P rocedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 116 ( 2014 ) 4732 – 4736
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doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.01.1017
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4733 S emra Demır and Sevgi Özden / P rocedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 116 ( 2014 )4732 – 4736
multicultural education is attached importance in primary education curricula that are put into practice in Turkey. However, since the curricula are to be implemented by teachers, they need to be prone to multicultural education (Polat, 2009, 154).
When the pre-rvice teachers who competences by professional knowledge, skills, and attitudes are approved take office within the body of the Ministry of National Education, they have to work at schools located in different rvice regions through particular practices of the ministry including obligatory rvice, rotation, etc. The Ministry
of National Education determines rvice areas bad on the geographical status, economic and social development levels, transportation conditions, and rvice requirements of the regions where schools are situated (MEB, 2006). There is a clo relationship between the dimensions of this evaluation and culture-related elements including ttlements, family, life style, knowledge and education, production and consumption relations, administration, nourishment, health, religion, langu
age, etc. In this regard, teachers will encounter students differing
in terms of various values as a result of change in the rvice regions where they work.
Moreover, there are definitely differences in terms of ethnic origin, race, social values, and cultural features in the class environments depending on the multicultural social structure of our country. To prevent the problems likely to ari from such differences, teachers need to take into consideration individual differences when designing the learning-teaching process, arrange multiple teaching methods in accordance with the characteristics of each student, encourage group work and cooperation, and form a democratic classroom environment where the participation of all individuals is ensured.
Bad on this requirement, Multicultural Teaching Design Education Program (MTDEP) has been prepared and implemented. The purpo of MTDEP is to create multicultural awareness among pre-rvice primary school teachers, enable them to develop positive attitudes towards multiculturalism, and improve their knowledge and skills for designing learning environments compatible with multiculturalism. The purpo of this study is to determine the views of participants about the effectiveness of MTDEP, and to make recommendations accordingly.
2. Method
2.1. Rearch Model
This is a descriptive study designed in line with qualitative rearch paradigm. The reason for the employment of qualitative rearch design is that this paradigm is suitable for focusing on and understanding the special languages, meanings, and concepts constructed and ud by pre-rvice teachers. An attempt has been made to enter into the inner worlds of pre-rvice teachers, and to determine the meanings of their experiences for them. This has allowed obtaining an integrated appearance of rearch context, and forming analys and patterns within this context.
2.2. Participants
The participants are 22 students attending the 3rd grade at Erciyes University Faculty of Education Department of Primary Education in the fall mester of the 2012-2013 academic year. The participants have been determined on the basis of voluntariness. 15 of the participants are female, and 7 are male. They are different from one another in terms of ethnic origin and mother-tongue.
2.3. Implementation Material
Multicultural Teaching Design Education Program (MTDEP) has been ud in this study. This program has been developed by rearchers within the scope of the project no. 3894 supported by Republic of Turkey Erciyes University Scientific Rearch Project Coordination Department. The purpo of the project is to create multicultural awareness among pre-rvice primary school teachers, enable them to develop positive attitudes towards multiculturalism, and improve their knowledge and skills for designing learning environments compatible with multiculturalism. Within this framework, the education program has been designed as 3 modules, and implemented for 30 hours. 8 targets and 10 activities have been planned and implemented for personal level, the first
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module. 8 targets and 5 activities have been planned and implemented for cultural level, the cond module. Finally, 15 targets and 12 activities have been planned and implemented for classroom level, the third module. Most of the activities have been participant-oriented.
中点的性质2.4. Data Collection Tool and Process
Data have been collected by means of mi-structured interview technique. This method is neither a
人间芳菲s strict as fully-structured interviews nor as flexible as unstructured interviews (Karasar, 1995). This method has been preferred becau it provides rearchers with flexibility and control over the environment. All interviews have been conducted at the office of one of the rearchers located at the faculty building. The first interview was conducted on 20-12-2012, and the last interview was carried out on 26-12-2012. The rearcher did not limit interviews to a particular time period, thus provided interviewees with the freedom of expression. The questions in the interview form are as follows: (1) Can you plea introduce yourlf to me? (2) Have you ever needed to receive training on the subject of multicultural education? (3) You have taken part in a project about multicultural education and the improvement of skills for designing multicultural educational environments. What was your goal in participating in that project? Have you accomplished your goals? (4) What do you think about project activities? (5) Can this kind of a project be uful for students with differences? (6) What kind of difficulties have you experienced in the project process as a pre-rvice teacher? 7) Can you plea express your recommendations for the sake of better results? (8) Has this project contributed to you in getting ready for dealing with students having cultural differences? (9) What do you think is the goal of this project? Has it accomplished its goal? Plea justify your ideas.
2.5. Data Analysis
For data analysis purpos, the interviews recorded through a tape recorder have been transferred to five-part interview breakdown form prepared in the computer environment in the rearcher-participant order. All of the recorded interview data have been descriptively analyzed. The interviews have been analyzed through the cooperation of both rearchers. All interviews have been transcribed by one of the rearchers and checked by the other one. In addition, member check method has been employed for improving the internal validity and reliability of the study. Member check is performed by people about whom rearch is conducted and who provide data. It refers to the process where the written version of an interview is given to related interviewee and the accuracy of record is checked prior to proceeding to analysis (Punch, 2005). In this direction, after the interviews recorded on tape recorder have been transferred to interview breakdown form, randomly chon 2 interviewees have been offered the transcriptions of their interviews. Data have been analyzed after receiving the approval of interviewees.
