企业成功危机管理三要素(Three elements of enterpri
successful crisis management)
The so-called "crisis" is unpredictable events, but can not predict, does not mean that you can not prepare.
Different crisis management methods will bring different results to the enterpri. There is enough to prepare for the crisis in the subjective and objective, enterpris do calmly, timely treatment, often can change danger into safety, even a blessing in disgui. The unsuccessful crisis treatment will put the enterpri in a disadvantageous position: the public image is damaged, the economic loss is huge, the staff confidence shakes, the customer and the business partner drain and so on, even brings the disaster for the enterpri.
For contemporary enterpris, successful crisis management includes three key factors:
1) institutionalized and systematic crisis management organizations and business process;
2) the attention and direct leadership of enterpri leaders;
3) good information system support.
The following three factors are discusd.
公共食堂Institutionalization of crisis management
There should be a systematic and systematic business process
and organization for crisis management and disaster recovery in the enterpri. The process do not work when the business is normal, but it will start and operate effectively in the event of crisis, and play an important role in dealing with the crisis. As a result, once the crisis occurs, the various departments, agencies, employees know what to do, what to say, without having to rely on a key figure in the tide of acute intelligence.
Table 1 describes the crisis handling of a global tire manufacturing company in the United States during a quality crisis.
In the crisis, a business to take care of all aspects of how many, how to deal with the complexity of the work, and all the need to be completed in a very short period of time. If there is no advance planning, can immediately implemented policies and procedures, can be put into immediate role and work personnel, can foreknow, slow, internal and external chaos will not be able to avoid the reaction in the event of a crisis.
Some large international companies are often able to cope in a crisis, is one of the key mechanism of crisis management system, which can quickly start the corresponding mechanism in the event of a crisis, in order to carry out comprehensive work. In this regard, Tianjin has faced crisis when the contac calmly is a typical example of successful crisis management.
The larger the scale of business, the higher the loss caud by the crisis, and the more difficult the crisis management is. Therefore, large companies need to develop a t of
comprehensive, systematic and operable crisis management system and treatment mechanism to meet the needs of emergency.
So how do enterpris achieve crisis management institutionalization?
Summarize the successful experience of many international big enterpri, the following special reference, namely written crisis management system, organizational management mechanism, effectively a good human resources and corporate culture with a n of crisis.
The crisis is unable to cope with the event, to the enterpri according to the existing system, must handle the procedures related to the crisis events prior written and respon plans, to ensure that in the event of a crisis of all employees to comply with the principles and methods of dealing with common, to avoid confusion in management.
Crisis management needs effective organization guarantee, to ensure that the enterpri information channel is smooth, information can get timely feedback, responsibilities of var
ious departments and personnel clear, crisis respon agencies and special authorization. Thus, when any crisis precursor occurs, it can be timely attention and proper treatment; and in the crisis treatment, the effectiveness of this organizational guarantee will be more obvious.
In business process, enterpris can re process the possible crisis". For example, DDT consulting has helped a large North American car company crisis related analysis of 90 business
将来时process, a significant risk to the 30 "critical" in which business process can occur to re design, so the process can not only meet the requirements of the normal operation of enterpris,
And it can withstand some of the major cris that may happen, or can recover quickly in a crisis.
Enterpris should also rerve corresponding resources in order to prepare for crisis ma最毒的鱼
nagement, especially human resources. For example, the crisis ca cited above, the tire company, due to the participation in crisis management personnel's quality requirements are very high, not only needs the enterpri internal human resources guarantee, also need to deal with a crisis through the brain, including public relations consultants, management consultants, financial advirs, government officials and so on.