押韵复合词 (Rhyming Compounds)
英文的押韵复合词至少有三,四十个之多,如 funny-bunny, hodge-podge,中间的连字号 (hyphen) 可有可无.我们将尽量予以收录齐全.
boogie-woogie 一种以乐器 (尤其是钢琴) 演奏的蓝调.
bumper-jumper (美俗) 紧跟在别的车辆后面前进的车子 (tailgater) (n.):Be careful (that) don't let your car be a bumper-jumper. 注意别让你的车子紧跟在别的车辆后面前进.
chit-chat 闲聊,闲谈 (n., v.i.):He's not interested in listening to our idle chit-chat.他没有兴趣听我们闲谈.
dilly-dally 三心两意地浪费时间 (v.i.):For a month the governor dillydallied over the choice of a successor.州长为了挑选继承者已三心两意地浪费时间有一个月之久.
even-steven (俗) 机会相等的,分数拉平的,平分的 (adj.):Here's $100 dollars I owe you. Now we're even-steven. 还你100块,现在谁也不欠谁.亦写成 even-Steven.
fuddy-duddy (美俚) 老古董,守旧的人 (n.);顽固不化的 (adj.):Young colleagues tend to regard him as a fuddy-duddy. 年轻的同事似乎都把他看成 LKK.
funny-bunny (美俗) 隐藏在暗处的警车 (n.):He found a funny bunny hid in the dark.他发现一部警车躲在暗处.
hanky-panky (美俗) 戏法,骗术,诈欺,卑劣手段,轻佻的行为 (n.):Don't play hanky-panky with me. 别跟我耍诈;别对我欺瞒.亦写成 hankey-pankey, hanky pank. 与 hocus-pocus 同义.
harum-scarum 冒失鬼,轻率的行为 (n.);轻率的,冒失的,鲁莽的 (adj.);轻率地,鲁莽地 (adv.):He ran harum-scarum all over the place.他到处横冲直撞.
heebie-jeebies (俚语) 毛发悚然,不寒而栗,起鸡皮疙瘩,紧张害怕 (n. 做复数用):Just thinking about ghosts gives me the heebie-jeebies. 一想到鬼我就毛发悚然,不寒而栗.
helter-skelter 手忙脚乱地,慌张地,仓皇地,杂乱地,混乱地 (adv.);仓皇的,慌张的,混乱的 (adj.);慌张,狼狈 (n.):Clothes were scattered helter-skelter about the room. 衣服杂乱地散落在房间里.They ran in a mad, helter-skelter fashion for the exits. 他们慌张仓皇地冲向出口.
helter-skelteriness n.
higgledy-piggledy 杂乱无章,乱七八糟,混乱,紊乱 (n., adj., adv.):Books are stacked in higgledy-piggledy piles on the floor. 地上的书本堆得乱七八糟.
highty-tighty 傲慢,自大 (adj., n.):He's very highty-tighty. 他非常高傲自大.与 hoity-toity 同义.
hocus-pocus 变戏法所用之无意义的咒语,戏法,魔术,诡计,欺骗 (n.);欺骗,诈欺 (vt.&vi.):The ills of society cannot be cured by political hocus-pocus. 社会弊病无法用政治魔术来消除.与 hanky-panky同义.
hodgepodge 杂食,混杂物,大杂烩 (n.):They have made the English language a hodgepodge of all other speeches. 他们已使英文成为各种文字的大杂烩.与 hotchpotch 同义.
hoity-toity 傲慢,自大 (adj., n.):He's very hoity-toity. 他非常高傲自大.与 highty-tighty 同义.
冰球鞋honky-tonk 下等或格调不高的酒吧,夜总会或舞厅 (n.);下等或格调不高的酒吧,夜总会或舞厅的,有很多这种酒吧,夜总会或舞厅的 (adj.):honky-tonk part of town. 城裏下等酒吧栉比鳞次的地区.
hotchpotch 杂食,混杂物,大杂烩 (n.):They have made the English language a hodgepodge of all other speeches. 他们已使英文成为各种文字的大杂烩.与 hodgepodge 同义.
hubble-bubble 冒水泡的声音,咕噜咕噜声;吱吱喳喳的说话声 (n.):You can hear noisy hubble-bubble from aquarium. 你可以听到水族箱发出吵杂的水泡声.
hugger-mugger 混乱,秘密 (n.;亦写成 hugger-muggery);混乱地,秘密地 (adj., adv.;形容词亦写成 hugger-muggering);保密 (vt.);秘密行动 (vi.):The rooms were all hugger-mugger. 屋子乱糟糟的.
humpty-dumpty 矮胖的,短粗的 (adj.):She could not be made other than a humpty-dumpty. 不管怎麼打扮或改造,也改变不了她矮胖的身材.Humpty Dumpty 语出一童谣,为一矮胖之人,身材如蛋.
高三学生食谱道开头的成语接龙hurdy-gurdy 摇弦琴 (n.)
hurly-burly 喧嚣,喧哗 (n.):the hurly-burly of city life 城市生活的喧嚣.
mumbo-jumbo 胡扯,胡言乱语,难懂的术语,无意义的咒语 (n.):Don't give me that legal mumbo-jumbo. Tell me what the contract really says. 别尽说鬼扯蛋的法律术语,用白话告诉我合约的意思.
namby-pamby 软弱的,娘娘腔的,马马虎虎的,打不定主意的,不果断的 (adj.);娘娘腔的男人,伤感的人,伤感的诗文或谈话 (n.):namby-pamby boys afraid to leave their mother's apron strings. 怕离开母亲的柔弱男孩子. namby-pambiness, namby-pambism (n.);namby-pambyish (adj.).
nitty-gritty (美国俚语;在 Newsweek, Time 等杂志上经常可看到这个字眼) 事情的要点,关键所在,详情细节,实情 (n.):Let's skip the chit-chat and get down to the nitty-gritty. 别再闲谈了,让我们开门见山,直截了当地进入主题吧;根本的,详细的,直接的,实际的 (adj.):nitty-gritty advice 直接的建议.
okey-doke 即 OK,亦写成 okeydoke, okey-dokey, okle-dokle (adj., adv., interj.);这个字在美国一般社会人士的会话中经常听得到.
palsy-walsy (俚语) 显得很亲热的 (adj.):He got very palsy-walsy with the boss all of a sudden. 他突然显得跟老板很亲热.his palsy-walsy attitude. 他亲热的态度.
pell-mell 意思与用法跟 helter-skelter 相同:Away they run, pell-mell, helter-skelter, slap-dash. 它们全部慌乱地跑走.
怎样上好一堂课pitter-patter (脚步,雨等的) 劈劈啪啪的声响 (n., adv., vi.):She pitter-pattered along the hallway. 她在走廊上走著,发出劈劈啪啪声.the pitter-patter of rain 雨打得劈劈啪啪响.
razzle-dazzle (美国俚语) 噱头 (n.);五光十色,令人眼花撩乱的,耍噱头的 (adj.);使迷惑,使眼花撩乱 (vt.):The show has plenty of razzle-dazzle but not much talent. 那场表演噱头倒不少,但没有显示多大本领.
roly-poly 矮胖的 (adj.);矮胖的人,(主英) 一种含葡萄乾的卷形布丁 (n.):a roly-poly child. 胖小孩.
shilly-shally 优柔寡断,犹豫不决 (n., adj., adv., v.i.):I am shilly-shally about it in my own mind. 我心里对此事犹豫不决.
super-duper (美俚) 最大,最好的 (adj.):He has a pair of super-duper Nike basketball shoes. 他有一双顶级的耐吉篮球鞋.
tittle-tattle 蜚短流长,闲话,闲言闲语,搬弄是非 (n.,vi.):She is a woman who likes to tittle-tattle. 她是一个喜欢东家长西家短的长舌妇.