第三册21课Daniel Mendoza是⼀篇经典的⼈物传记(bioagraphy)。⼈物传记可以短到只有寥寥数语,也可以长⾄洋洋数百万⾔,但其特征和须包含的基本信息却并⽆⼆致,这⼀点我在课上有所涉及,但课时所限,不及详述。
关于Daniel Mendoza更详细的介绍,可以参考另⼀篇博⽂谁是“Daniel Mendoza”?
How to Write a Biography
A biography is simply the story of a life. Biographies can be just a few ntences long, or they can fill an entire book—or two.
•Very short biographies tell the basic facts of someone's life and importance.
•Longer biographies include that basic information of cour, with a lot more detail, but they also tell a good story. Biographies analyze and interpret the events in a person's life. They try to find connecti
ons, explain the meaning of unexpected actions or mysteries, and make arguments about the significance of the person's accomplishments or life activities. Biographies are usually about famous, or infamouspeople, but a biograpy of an ordinary person can tell us a lot about a particular time and place. They are often about historical figures, but they can also be about people still living.
Many biographies are written in chronologicalorder. Some group time periods around a major theme (such as 'early adversity' or 'ambition and achievement' ). Still others focus on specific topics or accomplishments.联想记忆
Biographers u primary and condary sources:
•Primary sources are things like letters, diaries, or newspaper accounts.生产成本控制
•Secondary sources include other biographies, reference books, or histories that provide information about the subject of the biography.
To write a biography you should:
1.Select a person you are interested in
2.Find out the basic facts of the person's life. Start with the encyclopedia and almanac.
3.Think about what el you would like to know about the person, and what parts of the life you want to write most
about. Some questions you might want to think about include:
about. Some questions you might want to think about include:
八五砖•What makes this person special or interesting?
•What kind of effect did he or she have on the world? other people?
•What are the adjectives you would most u to describe the person?
青海湖是淡水湖吗•What examples from their life illustrate tho qualities?
•What events shaped or changed this person's life?
•Did he or she overcome obstacles? Take risks? Get lucky?
•Would the world be better or wor if this person hadn't lived? How and why?
Do additional rearch at your library or on the Internet to find information that helps you answer the questions and tell an interesting story.
Write your biography.
How to Write an Interesting Biography
A biography is defined as a written account of the ries of events that make up a person’s life.
Yikes, that sounds a little dry, doesn't it? Nonetheless, while rearching the subject of your biography, you’ll want to collect all the basic facts of your subject’s life experience.
清朝第一位皇帝The include:
Date and place of birth and death Family information
Lifetime accomplishments
Major events of life
Effects/impact on society, historical significance
While this information is necessary to your project, the dry facts don’t really make a quality biography. Once you’ve found the basics, you’ll want to dig a little deeper.
You will choo your person becau you think he or she is interesting, so you certainly don’t want to burden your paper with an inventory of boring facts. The last thing you want to do is bore your teacher. Your goal is to impress your reader!
As always, you’ll want to start off with a bang and captivate your reader.
It's a good idea to begin with a really interesting statement, a little known fact, or really intriguing event. After all, your teacher has probably read other biographies concerning your subject. You’ll want yours to stand out.
Considering that, you should avoid starting out with a standard but boring line like:纯黑色高清图片
'Meriwether Lewis was born in Virginia in 1774.'
Try starting with something like this:
'Late one afternoon in October, 1809, Meriwether Lewis arrived at a small log cabin nestled deep in t
he Tenne Mountains. By sunri on the following day, he was dead, having suffered gunshot wounds to the head and chest. His body was also slashed veral times with a shaving razor.'
This opening is much more enticing, isn’t it? You can find lots of interesting things like this on the Internet. As always, be sure to keep track of your sources!
You’ll have to make sure your beginning is motivating, but it should also be relevant. The ntences will appear gratuitous if they don’t lead to a point, so the next ntence or two should lead in to your thesis statement, or main
gratuitous if they don’t lead to a point, so the next ntence or two should lead in to your thesis statement, or main message of your biography.
“It was a tragic end to a life that had so deeply affected the cour of history in the United States. Meriwether Lewis, a driven and often tormented soul, led an expedition of discovery that expanded a young nation’s economic potential, incread its scientific understanding, and enhanced its worldwide reputation.”
Now that you’ve created an impressive beginning, you’ll want to continue the flow. Find more intriguing details about the man and his work, and weave them into the composition.
心理发展阶段Examples of interesting details:Some people believed that Lewis and Clark would encounter elephants in the western wilderness, having misunderstood the wooly mammoth bones discovered in the United States.
The expedition resulted in the discovery and deion of 122 new animal species and subspecies.
Lewis was a hypochondriac.
His death is still an unsolved mystery, although it was ruled a suicide.
Fill the body of your biography with material that gives insight to your subject’s personality. For instance, in a biography about Meriwether Lewis, you would ask what traits or events motivated him to embark on such a monumental exerci.
Questions to consider in your biography:Was there something in your subject’s childhood that shaped his/her personality?
Was there a personality trait that drove him/her to succeed or impeded his progress?
What adjectives would you u to describe him/her?我懂得了宽容
What were some turning points in this life?
What was his/her impact on history?
Be sure to u transitional phras and words to link your paragraphs and make your composition paragraphs flow. It is normal for good writers to re-arrange their ntences to create a better paper.
The final paragraph will summarize your main points and re-asrt your main claim about your subject. It should point out your main points, re-name the person you’re writing about, but it should not repeat specific examples.
As always, proofread your paper and check for errors. Create a bibliography and title page according to your teacher's instructions. Consult a style guide for proper documentation.