TED 指Technology, Entertainment, Design在英语中的缩写,即技术、娱乐、设计。
TED 是美国的⼀家私有⾮营利机构,该机构以它组织的TED⼤会著称。每年,TED⼤会在美国召集众多科学、设计、⽂学、⾳乐等领域的杰出⼈物,分享他们关于技术、社会、⼈的思考和探索。 TED⼤会希望传达这样⼀个的信息,即优秀的思想可以改变⼈们对这个世界的看法,使⼈们反思⾃⼰的⾏为。
在本次TED演讲中,奥利弗·萨克斯(Oliver Sacks)教授带我们认识邦奈特症候群,也就是视⼒受损的⼈产⽣鲜明幻觉。他⽤温馨的细节描述了病⼈的经历,并以这样的叙述让我们了解这种鲜少被报道的现象背后的⽣理原理。
奥利弗·萨克斯(Oliver Sacks)教授是⼀位神经学家和作家,⽼⼈家做此讲座时,80⾼寿依然思维敏捷,精神矍铄,对答如流。真⼼赞!
We e with the eyes, but we e with the brain as well. And eing with the brain is often called imagination. And we are familiar with the landscapes of our own imagination, our inscapes. We've lived with them all our lives. But there are also hallucinations as well, and hallucinations are completely different. They don't em to be of our creation. They don't em to be under our control. They em to come from the outside, and to mimic perception.
So I am going to be talking about hallucinations, and a particular sort of visual hallucination which I e among my patients. A few months ago, I got a phone call from a nursing home where I work. They told me that one of their residents, an old lady in her 90s, was eing things, and they wondered if she'd gone bonkers or, becau she was an old lady, whether she'd had a stroke, or whether she had Alzheimer's.
And so they asked me if I would come and e Rosalie, the old lady. I went in to e her. It was evident straight away that she was perfectly sane and lucid and of good intelligence, but she'd been very startled and very bewildered, becau she'd been eing things. And she told me -- the nurs hadn't mentioned this -- that she was blind, that she had been completely blind from macular degeneration for five years. But now, for the last few days, she'd been eing things.
So I said, "What sort of things?" And she said, "People in Eastern dress, in drapes, walking up and down stairs. A man who turns towards me and smiles. But he has huge teeth on one side of his mout
h. Animals too. I e a white building. It's snowing, a soft snow. I e this hor with a harness, dragging the snow away. Then, one night, the scene changes. I e cats and dogs walking towards me. They come to a certain point and then stop. Then it changes again.
I e a lot of children. They are walking up and down stairs. They wear bright colors, ro and blue, like Eastern dress."
Sometimes, she said, before the people come on, she may hallucinate pink and blue squares on the floor, which em to go up to the ceiling. I said, "Is this like a dream?" And she said, "No, it's not like a dream. It's like a movie." She said, "It's got color. It's got motion. But it's completely silent, like a silent movie." And she said that it's a rather boring movie. She said, "All the people with Eastern dress, walking up and down, very repetitive, very limited."
And she has a n of humor. She knew it was a hallucination. But she was frightened. She'd lived 95 years and she'd never had a hallucination before. She said that the hallucinations were unrelated to anything she was thinking or feeling or doing, that they emed to come on by themlves, or disappear. She had no control over them. She said she didn't recognize any of the people or places i
n the hallucinations. And none of the people or the animals, well, they all emed oblivious of her. And she didn't know what was going on. She wondered if she was going mad or losing her mind.
Well, I examined her carefully. She was a bright old lady, perfectly sane. She had no medical problems. She wasn't on any medications which could produce hallucinations. But she was blind. And I then said to her, "I think I know what you have." I said, "There is a special form of visual hallucination which may go with deteriorating vision or blindness. This was originally described," I said, "right back in the 18th century, by a man called Charles Bonnet. And you have Charles Bonnet syndrome. There is nothing wrong with your brain. There is nothing wrong with your mind. You have Charles Bonnet syndrome."
And she was very relieved at this, that there was nothing riously the matter, and also rather curious. She said, "Who is this Charles Bonnet?" She said, "Did he have them himlf?" And she said, "Tell all the nurs that I have Charles Bonnet syndrome." "I'm not crazy. I'm not demented. I have Charles Bonnet syndrome." Well, so I did tell the nurs.
什么是专有名词这对我来说是常见的情况。我主要在⽼⼈院服务,我有很多⽼⼈病患他们听⼒或视⼒受损。听⼒受损的⼈当中约有10% 出现⾳乐的幻听。视⼒受损的⼈当中约有10% 出现幻视。不⼀定要全盲,视⼒受损到⼀定程度就有可能。
Now this, for me, is a common situation. I work in old-age homes, largely. I e a lot of elderly people who are hearing impaired or visually impaired. About 10 percent of the hearing impaired people get musical hallucinations. And about 10 percent of the visually impaired people get visual hallucinations. You don't have to be completely blind, only sufficiently impaired.
