工程名称 Project | 项目 | 施工图号 Drawing# | ||||
单位工程名称 Package(Unit) | 施工单位Construction sub—con | |||||
分部(项) 工程名称 Sub divisional work(Specified) | 主体钢筋 Reinforced bar ud for main structure | 施工班组Construction working crew (工种Designation) | 钢筋班 Reinforced bar team | |||
技术交底内容 Content of technical disclosure:李天生 1、钢筋进场必须具有合格证并经抽样送复试合格后方准使用 The rebar delivered to the site shall be attached with quality pasd certificate and samples shall be taken for test before using. It can be allowed to u on site unless it has pasd the sample test. 2、钢筋加工时应严格控制尺寸,避免原材料浪费及尺寸不足等现象发生。钢筋锚固长度和搭接长度、弯钩等应该严格按照RAPID-P0001—CCSM—CVS—STD-1300-0001~0004图纸的说明要求 The dimensions of the rebar shall be strictly controlled when rebar is being procesd so that the waste of raw materials or insufficient dimensions can be avoided. The length of rebar anchoring and lap and bent hook shall all conform to the requirements and specification of drawing# RAPID-P0001—CCSM-CVS—STD-1300-0001~0004. 3、阴雨天气,应将钢筋用彩条布覆盖,现场堆放时应离地面有一定的高度,防止被雨水浸泡和泥污,使用前对已经锈蚀的钢筋应进行除锈On rainy days ,the rebar shall be covered by blue sheet .The rebar shall be stacked with certain distance to the ground so as not to immerd by the rain water or stained by the mud. The already formed rust on the rebar shall be removed before using. 4、钢筋绑扎时,严格按照图纸及规范要求施工,受力钢筋绑扎时,相交点必须逐点绑扎。熟悉图纸、按设计要求检查已加工好的钢筋规格、形状、数量是否正确。箍筋与主筋要垂直,箍筋转角处与主筋交点均要绑扎,主筋与箍筋非转角部分的相交点成梅花交错绑扎 When banding and fixing the rebar, the drawings and specifications shall be strictly followed 。 The stresd rebar shall be banded along the crossing points one by one。 Check whether the specifications, shapes, quantity of the procesd rebar meet up with the requirements of drawings and design or not。 The stirrup shall be vertical with the main bar and the banding shall also be done at nook of stirrup and at the crossing point with main bar。 The crossing points of main bar and the non—nook part of stirrup shall be banded in plum blossom shape (intercrossing)。 5、钢筋安装时,受力钢筋的品种、级别、规格和数量及锚固长度等必须符合设计及规范要求 When installing the rebar, the category, class, specification, quantity and the anchoring length shall all conform to the requirements of design and specifications. 6、绑扎梁钢筋时,钢筋接头必须按规范要求进行留设。留设位置要满足设计要求。梁上部纵向钢筋应贯穿中间节点,梁下部纵向钢筋伸入中间节点锚固长度及伸过中心线的长度要符合设计要求 When banding the beam rebar, the lap joints shall be rerved and the locations shall meet the requirements of design. The longitudinal rebar on the upper gment of the beam shall penetrate through the joints in the middle while the longitudinal rebar on the lower gment of the beam shall be embedded into the joints in the middle。 The anchoring length and the length extended over the centerline shall all conform to the requirements of design. 7、封闭模板及浇筑砼前彻底清理底部杂物,并调整钢筋位置,封模及浇砼时,派责任心强的钢筋工师傅看护,避免封模及浇砼时,把钢筋弄歪,弄扭 The formwork shall be cleaned on its bottom before the concrete is poured and the formwork is fixed and the location of rebar shall be adjusted. A rebar worker with good n of responsibility shall be assigned to watch when the formwork is being fixed or the concrete is being poured to avoid the rebar being damaged or bent. 用竟然造句8、钢筋绑扎完毕后,必须按设计要求的保护层厚度垫好保护层垫块,保护层厚度50mm. When banding of rebar has been done, stuff the layer of protection with the designed thickness, which shall be 50mm. 9、允许误差Allowable deviations:西洋参是补什么的 钢筋的下料精确度 The precision of cutting length of rebar:长度Length<7m精确度 Preci range =0~40mm, 每增加1m长度,精确度增加35mm If the length is incread by 1m ,the preci range will be incread by 35mm。