北大西洋公约组织战斗序列 1989 v3.0安迪·约翰逊(Andy Johnson)先生最后更新于:2000年5月27日帕特·卡拉汉(Pat Callahan)最后更新于:2006年7月10日安迪·约翰逊的参考源:参考源:1. Almanac of Airpower 19892. Jane's Defen Weekly's published in the late 1980's3. Military Technology’s World Defen Almanac 1988,1989 and 19904. NATO Armies Today,Osprey Publishing 19875. NATO in Europe 19896. The British Army in the 1980’s,Osprey Publishing 19877. US Army Active Troop List,June 1988 and June 19898. US Army Field Manual 1-111 Aviation Brigades August 19909. US Army Green Book 1988,1989,and 199010.US Army,British Army,Canadian Army,and assorted unit internet home pages备注1:本文仅列出战斗和战斗支援单位。像维护、医疗和运输一类的战斗勤务支援单位都不涉及。备注2:在这份战斗序列表中有时会以【加粗】的形式给出一些称呼。这是指在某些情况下我得“脑补”一些内容,这些信息会用这种方式表示。(译者:作者的苏军战斗序列看来是全文加粗了,怪不得我看不出来。)更正版的参考源:1. Armies of NATO’s Central Front,David Isby and Charles Kamps,19852. Jane’s Armour & Artillery,1986-87 and 1992-933. ORBATs available 4. “Combined Arms,” G
怎么考月嫂DW,Frank Chadwick,19875. World Armies Today,John Keegan,2nd Edition,1983 (good for general organizational information)6. IISS Military Balance 1989-90 and 1990-19917. USNI’s Combat Fleets of the World 1988/89 and 1990/918. Various Micro Mark army lists for some specialist units (for example,Gurkhas,Spanish Marines and Paras,Greek special forces,etc)9. Jane’s NATO Handbook 1990-91 (OOB comes straight from IISS,but best source out there for holdings ofolder equipment)10. John Baugher’s US Aircraft Encyclopedia was extremely uful for nations holding US aircraft.除此之外,更正时还引用了不少网站,这会在各章中给予注释。