说到18世纪对这症候群的描述,查尔⼠•邦奈特本⼈没有这个症候群,是他的外祖⽗有。他的外祖⽗是⼀位地⽅官员,年纪很⼤了。他动过⽩内障⼿术,视⼒⾮常差。 1759年,他把他所看到的幻视描述给外孙听。
Now with the original deion in the 18th century, Charles Bonnet did not have them. His grandfather had the hallucinations. His grandfather was a magistrate, an elderly man. He'd had cataract surgery. His vision was pretty poor. And in 1759, he described to his grandson various things he was eing.
The first thing he said was he saw a handkerchief in midair. It was a large blue handkerchief with four orange circles. And he knew it was a hallucination. You don't have handkerchiefs in midair. And then he saw a big wheel in midair. But sometimes he wasn't sure whether he was hallucinating or not, becau the hallucinations would fit in the context of the visions. So on one occasion, when his granddaughters were visiting them, he said, "And who are the handsome young men with you?" And they said, "Alas, Grandpapa, there are no handsome young men." And then the handsome young men disappeared. It's typical of the hallucinations that they may come in a flash and disappear in a flash. They don't usually fade in and out. They are rather sudden, and they change suddenly.
但回到家以后,他看到鹰架的缩⼩版, 6吋⾼的鹰架出现在他书桌上。这种重复出现的知觉,有时候叫做视觉重复。
Charles Lullin, the grandfather, saw hundreds of different figures, different landscapes of all sorts. On one occasion, he saw a man in a bathrobe smoking a pipe, and realized it was himlf. That was the only figure he recognized. On one occasion when he was walking in the streets of Paris, he saw -- this was real -- a scaffolding. But when he got back home, he saw a miniature of the scaffolding six inches high, on his study table. This repetition of perception is sometimes called palinopsia.
他跟罗莎莉经验到的... 罗莎莉也问,这是怎么回事?我说,当视觉恶化,脑中负责视觉的部分再也收不到刺激,就变得特别活跃,特别容易被激发,开始⾃发性的活跃起来,幻视就出现了。幻视的内容可能⾮常复杂。
With him and with Rosalie, what ems to be going on -- and Rosalie said, "What's going on?" -- and I said that as you lo vision, as the visual parts of the brain are no longer getting any input, they become hyperactive and excitable, and they start to fire spontaneously. And you start to e things. The things you e can be very complicated indeed.
With another patient of mine, who, also had some vision, the vision she had could be disturbing. On one occasion, she said she saw a man in a striped shirt in a restaurant. And he turned around. And then he divided into six figures in striped shirts, who started walking towards her. And then the six figures came together again, like a concertina. Once, when she was driving, or rather, her husband was driving, the road divided into four and she felt herlf going simultaneously up four roads.
She had very mobile hallucinations as well. A lot of them had to do with a car. Sometimes she would e a teenage boy sitting on the hood of the car. He was very tenacious and he moved rather gracefully when the car turned. And then when they came to a stop, the boy would do a sudden vertical takeoff, 100 foot in the air, and then disappear.
Another patient of mine had a different sort of hallucination. This was a woman who didn't have trouble with her eyes, but the visual parts of her brain, a little tumor in the occipital cortex. And, above all, she would e cartoons. The cartoons would be transparent and would cover half the visual field, like a screen. And especially she saw cartoons of Kermit the Frog. (Laughter) Now, I don't watch Sesame Street, but she made a point of saying, "Why Kermit?" she said, "Kermit the Frog means nothing to me. You know, I was wondering about Freudian determinants. Why Kermit? Kermit the Frog means nothing to me."
She didn't mind the cartoons too much. But what did disturb her was she got very persistent images or hallucinations of faces and as with Rosalie, the faces were often deformed, with very large teeth or very large eyes. And the frightened her. Well, what is going on with the people? As a physician, I have to try and define what's going on, and to reassure people, especially to reassure them that they're not going insane.
There is another part of the brain which is especially activated when one es cartoons. It's activated when one recognizes cartoons, when one draws cartoons, and when one hallucinates them. It's very interesting that that should be specific. There are other parts of the brain which are specifically involved with the recognition and hallucination of buildings and landscapes.
Around 1970, it was found that there were not only parts of the brain, but particular cells. "Face cells" were discovered around 1970. And now we know that there are hundreds of other sorts of cells, which can be very, very specific. So you may not only have "car" cells, you may have "Aston Martin" cells. (Laughter) I saw an Aston Martin this morning. I had to bring it in. And now it's in there somewhere. (Laughter)
Now, at this level, in what's called the inferotemporal cortex, there are only visual images, or figments or fragments. It's only at higher levels that the other ns join in and there are connections with memory and emotion. And in the Charles Bonnet syndrome, you don't go to tho higher levels. You're in the levels of inferior visual cortex where you have thousands and tens of thousands and millions of images, or figments, or fragmentary figments, all neurally