破冰游戏 一见如故
二十五宫格填字游戏 动感姓名 字母贴贴乐 头文字猎 字母花片汤 心有灵犀 绰号游戏 击鼓传话 蒙词游戏 机器盲人 快速搭档 当心炸弹 头脑风暴 搭上我 闹哄哄 吹牛大比拼 勇攀高峰 名人头像 角色互换 君士坦丁堡 配对游戏 水晶球预测 绘名字 单词伸缩游戏 英语变变变 串运甜饼 甩包袱 嘻哈 坐电椅 你的怎么样 手结 语调游戏 镜像反射 巧克力 击鼓传球 击鼓传名 新世界 传球说数 数字游戏 滑稽动作 点中它 好好形容你 卡片排序 红绿灯 遥控指路 腊肠游戏 猜牌游戏 闻闻乐 雪球游戏 外星老师 数数游戏 扔熊熊 造句接龙 洗牌游戏 全身反应玩词汇 偷窥游戏 传话游戏 我是谁 嘶嘶嗖嗖 活动性游戏 过目不忘 环球游戏 冠词竞答 弹球游戏 气球王牌 射击游戏 大风吹 躲猫猫 身体部位游戏 制作人体模型 泡泡糖 猫和老鼠 字谜接力 班级奥运会 颜色游戏 颜色怪物 画怪物 画时间 鸭鸭鹅 山谷里的农夫 雪中送炭 钓卡片 小猫钓鱼 苍蝇拍 信息交流 抬起头来 他她游戏 蜂蜜蜂蜜我爱你 烫手山芋 烫手山芋问题 充气骰了 …… 安静游戏 户外游戏 附录 索引
1、Louder and lower.(大声小声游戏)
When the teacher say a word or a ntence loudly, the student must say of them lowly.therwi, when the teacher say lowly ,the pupil must say loudly.教师大声地说句型或单词,学生就必须得小声地说。反过来,教师小声,学生就大声
2、Mouth words.(猜口型游戏)朋友作文400字
The teacher will say words or ntences with the mouth move only and without voice.The students must look at the teacher’s mouth carefully and tell out what is the teacher saying about.教师读一些单词或句子,只做嘴型,不发出声音。学生必须得认真地看教师的嘴型,判断出是什么句子或单词,并大声地说出来。
3、Remember games.(记忆力游戏)
A group of students stand in line and try to remember things.The first student of the line w
ill say a word or a ntence, the cond one must repeat out what he/she says and then tell the word or ntences of his/her own.The third one must repeat out the first two student’s speaking and then tell his/her own.By this way runs the game.The last one must repeat out all the speaking above.一组学生依次站好,玩记忆力游戏。第一个学生说一个单词或句型,第二个学生必须得先复述出第一个学生说出的内容,然后才能说自己的句子或单词,第三个也得先复述出前面两个所说的内容然后再说自己的。依次类推,最后一个学生必须得重复完前面所有学生所说的东西。(教师可以适当给予说错的学生一些趣味性的惩罚,如唱歌等。)
4、Judge sounds.(找声音游戏)
A student clos his/her eyes.One of the other students will say something in English.He/she open the eyes and looking for the student who makes the sound and then go to talk with him/her.(ask and answer or greeting).一学生蒙住眼睛,其他学生用英语说一些句子,这个学生打开眼睛,找出声音是谁发出来的,就走到说话者的前面跟他谈话。(回答问题或相互问候)
5、Looking for things.(找东西游戏)酸菜肉片
A student clos the eyes.The other student will hide something in the classroom.Then he/she will open eyes and go to look for the thing.During this time, the other student will clap their hands and say the ntence “where is/are your__?”.When he/she get nearer by the thing they will say the ntence louder, when he/she get further, they will say lower.一个学生蒙上眼睛,其他人藏他的一样东西在教室里。然后这个人就去找他的东西。在此期间,其他同学拍手并问到“where is/are your__?”。当他越靠近藏的东西,其他人就喊得越大声,相反的,离得越远就越小声。
6、Simon says(西门说)
If the students hear the teacher says “Simon says” before a command, they should do and say the command.But if they don’t hear “Simon says” before a command, they mustn’t do or say the command.The one who makes mistake will sit down and be eliminated off the game.如果学生听见老师在说一个指令之前加上“Simon says”,他们就应该做或者说这个指令。假如他们在指令之前没有听见“Simon says”的,就不能做或者说。招商银行企业
7、Voice and objects。(声音和物品)
A student clos the eyes.The other students will make some sounds behind him/her.Then he/she will judge what’s the sounds reprent of? Such as judge the sound “roar” as a tiger.“bump, bump” as “playing basketball” an so on.一个学生闭上眼睛,其他的学生将在后面发出各种各样的声音,然后这个学生将要判断出这些声音代表着什么物品。比如“roar”代表着老虎“bump, bump”代表着打篮球等等。
8、Listen and draw.(听音画画)
a.Listen to the command and draw on the board or on exerci books.b.We also can draw blind.That means the teacher will show a whole picture to all the students in class except tho who will draw on the board.The students describe the picture and then tho on the platform will draw as they describe.At last , compare with the two picture.We will fine a lot of fun in the different of the two pictures.a.听指令,在黑板或在练习册上画画。