序号 | 中文名称 | 英文译文 |
1 | 严禁攀登 | No Climbing |
2 | 严禁倚靠 | Stand Clear/No Leaning |
3 | 严禁攀折 | No Picking |
4 | 飘动造句严禁滑冰 | No Skating |
5 | 禁止游泳 | No Swimming |
6 | 禁止垂钓 | No Fishing |
卡罗拉思域 7 | 禁止排放污水 | No Waste Water Discharge |
8 | 禁止无照经营 | No Unlicend Vendors |
9 | 简历工作经验禁止狩猎 | No Hunting |
10 | 禁止燃放烟花爆竹 | No Fireworks Allowed/Fireworks Prohibited |
11 | 雷雨天禁止拨打手机 | Cellphones Prohibited during Thunderstorms |
12 | 卧床请勿吸烟 | Don’t Smoke in Bed |
13 | 防洪通道,请勿占用 | Flood Control Channel. Keep Clear! |
14 | 请您不要坐在护栏上边 | Don't Sit on Guardrail |
15 | 前方弯路慢行 | Bend Ahead. Slow Down! |
16无动于衷造句 | 请自觉维护场内卫生环境 | Plea Keep the Area Clean/Plea Don’t Litter |
17 | 请遵守场内秩序 | Plea Keep Order |
18 | 请您不要随意移动隔离墩 | Don't Move Barriers |
19 | 请沿此路上山 | Climbing Route/To the Top ↗ |
20 | 请爱护林木 | Plea Protect the Trees |
21 | 请保护古树 | Plea Protect Heritage Trees |
序号 | 中文名称 | 英文译文 |
1 | 请保护古迹 | Plea Protect Historic Sites |
2 | 请爱护文物 /保护文物 | 飞机模型制作手工Plea Protect Cultural Relics |
3 | 国家级文物保护单位 | State |
4 | 市级文物保护单位 | Municipality |
5 | 区级文物保护单位 | District |
6 | 乡村简介 | Introduction |
7 | 游客须知 | Notice to Visitors |
8 | 示意图(导游图) | Sketch Map |
9 | 游览图 | Tourist Map |
10 | 展板 | Display Boards |
11 | 布告栏 | Bulletin |
12 | 投诉电话 | Complaints |
13 | 咨询电话 | Inquiry |
14 | 报警电话(110) | Police |
15 | 办公区 | Administrative |
16 | 管理处 | Administrative Office |
17 | 广播室 | Broadcasting |
18 | 盆景园 | Mini-Scape Garden/Bonsai Garden |
19 | 采摘区 | Fruit-Picking Area |
20 | 古树名木 | Old and Famous Trees |
21 | 温室采摘 | Greenhou Fruit Picking |
2 | 花卉 | Flowers & Plants |
23 | 拱桥 | Arch Bridge |
24 | 大石桥 | Great Stone Bridge |
25 | 展览馆/陈列馆 | Exhibition Hall/Exhibition Center两性氢氧化物 |
26 | 陈列室 | Exhibition Room/Display Room |
27 | 展区 | Exhibition Area/Display Area |
28 | 展厅 | Exhibition Hall/Display Hall |
29 | 故居 | Former Residence鱼胶怎么做好吃 |
序号 | 中文名称 | 英文译文 |
1 | 车道 | Vehicle Lane |
2 | 农家院 | Farm Hou |
3 | 塔 | Pagoda |
4 | 宫、院 | Palace |
5 | 亭、阁 | Pavilion |
6 | 寺 | Monastery (Temple) |
7 | 牌楼 | Memorial Archway |
8 | 廊 | Corridor |
9 | 牌坊 | Memorial Gateway |
10 | 庙 | Temple |
11 | 遗址 | Historic Site |
12 | 书房 | Study Room |
13 | XX 养殖场 | XX Farm |
14 | 阅览室 | Reading Room |
古典舞蹈 15 | 上楼楼梯 | Upstairs |
16 | 下楼楼梯 | Downstairs |
17 | 公园 | Park |
18 | 危险路段 | Dangerous Area |
19 | 单行线 | One Way |
20 | 敬告 | Attention |
21 | 休息处 | Lounge |
22 | 水上漂流 | Drifting |
23 | 健身 | Bodybuilding |
本文发布于:2023-06-20 04:37:36,感谢您对本站的认可!
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