土豆发芽了还能吃吗 钢筋的弯曲半径The bending radius of rebar:直径 Diameter <25Mm 半径Radius =3d,直径Diameter>29Mm半径Radius=4d 柱筋直径diameter of column rebar /间距spacing /梁箍筋beam stirrup:根据设计图,主筋间距 as per the designing drawing ,the spacing of main bars<160mm,拉结筋间距 the spacing of tie bar <40mm; 柱筋垂直度 Perpendicularity of column rebar :小于less than 1/100 柱筋间隙 Spacing of column rebar:根据结构设计图 As per designed drawing of structure ±6mm 墙面钢筋直径/间距/搭接处 Diameter/spacing /lapping zone of rebar the surface of wall:根据设计图,针对D>10mm的钢筋 As per the designing drawing ,for the rebar D>10mm, 预留孔(或穿墙)钢筋直径/数量/长度和墙/板/柱拉结筋 As per the diameter of rebar of the rerved hole (or penetrating through the wall)/quantity/ length and wall/plate/tie bar:D>10mm,根据设计图 ,针对D>10mm的钢筋As per the designing drawing ,for the rebar D>10mm, 墙、板钢筋间隙:根据设计图和施工标准 ±6mm The spacing of wall and plate rebar: As per the designing drawing and construction code: ±6mm | ||||||
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交 底 人 Disclosure conducted by | 接 受 人 Disclosure given to | |||||
诙谐 |
工程名称 Project | 施工图号 Drawing# | |||||
单位工程名称 Package(Unit) | 施工单位Construction sub-con | |||||
分部(项)工程名称 Sub divisional work(Specified) | 主体模板 Main formworks | 施工班组Construction working crew (工种Designation) | 木工班组 Carpentry team | |||
技术交底内容 Content of technical disclosure: 1。模板及木方使用前应进行挑选,翘曲、变形的不得使用 The formwork and wooden materials shall be lected before using. The ones with deformation warpage shall not be ud. 2.梁、板模板均采用胶合板(δ=15mm厚)施工,支撑模板背楞采用50×100mm木方,所有钢管采用Φ48.3×4.0.支模前,先弹出柱和梁轴线及外边线,木工根据弹线支模。顶板支撑脚手架:支撑高度为6.45m。立杆纵横间距分别为1m,步距1.5m,模板采用15mm。内龙骨采用50*100mm木方,间距300mm,梁顶托采用双钢管。梁支撑脚手架:支撑高度6.0m,立杆纵距(跨度方向)为0。5m,步距1。5m,模板采用15mm,采用50*100mm木方,梁两侧立杆间距1。2m,小横杆间距250mm。梁的跨度大于4m时,模板应按跨度的1/1000~3/1000起拱。墙模板支护:内龙骨木方采用50*100,间距150mm,外龙骨采用双钢管,模板15mm,采用16mm的对拉螺栓,对拉螺栓布置15道(沿高度方向),分别200+400+400+400+400+400+400+400+400+400+400+400+400+400+400,水平方向400mm间距。柱模板支护(900*900的柱):支护高度6.45m,木方采用50*100,每边5根木方,模板采用15mm厚,柱箍间距550mm,采用16mm的对拉螺栓穿中加固。600*600的柱:支护高度6.45m,木方采用50*100,每边4根木方,模板采用15mm厚,柱箍间距450mm,采用16mm的对拉螺栓穿中加固 The plywood (thickness δ=15mm ) shall be ud to make beam and plate formworks. Timber 50×100mm ud for back arris of supporting formwork and Φ48。3×4.0 for all steel tubes。 Pop out the axial lines of column and beam as well as outer side lines prior to erecting the formworks and the carpenter will erect the formworks as per the lines popped out。 Top plate supporting scaffoldings: supporting height 6.45m。 The longitudinal and horizontal spacing are both 1m. The lift height is 1.5m。The thickness of formwork is 15mm. Timber 50*100mm ud for inner keels and spacing of them shall be 300mm.The top support of the beam shall be double steel tubes。 Beam supporting scaffoldings: supporting height 6。0m。 Longitudinal spacing of posts is 0。5m, and lift height is 1.5m. The thickness of formwork is 15mm by the timbers of 50*100mm。Spacing of posts on the two sides of beam shall be 1.2m and the spacing of hedgers shall be 250mm。 If the span of beam more than 4m, the arc camber of formwork shall be 1/1000~3/1000 of span。 Supporting of wall formwork: the timber 50*100 shall be ud for inner keels and their spacing shall be 150mm。The double steel tubes shall be ud for outer keel and the thickness of the formwork shall be 15mm and the 16mm tie bolts shall be ud。 15 lines of tie bolts shall be laid out (along the direction of height): 200+400+400+400+400+400+400+400+400+400+400+400+400+400+400 and the spacing on the horizontal direction shall be 400mm。 Supporting of column (900*900) formwork: the supporting height 6。45m and the timber 50*100 and 5 pcs of timbers on each side. The thickness of formwork is 15mm。 The spacing of column hoops 550mm and strengthened by penetrating with 16mm tie bolt。 Supporting of column (600*600) formwork: the supporting height 6。45m and the timber 50*100 and 4 pcs of timbers on each side. The thickness of formwork is 15mm。 