In the construction of concrete structure, the stirrup plays an important role. It can not only increa the stiffness of the concrete structure, but also enhance the crack resistance of the concrete structure. Therefore, stirrup has important significance for the structural safety of the foundation beam, and below we will discuss the stirrup construction of the foundation beam.
哥弟女装专卖店First of all, the stirrup construction of the foundation beam must be carried out according to the specifications and standards, so as to ensure the final construction quality. The stirrup construction must be carried out effectively according to the required number of layers, spacing, etc., and the stirrup must be adequately attached. In addition, the construction of stirrups should be prefabricated to reduce the workload and construction time during the construction process.
Secondly, construction safety must also be taken into consideration in stirrup construction. Effective guardrail measures must be taken to prevent personnel injury during the stirrup construction process. In addition, attention should be paid to the accuracy of stirrup installation to ensure the effectiveness of stirrups and reduce the noi hazards that may occur during stirrup construction.
电脑怎么下载图片In addition, attention should also be paid to the inspection after stirrup construction, to ensure that the stirrup construction achieves better results. During inspection, it is necessary to check whether the stirrup installation is completed as required, whether the stirrup is effective, and whether there is enough space between the stirrup and the template. Finally, after the construction is completed, the pressure test of the stirrup should be carried out to ensure the effectiveness of the stirrup.
In short, stirrups are of great importance to the structural safety of the foundation beam. Construction must be strictly in accordance with the specifications and standards, pay attention to safety issues, check whether the stirrup construction is completed, and carry
out pressure tests to ensure the effectiveness of the stirrup. In addition, attention should also be paid to environmental protection during construction, reduce the noi that may be generated during construction, as well as other environmental pollution.