Preparation and Submission of Manuscripts
(Revid June 2011)
Contents (click on the topic)
Preparation of Manuscripts – Title – Author List – Abstract – Text – References and Footnotes – Nomenclature – Supporting Information – Artwork
Submission of Manuscripts – Journal Publishing Agreement – Table of Contents Graphic – Cover Letter – Submitting Artwork for the Journal Cover – Just Accepted Manuscripts
ACS Policies for Proofs, E-prints, and Reprints
Preparation of Manuscripts
Authors are encouraged to prepare manuscripts using the template available on the Web, numbering a
ll pages. Authors should consult recent issues of Langmuir and The ACS Style Guide, 3rd ed. (2006) Oxford University Press, Order Department, 201 Evans Road, Cary, NC 27513, for format guidance (pubs.acs/page/langd5/submission/authors.html).
Any author who is not fluent in idiomatic English is urged to obtain assistance with manuscript preparation from a fluent colleague, as manuscripts with grammar deficiencies are sometimes handicapped during the scientific review process.
Titles should clearly and concily reflect the emphasis and content of the paper. Titles are of great importance for current awareness and information retrieval and should be carefully constructed for the purpos.
Author List
Bylines should include all tho who have made substantial contributions to the work. To facilitate indexing and retrieval and for unique identification of an author, u first names, initials, and surnames (e.g., John R. Smith) or first initials, cond names, and last names (e.g., J. Robert Smith).
At least one author must be designated with an asterisk to indicate the person to whom correspondence should be nt.
All Articles and Letters must be accompanied by an abstract, which should state briefly the purpo of the rearch, the principal results, and major conclusions.
All ctions of the paper must be prented in a clear and conci manner. Authors should include an introductory statement outlining the scientific motivation for the rearch. The statement should clearly specify the questions for which the answers are sought as well as the connection of the prent work with previous and current work in the field. In both Letters and Articles, the introduction should be a parate ction of the paper. In the discussion ction, the author should discuss the significance of his/her obrvations, measurements, or computations.
The author should also point out how they contribute to the scientific objectives indicated in the introduction. An extensive review of prior work is not appropriate, and documentation of the literature
should be lective rather than exhaustive, particularly if reviews can be cited. Tabulation of experimental results is encouraged whenever it leads to a more effective prentation or economical u of space. Authors are encouraged to make extensive u of the Information for Authors, since this material is now widely available on the ACS Web site at pubs.acs/page/langd5/submission/index.html.
References and Footnotes
References and explanatory notes should be grouped at the end of the manuscript and typed double spaced. They should be numbered concutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. Papers should not depend for their ufulness on unpublished material, and excessive reference to material in press is discouraged.
Reference Format.
(1) Langmuir, I. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1917, 39, 1848–1857.
(2) Pauling, L. The Nature of the Chemical Bond, 3rd ed.; Cornell University Press: New
York, 1980; Chapter 1.苹果电脑怎么截图
(3) Smith, K. L. In Advances in Materials Characterization; Rossington, D. R., Condrate, R.
A., Snyder, R. L., Eds.; Plenum Press: New York, 1983; Vol. 15, p 71.
紫背天葵怎么吃(4) Almgren, M.; Swarup, S. J. Phys. Chem. 1982, 86, 4212.
(5) Smith, J. D. J. Phys. Chem., in press.
(6) Everett, D. H. Proceedings of the 10th Colston Symposium; Butterworths: London, 1958. Consult a current issue of Langmuir and The ACS Style Guide, 3rd ed. (American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006), available from Oxford University Press, for specific examples of styles and general recommendations. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references. Becau subscribers to the Web edition are now able to click on the “CAS” tag following each reference to retrieve the corresponding abstract at Chemical Abstracts Service, reference accuracy is critical.
