II. Identifying Occupations
各得其所是什么意思Now that you are better aware of yourlf and your work related values, next you must u that information to help you identify different occupational possibilities, rearch tho areas, t goals, and develop an action plan to achieve your goals.
Career exploration involves three general steps:
1. Developing a list of possible occupations
2. Rearching occupations
3. 松软白面包Goal tting and developing an action plan
A. Developing a List of Occupations
People u different strategies for identifying career possibilities. The Summary Worksheet Matrix listed in the Discover Yourlf ction indicates 23 career areas, also known as career clusters. 说学逗唱
Occupations are grouped into large career clusters then subdivided into what are called job families. For example, 'legal rvices' is a career cluster. Within this cluster are job families (or types of legal rvices) including criminal, corporate and real estate.
Each job family has entry-level, skilled, technical, paraprofessional and professional occupations in what is sometimes referred to as a "career ladder."
Keep In
∙ Your first choice may not be the right choice 美丽的云南
∙ Giving up your first choice of a career is okay-- Generally the cond or third career choice often proves to be more gratifying.
Writing Out Your list:
怎么抑制雄性激素1. On a parate sheet of paper, write down the career areas you identified on the Summary Worksheet Matrix. Eliminate any areas that you are truly not interested in exploring.
2. Using the general occupational information and other library resources on the "Career Library Resource List" and "Occupational Rearch Grid" listed on the next pages, find information for each career area that lists related job titles (job families).
3. For each career area, write down related jobs. Eliminate any jobs that you are sure you do not want to pursue. It's a good idea to also write down the reasons why you do not want to explore that occupation, to better examine your thoughts.
4. Put check marks next to tho occupations that sound the most interesting. For each, write down reasons why you think the occupation is interesting.
5. From this list, lect two to five of the most promising occupations that you want to rearch.
Career Library Resources List
General Occupational Information:
. and . Book Series
Computerized Career Guidance Programs, such as SIGI, FOCUS & EUREKA
Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT), U.S. Employment Service.
感恩教师作文The Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational Guidance, J.G. Ferguson Pub.
Guide for Occupational Exploration (GOE), U.S. Department of Labor.
Labor Market Information/Trends:
American Almanac of Jobs and Salaries, Avon Books.
American Salaries and Wages Survey, Gale Rearch.
Occupational Outlook Handbook, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Projections 2000, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Standard and Poor's Industry Surveys. U.S. Industrial Outlook, U.S. Department of Commerce.
Professional And Trade Associations:
Encyclopedia of Associations, Gale Rearch.
Professional Careers Source book, Gale Rearch.
Graduate And Training Programs:
American Trade Schools Directory, 兰州拉面的做法Croner Publications.
Bricker's International Directory, Peterson's Guides (Exec. Programs).
College Blue Book: Occupational Education, Macmillan.
Directory of Public Vocational-Technical Schools, Macmillan.
Peterson's Annual Guides to Graduate Study, Peterson's Guides.
Peterson's Guide to Certificate Programs at American Colleges
Example of using JOB FAMILIES to identify related careers.
Suppo your target career choice is to become a pilot and you are blind. No matter how badly you want to become a pilot, you will never be able to make it a career.
However, don't just stop there. Write down a list of occupations in the aviation job family of the transportation career cluster, asking yourlf if you are able to perform the job with or without reasonable accommodations.
Can I Be A:
pilot? No
air traffic controller? No
flight attendant? Probably not
airport ground equipment supervisor? Possibly
aircraft mechanic? Possibly
rervation agent? Yes
airport manager? Yes
aircraft company manager? Yes
aviation academy president? Yes
Look over tho occupations marked "yes." If you can find an occupational match in the group, you might still be able to pursue a career in aviation, if not as a pilot.
B. Rearching Occupations:
By now you have a list of veral promising occupations. The next step is to do more in-depth rearch about the fields.
Primary Rearch Methods: