little ants adventure 文本
普洱茶保存方法A small ant cretly head out, dad is not at home today,go out with winter food, he quietly slipped out of the nest, mixed in worker forces, help to collect food together, small ants first out of the nest, e the outside world, he felt everything is very fresh, look around, accidentally, hit the ants! When he looked back, he was a soldier ant, an always-very strong soldier ant, with bronzed skin and a strong biceps. Next to him stood his companion ——, a male ant wearing "Doctor Lun" glass. 阿里合伙人
The two ants are discussing whether eye drops are a good u for treasure Island or treasure Ming. By the small ant so hit, the sunglass in the hands of the soldier ants flew out, hit on the branches (grass roots), clap! A crisp sound, the sunglass broke! The soldier ant screamed: " My god! My dear that is lovely and dear "adidas" sunglass ah, which can I prevent bask in the sunglass that can correct myopia again! I'm wrong, I'm "" OK, don't howl!” The soldier ant pointed the finger at the small ant: " said! Your last name is what, call what, from where, where to go, at home there are a few ants, a
few rooms, all tell me to talk about it!"The little ant was frightened by such a scene, at a loss, suddenly collapd on the ground, crying:" Dad, where are you ah
童年趣事作文开头勤能补拙的故事 兵蚁把矛头指向了小蚂蚁:“说!你姓啥,叫啥,从哪来,到哪去,家里有几只蚂蚁,几间房,统统给我说说说说说!”小蚂蚁被这样的场面吓坏了,不知所措,一下子瘫坐在地上,哇哇大哭起来:“爸爸你在哪里呀世界上最好的大学