” is your sage choice, and we步骤英语’ll provide you the most satisfying rvice to return your trust!
第一天 昆明接团,东西寺塔、文化步行街、近日楼、昆明标志性建筑——金马碧鸡牌坊。
住宿 昆明
第二天 前往誉为世界自然奇观的石林游览,参观七彩云南,乘车至楚雄。
住宿 楚雄
第三天 乘车至大理,游览白族古老的建筑及文化艺术的崇圣三塔、五朵金花取景地蝴蝶泉,古城、洋人街,乘车至丽江,漫步丽江古城四方街,您可自由细品这一人类共同遗产大研古城,四方街她始建于宋末元初,以家家流水,户户垂柳着称。
住宿 丽江
第四天 游览玉龙雪山一线:云杉坪小索道、甘海子、白水河,观赏高达5596公尺的玉龙雪山下,再沿着原始森林中的小径走去,眼前出现一片宽阔美丽的草坪,从这里您可尽情欣赏玉龙雪山的美景,乘车至大理。
住宿 大理
第五天 早餐后乘船游览云南省第二高原淡水湖泊洱海,体验大理四景:“风、花、雪、月”,品三道茶,观白族歌舞表演,浏览南诏风情岛、小普沱,午餐后乘车至昆明。
住宿 昆明
面谈技巧第六天 游览西山龙门、滇池风光,逛鲜花市场,送团,结束愉快的旅程!
Kunming, Dali and Lijiang Six Days Scenery Tour
D1 pickup in Kunming. Visit the East and West Temple Towers Cultural Pedestrian Street, the Building Male the symbol building of Kunming –JINGMABIJIFANG.