Note 632752 - Using the program MLCCS_KO88_TREATMENT (2010-01-07 09:01:41)
cad标题栏You get the error message MLCCS010. The report MLCCS_KO88_TREATMENT is ud to prevent this error message. You can maintain the order ttings with the report MLCCS_KO88_TREATMENT. The note 632752 explains how to u that report.
The order has option K per default. I t it to option S with the report MLCCS_KO88_TREATMENT. Afterwards, I could execute KO88
You want to u the program ZMLCCS_KO88_TREATMENT/ MLCCS_KO88_TREATMENT. As this program is not delivered with the standard SAP system, there is no online documentation. Therefore, this note explains the u. The program ZMLCCS_KO88_TREATMENT initially delivered with Note 363601 or Note 458592 is obsolete and is replaced by the standard program MLCCS_KO88_TREATMENT.
Note 871926 contains the relevant source code. Implement this note. This note explains the functions of the program.
Other terms
Reason and Prerequisites
You u the actual costing and actual cost component split. Actual cost component split information is missing, and this caus problems during the ttlement of production orders, process orders or product cost collectors.
The related Note 611950 explains the general procedure of the actual cost component split calculation for an order ttlement.
As a result of the procedure described, a complete and exact actual cost component split calculation of an order can only occur if all costs that were posted to the order are contained in the order history, which is updated by the actual costing, and cost component splits are found for this. The withdrawal period must contain cost component splits of the standard price of materials withdrawn from the order. The reporting period must contain cost component split information about the plan price for confirmed activity consumption. Note 395003 specifies circumstances under which this is not possible. One important ca is the manual posting from accounting to the order (for example, using transaction FB01). The postings do not generate any entries in the order history.
However, to execute an order ttlement for missing entries or other problems, you can u the program MLCCS_KO88_TREATMENT to lect special handling.
U transaction SE38 or SA38 to execute the program. First of all, the system displays a 3-fold lection to display, delete or write data.
快乐的反义词Display: When you lect this option, a list is displayed which contains all entries for the exception handling in the order ttlement.
Deletion: All entries made are deleted.
Writing: When you lect this option, new lection parameters are opened:
Controlling area, company code, fiscal year and period: The parameters restrict the processing to the lected controlling area, company code, ttlement period and the fiscal year. The lection parameters may remain initial except for the company code. This means special handling applies without restriction. The company code is a required entry, as company code-specific ttings can be maintained.
You can always enter one option only for the exception handling for a company code.
If exception handling is already entered for a company code, no additional entries can be made for this company code. You must first delete the existing exception handling proces
s in the company code. You can then enter the old exception handling process and additional new ones, if required.
If the existing exception handling and the new exception handling required are different, you must delete the existing exception handling. You can then enter the new exception handling required. The ttings are then either retained or deleted and the original ttings are created again.
Processing according to standard price:
When you lect this option, the entire balance of the order that the order ttlement ttles to the material is split according to the standard price of the receiver material. If a period only contains the production from the special order, this means that the actual cost component split corresponds to the standard price cost component split. This option definitely results in a successful order ttlement, as no additional information is required about the order history and the component cost component splits. If you lect this option, the orders to be procesd this way can be specified individually or in an inter
val. The order lection can remain empty, which results in the ttlement of all orders according to standard price cost component split.
Splitting the delta according to standard price
The value to be posted to the order, which is returned from Controlling, corresponds to the particular total value of the cost component split of the costs in the order. For manual postings, for example, it can result in big differences. If you lect the option to split the delta according to the standard price, the difference amount is split in accordance with the standard price cost component split of the receiver material.
In contrast to the option to process according to the standard price, only the difference amount is split in accordance with the standard price in this ca.
Processing according to the cost element
This option caus the cost component split to be created individually for each part of the costs for which no cost component split can be determined. To do this, it us the c
ost element of the costs as it is also displayed in the reporting of the order costs. This procedure can result in an even more preci cost component split for manual postings in particular, as a substitute cost component split was created for exactly this posting while all other cost component splits that are already found, for example, of the components and activity types, were being ud as before.