Nomenclature should conform to current American usage. Insofar as possible, authors should u systematic names similar to tho ud by Chemical Abstracts Service and the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Chemical Abstracts (CA) nomenclature rules are described in Appen
dix IV of the Chemical Abstracts Index Guide. For CA nomenclature advice, consult the Manager of Nomenclature Services, Chemical Abstracts Service, P.O. Box 3012, Columbus, OH 43210-0012. A name generation rvice is available for a fee through CAS Client Services, 2540 Olentangy River Road, P.O. Box 3343, Columbus, OH 43210- 334; Telephone: (614) 447-3870; Telefax: (614) 447-3747; or e-mail: answers@cas.
Supporting Information
From time to time manuscripts contain extensive tables, graphs, spectra, mathematical derivations, expanded discussion of peripheral points, or other material which, though esntial to the specialized reader who needs all the data or all the detail, does not help and often hinders the effective prentation of the work being reported. Such Supporting Information can be included on the ACS Web site edition of the journal.
Supporting Information (SI): SI from 1995 to prent is available free of charge from the订货合同模板
journal’s home page (pubs.acs/langmuir). For information on electronic access, nd
E-Mail to support@rvices.acs. SI prior to 1995 is available, for a fee, from Publications Support Services. Tel: (202) 872-4376. Fax: (202) 872-6325. E-mail: pss@acs.
Authors are encouraged to make u of supporting information in the interest of shorter articles (which mean more rapid publication) and clearer, more readable prentation.
Supporting Information must be submitted at the same time as the manuscript and uploaded parately to the ACS Paragon Plus Environment. See a list of acceptable file types at
pubs.acs/page/langd5/submission/index.html. All Supporting Information files of the same type should be prepared as a single file (rather than submitting a ries of files containing individual images or structures). For example, all Supporting Information available as PDF files should be contained in one PDF file.
A paragraph should appear at the end of the paper indicating the nature of the material and the means by which the interested reader may obtain copies directly. U the following format:
Supporting Information Available: Description of the material. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at pubs.acs.
General Considerations. Remove all color from graphics, except for tho graphics that you
would like to have considered for publication in color. (See Color ction below for details).
Inrt your illustrations into the manuscript following the Web instructions for manuscript preparation. See Working with Graphics in Document Templates under the Submission & Review tab at pubs.acs/4authors.
Illustrations must fit a one- or two-column format on the journal page: For efficient u of
journal space, single column illustrations are preferred.
minimum - 10.5 cm (4.13 in.)
maximum 8.25 cm (3.25 in.) 17.78 cm (7 in.)
Maximum depth 24 cm (9.5 in.) 24 cm (9.5 in.)
For best results, submit illustrations in the actual size at which they should appear in the journal. Original illustrations which do not need to be reduced to fit a single or double column
will yield the best quality. Lettering should be no smaller than4.5 points. (Helvetica or Arial
type works well for lettering.)Lines should be no thinner than 0.5 point. Lettering and lines
should be of uniform density.
If you must submit artwork that must be reduced, u larger lettering and thicker lines so that,
when reduced, the artwork meets the above-mentioned parameters.
Avoid using complex textures and shading to achieve a three-dimensional effect. To show a pattern, choo a simple crosshatch design.
Color. Color reproduction, if approved by the Editor, will be provided at no cost to the author. Color illustrations should only be submitted if esntial for clarity of communication. A surcharge of $100 per 100 reprints will be added to the standard cost of reprints.
Chemical Structures. Structures should be produced with the u of a drawing program such as ChemDraw. Structure drawing preferences (pret in the ACS Stylesheet in ChemDraw) are as follows:
(1) As drawing ttings lect:
chain angle 120°
bond spacing 18% of width长粉刺是什么原因
fixed length 14.4 pt (0.508 cm, 0.2 in.)
bold width 2.0 pt (0.071 cm, 0.0278 in.)
line width 0.6 pt (0.021 cm, 0.0084 in.)
margin width 1.6 pt (0.056 cm, 0.0222 in.)
hash spacing 2.5 pt (0.088 cm, 0.0347 in.)
