1、 殖民地时期(1607-1765)
William Bradford
John Winthrop
Captain John Smith
Anne Bradstreet
Edward Taylor
2、 启蒙时期与独立战争时期(1765-18世纪末)
Jonathan Edwards(乔纳森·爱德华兹)
The Freedom of the Will(《意志的自由》)1754
The Great Doctrine of Original Sin Defended(《原罪说辩》)假英文1758
Images or Shadows of Divine Things(《神灵的行影》)1758
Benjamin Franklin(本杰明·富兰克林)
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin(《本杰明·富兰克林自传》)1748
Poor Richard’s Almanac(《理查德历书》)1758
Washington Irving(华盛顿·欧文)
A History of New York From the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty(《纽约外史》)1809
The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent(《见闻札记》)1819-1820
James Fenimore Cooper(詹姆士·费尼莫·库柏)
Leather-stocking Tales(《皮裹腿故事集》)
瑞典移民局 The Spy(《间谍》)1821
The Pioneers(《拓荒者》)1823
The Last of the Mohicans(《最后的莫西干人》)1826
The Prairie(《草原》)1827
The Pathfinder(《探路者》)1840
The Deerslayer(《杀鹿者》)1841
Ralph Waldo Emerson (拉尔夫·瓦尔多·爱默生)
Henry David Thoreau(亨利·大卫·梭罗)
A Week on the Concord and Merrimark Rivers(《康科德和美利马克河上的一周》)1849
Nathaniel Hawthorne(纳撒尼尔·霍桑)
The Scarlet letter(《红字》)1850
The Hou of the Seven Gables(《带有七个尖角阁的房子》)1851
The Marble Faun(《玉石雕像》)1860
Herman Melville(赫尔曼·梅尔维尔)
Moby Dick(《大白鲸》)1851
Mardi(《玛地》) 1849
Redburn(《莱德勃恩》) 1849
White Jacket(《白夹克》) 1850
Pierre(《皮埃尔》) 1852
Walt Whitman(沃尔特·惠特曼)
Leaves of Grass(《草叶集》) 1855
Edgar Allan Poe(埃德加·爱伦·坡)
The Murders in the Rue Morgue(《莫格街凶杀案》) 1841
The Raven(《乌鸦》) 1844
William Dean Howells(威廉·狄威·豪威尔斯)
A Modern Instance(《现代婚姻》) 1881
The Ri of Silas Lapham(《塞拉斯·帕拉姆的发迹》) 1885
Henry James(亨利·詹姆士)
The American(《美国人》) 1877
Daisy Miller(《戴茜·密勒》) 1879
Washington Square(《华盛顿广场》) 1881
The Portrait of a Lady(《贵妇的画像》) 1881
The Aspern Papers(《阿斯本文件》) 1888
The Wings of the Dove(《鸽翼》)
The Ambassadors(《奉使记》) 1903
Harriet Beecher Stowe(哈利特·比彻·斯托夫人)
The Cabin of Uncle Tom(《汤姆叔叔的小屋》) 1851
Mark Twain(马克·吐温)
The Gilded Age(《镀金时代》) 1870
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer(《汤姆·索耶历险记》) 1876
Life on the Mississippi(《在密西西比河的生活》) 1883
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn(《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》) 1884
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court(《在亚瑟王朝廷里的康涅狄格州美国人》) 1889
The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg(《败坏了赫德莱堡的人》) 1900
The Mysterious Stranger(《神秘的陌生人》) 1916
Stephen Crane(斯蒂芬·克兰)
Maggie: A Girl of the Streets(《街头女郎梅吉》) 1893
The Black Riders (《黑骑士》) 1895
我喜欢的动物The Red Badge of Courage(《红色英勇勋章》) 1895
Frank Norris(弗兰克·诺里斯)
McTeague(《麦克提格》) 1894-1895
The Octopus(《章鱼》) 1901
The Pit(《粮食交易所》) 1903
Theodore Dreir(西奥多·德莱塞)
Sister Carrie(《嘉莉妹妹》) 1900
Jannie Gerhardt (《珍妮姑娘》)1911
The Financier (《金融家》)1912
The Titan (《巨人》)1914
The Genius (《天才》)1915
An American Tragedy (《美国悲剧》)1925
Edwin Arlington Robinson (埃德温·阿灵顿·罗宾逊)
The Town Down the River (《急流与昨夜》)1910
Man Against the Sky(《天边人影》)1916
Jack London(杰克·伦敦)
The Call of the Wild (《荒野的呼唤》)1903
Martin Eden (《马丁·伊登》)1909
Upton Sinclair (阿普顿·辛克莱尔)
The Jungle (《屠场》)1906
5、 现代主义时期(1918-1945)
T· S· Eliot (艾略特)
The Waste Land (《荒原》)1922
Ezra Pound (埃兹拉·庞德)
Homage to Sextus Propertius (《向塞克斯特斯·普罗波蒂斯致敬》)1917
Hugh Selwyn Mauberley (《休·塞耳温·莫伯利》)1920纸尿裤多久换一次
Wallace Stevens (华莱尔·史蒂文斯)背影教案
Ideas of Order (《关于秩序的思想》)1935
The Man With the Blue Guitar (《持蓝吉他的人》)1937
Parts of a world (《一个世界的某些部分》)1942
Transport to Summer (《转入夏季》)1947
The Auroras of Autumn (《秋天的晨曦》) 1950
The Necessary Angel (《必不可少的安琪儿》)1951
Opus Posthumous (《遗作集》)1957
William Carlos Williams (威廉·卡洛斯·威廉姆》)
Kora in Hell (《卡洛在地狱中》)1920
Spring and All (《春天及一切》)1923
Paterson (《佩特森》)1946
Robert Frost (罗伯特·弗洛斯特)
A Boy’s Will (《少年的意志》)1912环保小论文
North of Boston (《波士顿以北》)1914诱狼电影
Mountain Interval (《山间》)1916
Carl Sanburg (卡尔·塞堡)
Chicago Poems (《芝加哥诗集》)1916
Cornhuskers (《剥玉米机》)1918
Smoke and Steel (《烟与钢》)1920
Good morning, America (《早晨好,美国》)1928
The people, Yes (《人民,是的》)1936
E· E· Cummings (E·E·卡明斯)
The Enormous Room (《大屋》)1922
F· Scott Fitzgerald (F·斯各特·菲茨杰拉德)
The Great Gatsby(《了不起的盖茨比》) 1925
Tender is the Night (《夜色温柔》) 1934
The Last Tycoon (《最后的大亨》) 1940
Ernest Hemingway(厄尼斯特·海明威)
The Sun Also Ri(《太阳照样升起》) 1926
A Farewell to Arms(《永别了,武器》) 1928
Death in Afternoon(《在午后死去》)肉夹馍的来历 1932
Green Hills of Africa(《非洲的青山》) 1935
To Have and to Have Not(《富有与贫穷》) 1937
The Fifth Column(《第五纵队》) 1937