shape song英文儿歌
"The Shape Song" by Super Simple Songs
Round and round the circle goes
Round and round the circle goes
香椿芽炒鸡蛋Round and round the circle goes
酱油荷包蛋And stop! What shape is that?
Circle, triangle, square
Circle, triangle, square
Circle, triangle, square
And stop, what shape is that?
Circle, triangle, rectangle
Circle, triangle, rectangle物理课
Circle, triangle, rectangle淘宝开店心得
And stop, what shape is that?田螺眼
Circle, triangle, diamond
Circle, triangle, diamond西藏第一大湖
猪心汤的做法Circle, triangle, diamond
And stop, what shape is that?
Circle, triangle, oval
Circle, triangle, oval
Circle, triangle, oval
And stop, what shape is that?恋恋女人香