The spacing of column hoops 450mm and strengthened by penetrating with 16mm tie bolt。 3。模板安装时,梁柱板墙截面尺寸及标高均要符合设计要求,模板安装完后,上口用红三角标出混凝土面标高 For installation of formwork, the ctional dimensions and elevations of beam & column walls shall all conform to the requirements of design. When the installation is done, mark a red triangle on the top as the elevation of concrete surface。 4。对于柱头插筋,必须严格按设计图纸及现场所弹的基础轴线进行绑扎,绑扎完毕校正无误后,采用钢管或钢筋加固牢靠 The joint bar on the end of the column shall be banded by strictly following the design drawings and the foundation axial lines popped out on site. When the banding has been done and adjusted, the banded joint bar shall be fixed by steel tube or reinforced bar. 5。混凝土浇筑前,模板内的杂物应清理干净,并用水冲洗干净 The debris inside the formwork shall be removed and washed up before pouring concrete. 6.模板拆除顺序应遵循先支后拆,先非承重部位,后承重部位及自上而下的原则。拆模时,严禁大锤硬砸强制拆除模板 The quence of dismantling the formwork shall be opposite to the quence of erection 。 The ones firstly erected shall be dismantled lastly and the non—bearing parts shall be dismantled before the force bearing parts。 The dismantling shall be started from the top to the bottom. It’s not allowed to smash the formwork brutally by hammer. 拆模时,操作员应站在安全处,挂好安全带,以免发生安全事故;严禁边拆模边清理。拆下的模板、配件等,严禁抛扔,要有人接应传递,按指定地点堆放整齐,并做到及时清理,维修,刷油,以备使用 During the process of formwork demolition , the workers shall stand in the safe place and keep wearing the harness in prevention of any incident。 Do not conduct houkeeping while dismantling is still going on。 The dismantled formwork and components shall not be thrown and instead they shall be pasd to the designated places and stacked tidily and then they shall also be cleaned, repaired and brushed with oil timely for future u. 侧模在砼强度能保证其表面及棱角不因拆除模板而受损坏的前提下,方可拆模 The side formwork can be dismantled only when the concrete strength enables that its surface and edges will not be damaged due to dismantling。 现浇结构拆模时砼所需强度 The concrete strength required for dismantling the structure of cast-in—situ structure: (1)侧模拆除时的混凝土强度应能保证其表面及棱角不受损伤The concrete strength enables that its surface and edges will not be damaged during the process of dismantling side formwork. (2)底模及其支架拆除时,混凝土强度应至少80%的强度 The concrete strength shall reach at least 80% for dismantling ba formwork and its support. 底模拆除时的混凝土强度要求 Required concrete strength for dismantling the ba formwork。 (3)当上层混凝土正在施工时,下层不得拆除梁底模板及施工支架 The formwork of beam ba and its support on the lower layer cannot dismantled when there is concrete construction activity ongoing on the upper layer。 (4)模板拆除并清理后,材料应分类且按不同规格摆放整齐,并进行标识 When the formwork has been dismantled and cleaned, the materials shall be stacked as per their categories and be marked properly。 (5)模板拆除后应及时进行预埋件表面砂浆的清理 The mortar on the surface of embedded parts shall be cleaned timely when the dismantling of formwork is done. 7。允许误差Allowable deviation: 模板的预制Precast of formwork: 尺寸和精确度Dimensions and precision: ±5mm 放线标记准确度Precision of marking by tting out lines :与轴线相差±3mm ±3mm to the axial line. 模板的安装Installation of formwork(上部结构 Upper structure): 模板加工精确度Precision of processing formwork:拉线调整 Adjusted by pulling lines :±6mm 垂直精确度Precision of perpendicularity:普通模板 Regular formwork<1/500 水平精确度Precision of horizontality :+5~—10mm 截面尺寸精确度Precision of ctional dimensions:普通模板Regular formwork±5mm 孔洞尺寸精确度Precision of holes' dimension:±3mm 楼板的安装偏差 Deviation of installation of concrete slabs: 从模板底部高度Height from the bottom of formwork:排水管平面坡度 Plan gradient of draining pipes+5~-10mm 楼板高度Height of concrete slab:排水管平面坡度Plan gradient of draining pipes +5~-10mm PVC排水管坡度 Gradient of PVC draining pipes:排水管平面坡度Plan gradient of draining pipes +5~—10mm | ||||||
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