(2) As text ttings lect:
font Arial/Helvetica
size 10
(3) Under the preferences choo:
units points
tolerances 3
(4) Under page tup choo:
Paper US
Scale 100%
Authors using other drawing packages should, in as far as possible, modify their program’s parameters so that they reflect the above guidelines.
强肾壮阳Submission of Manuscripts
Manuscripts must be submitted via the ACS Paragon Plus Environment
(paragonplus.acs/login). Complete instructions and an overview of the electronic online (Web) submission process are available through the cure ACS Paragon Plus Web site. Authors must also submit all revisions of manuscripts via the ACS Paragon Plus Environment. The Web submission site employs state-of-the-art curity mechanisms to ensure that all electronically submitted papers are cure. The same curity mechanisms are also utilized throughout the peer-review process, permitting access only to editors and reviewers who are assigned to a particular paper.
Authors may now choo to submit their own Manuscript PDF File for u during the peer review pro
cess, or allow the system to generate a PDF automatically. Note that there are also special instructions for Preparing and Submitting Manuscripts Using TeX/LaTeX. To u Web submission, authors must be able to provide electronic versions of text and graphics. Any Supporting Information should also be submitted electronically. Complete instructions, including
information on which Computer platforms and word processing programs are supported, are available on the submission site. Manuscripts submitted as e-mail attachments will not be accepted.
An optional electronic manuscript template is available in veral word processing versions at pubs.acs/page/langd5/submission/authors.html.
Journal Publishing Agreement
借调申请A properly completed and signed Journal Publishing Agreement must be submitted for each manuscript. ACS Paragon Plus provides an electronic version of the Agreement that will be available on the My Authoring Activity tab of the Corresponding Author's Home page once the manuscript has been assigned to an Editor. A PDF version of the Agreement is also available, but Authors are strongly encouraged to u the electronic Journal Publishing Agreement. If the PDF version is ud, all pages of the signed PDF Agreement must be submitted. If the Corresponding Author cannot or sh
ould not complete either the electronic or PDF version for any reason, another Author should complete and sign the PDF version of the form. Forms and complete instructions are available at pubs.acs/page/copyright/journals/index.html. Table of Contents Graphic
A graphic must be included with each manuscript for the Table of Contents (TOC). This graphic should capture the reader’s attention and, in conjunction with the manuscript title, should give the reader a quick visual impression of the esnce of the paper without providing specific results. The TOC graphic should be in the form of a structure, graph, drawing, SEM/TEM photograph, or reaction scheme. Color is acceptable and will be free of charge upon approval of the Editor. The author must submit a graphic in the actual size to be ud for the TOC that will结转增值税
fit in an area 1.375 in. high and 3.5 in. wide (3.6 cm × 8.9 cm). Larger images will be reduced to fit within tho dimensions. Type size of labels, formulas, or numbers within the graphic must be legible. Tables or spectra are not acceptable. Provide the TOC graphic titled for “table of contents only” upon submission of the paper as the last page of the manuscript.
Cover Letter and Other Required Information
A letter must accompany the manuscript, and it must contain the following elements. Plea provide
the elements in the order listed.
•Manuscript title
•Name of the corresponding author
•Names of all other co-authors
•Type of manuscript (Letter, Article, Invited Feature Article, Invited Perspective, Comment (includes replies to Comments), and Additions/Corrections). See additional
information under Scope and Editorial Policy at pubs.acs/
• A paragraph explaining why your manuscript is appropriate for Langmuir
•If the manuscript was previously submitted to Langmuir, provide the manuscript number of the submitted manuscript and a detailed respon to each reviewer’s comments •If the manuscript was previously submitted to any other ACS journal, or non ACS journal provide the name of the journal, the manuscript number, an explanation of the basis for
the rejection, and a statement granting Langmuir permission to obtain the editor’s
decision letter and reviews for the rejected manuscript. Also indicate if the newly