残棋3. Findings
It has been determined that participants have never needed to receive training on the subject of multicultural education, thus they do not have any awareness in this matter. The following view of a participating pre-rvice teacher (P12) reflects this finding: ... in fact, I have never heard of a concept
called multicultural education, so I have never needed to receive education this subject.
The main goal of participants in taking part in MTDEP has been found to be ensuring their personal and professional development. All participants have stated that they have accomplished their goals in taking part in the program. The views of some participants are provided below:
P18: I wanted to e how to help and instruct students having individual differences, so I participated in this project. The activities we carried out during the project rved the purpo. We saw different methods and techniques which we could u in the classroom environment as well as how to teach students and how to take into consideration individual differences. In this n, it was beneficial. Especially the obrvation trip to a multicultural school was very uful. P11:Project activities were quite entertaining and efficient, becau we always worked in cooperation, and we performed activities by ourlves. P15:Considering all activities, I can say that they are all the constituents of a jigsaw. T hey complement one another. P9: … the activities are very suitable especially for in-class amalgamation. P5: … I gained an experience thanks to the activities I took part in, so I can determine the activities which I can employ for differences when I become a teacher.
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All of 22 participants have agreed that this program will be beneficial for students having differences. The views of some participants are provided below:
P1:It can surely be beneficial, firstly it stops bias. P7: … it is definitely beneficial becau when a person feels the things clo to his/her culture and is in a comfortable environment, s he/he is engaged in an event more deeply and learning becomes easier.
The views of participants about the difficulties they encountered in the project process are mostly about the obrvation trip whereby it was aimed to put activities into practice. Pre-rvice primary school teachers expresd the difficulties which they experienced in the diver environment during the obrvation trip to a high school where 45 different students received education. The views of P3 are as follows: ... I had the most difficulty in the school where we went for obrvation, becau the students were very different there. They even could not speak Turkish properly. I imagined mylf as a teacher there. Non-communication with students was really hard. On the other hand, many participants have stated that they did not encounter any difficulty throughout the process. The views of
P15, which are also shared by other participants, are as follows: ... It is good that I came and took part in this kind of
a project. I was able to express my opinions comfortably during the process. I did not have any difficulty.
Among the recommendations, the inclusion of practices related to multicultural education at faculties of education as a cour stands out.The views of P3 are as follows: … this training should be included in all teachers’ curricula. Educators may encounter different people in any environment. For example, we are appointed to different places. Something which appears right to someone may appear wrong to someone el in a place with an unfamiliar culture. Conflict with people in different regions is inevitable. T hus, the faculties of education should contain trainings about multiculturalism similar to this training. The activities should be included as a cour, and put into practice.
Participants have quite positive views about the contribution of program to their professional developments. The views of P19 about this subject are as follows: ... the project laid my foundation on this subject. Of cour, I must improve mylf in my future life. However, this project definitely laid my foundation providing me with an idea about this subject. The views of P11 about this subject are as follows: I think we will address our students as more qualified teachers thanks to this project whereby we have learnt how different cultures can be together better, how they can receive better education, how they can live together, and how they can moderately welcome the opinions of one an
Participants have expresd their opinions about the goal of MTDEP as well as the degree of accomplishing the related goal as follows: P16: T he goal of project was to teach us what multicultural education is, how to design multicultural educational environments, how to empathize with people having multicultural features including language, religion, race, gender, etc., and how to put ourlves in their shoes. I think it has accomplished its goal.
4. Conclusion and Discussion
歪脑袋木头桩的故事This study has analyzed the views of pre-rvice teachers about multicultural education and MTDEP prepared in accordance with it. The general results of the study are as follows: pre-rvice teachers who have not received any training about the topic have low knowledge, skill, and awareness levels; MTDEP contributes to the personal and professional development of pre-rvice teachers; MTDEP provides pre-rvice teachers with the consciousness of being aware towards individual differences; and MTDEP helps pre-rvice teachers feel themlves more competent by improving their knowledge and skills about different teaching strategies, methods, and techniques. This shows parallelism with some of the studies in the related literature. Some rearch findings in the literature
(Sultana, 1994; Neutrach-Pritchett, Reiff & Pearson, 2001 & Ladson-Billings, 2001) demonstrate that most of university students want to work in diver racial, ethnic, and socio-economic environments, but are not ready for the cultural diversity which they are to encounter at such schools becau they have no or little knowledge about it. Keengwe (2010) reported that some pre-rvice teachers cannot realize that different cultures may offer unexpected problems before entering into the environment including diversity, but they notice this situation after being included in the related environment.
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In consideration of all the findings, it has been concluded that multicultural teaching environments design education program is an effective program, and can be ud in the training of pre-rvice teachers at faculties of education. This conclusion is in parallel with Ngai (2004) which argues that an effective multicultural teaching-learning should be conducted beginning with the teachers’ training in order to succeed in multicultural education in primary and condary education.
5. Recommendations
There are definitely differences in terms of ethnic origin, race, social values, and cultural features in the class environment depending on the multicultural social structure of Turkey. To prevent the problems likely to ari from such differences, teachers need to take into consideration individual differences when designing the learning-teaching process, arrange multiple teaching methods in accordance with the characteristics of each student, encourage group work and cooperation, and form a democratic classroom environment where the participation of all individuals is ensured. Thus, an attempt may be made to generalize MTDEP at teacher training programs. Seminars may be organized for implementing instructors in order to improve the effectiveness of activities. Similar studies may be conducted with different and more crowded groups and at different levels whereby the program effectiveness may be evaluated.
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