摘要: 随着现今经济的迅速发展,国际交流的日益频繁,旅游在人们日常生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色。但是,目前旅游景区公示语现状却不容乐观,存在诸多问题,极大的影响着青岛对外交流的形象。本文尝试通过大量实例剖析青岛市部分景区公示语英文翻译存在的问题,并有针对性地提出一些规范化建议。
Abstract了开头的成语: With the rapid development of the economy and the frequent international exchange, tourism plays an increasingly important role in people's daily life. However,写景色的作文 the current status of the tourist landmarks is not optimistic, there are many problems西餐美食, which has a great impact on the image of Qingdao's foreign exchange. This paper attempts to analyze the problems of English translation of some landmarks in Qingdao City through a large number of examples, and puts forward some standardized suggestions.
关键词: 景区;公示语;中英翻译;分析;青岛市
Key words: scenic area世界厨师日;归来的反义词public sign;Chine translation;黄河远上白云间一片孤城万仞山analysis;Qingdao City