Jane Eyre ’s Attitude toward Life
Li Jing
(Huhhot Vocational College ,Huhhot ,Inner Mongolia ,010051)
[Abstract ]Jane Eyre ,written by Charlotte Bront e ''
(1816-1855),is one of the greatest works in English litera-
ture.By narrating the story in the form of autobiography of the heroine —Jane Eyre ;by describing the daily life of the hero-ine ,the psyche of the heroine ,the natural scenery filtered through the heroine ’s eyes and dialogues ;and by tracing chan-ges in Jane ’s life experience and maturation of her mind ,Charlotte Bront e ''
successfully shows Jane Eyre ’s lf -respect and her love for life.The revelation of Jane Eyre ’s attit
ude toward life has its historical and modern significance.It is an encouragement to women who strive for equality and independence not only in her day but also in this age.
[Key words ]attitude toward life ;lf -respect ;independent spirit电脑只有c盘
[文献标识码]A [文章编号]1672-8610(2010)09-0057-03Jane Eyre ,as one of the greatest works in the world ,has
been read widely.The heroine ’s common and uncommon life ex-periences attract a large number of readers ,and the spirit glow-ing in it strikes us deeply.It is about a girl ’s process of growth and struggle.Her name is Jane Eyre.The story is t on the 19th century ’s England when and where the Inheritance of Prop-erty and the charity schools were popular.With the vivid de-scription and inviting arrangement of plot ,Charlotte Bronte ,the author of this novel ,cretly and silently prents a kind of up -ward and independent spirit which directs the growth and matura-tion of heroine ’s life attitude in her work.That is to be lf -respect ,and then to be full of love toward life.开始游戏图片
In this paper ,Jane Eyre ’s personality and the change of her attitude toward life are discusd and meanwhile how the au-thor successfully makes the things clear to the readers is re-vealed.The focus is mainly on the devices of narration employed by the author.They are the form of narration ,the depiction of details The social significance of Jane Eyre ’s independent spirit is also a major concern of this paper.
The work is Jane Eyre ’s autobiography.This obviously is the writer ’s favorite form of narration.In this way ,the writer puts Jane Eyre ’s life and interval world directly and nakedly in front of its readers so that we can obrve the heroine ’s whole life freely and emingly really ,and feel her feelings by our-lves naturally as if Jane were sitting with us face to face and told her story.We can judge her attitude toward her life experi-ence by her tone ,the diction.Through Jane ’s plain and frank tone in her narration ,we can feel her positive attitude toward life and also the confidence in her own worth.Thus the writer makes her life attitude clearer.The last ntence of Chapter Four can give a good illustration.“Even for me life had its gleams of sun-shine.”That is the summary she makes of her mostly mirable
life and the rare comfort she gets from a rvant on her last eve-ning living in Gateshead ,her aunt ’s home.The word “even ”
shows the tone of both frankness and rejoicing.It can be para-phrad as this :even for me ,an orphan hated by all the masters in the hou that had been my only shelter ,life still shows one light of hope.Frankness is her attitude toward her unfortunate life ,and the rejoicing is her hopeful attitude toward her unfortu-nate life.The former is lf -respect ,and the latter is love to-ward life.Actually ,love toward life can also be regarded as an aspect of lf -respect.To respect ourlves ,we should cherish our lives and strive to live a good life ,regardless of good condi-tions or bad ones.Of cour ,admitting the reality that some-times isn ’t very satisfactory and accepting it calmly can also be en as an aspect of lf -respect.The main tone of narration is of this kind.In this way ,Charlotte endows her work with invisi-ble power ,which holds the readers ’attention from the beginning to the very end.
In Jane ’s struggle against life ,her life details ,her feelings and viewpoints toward her life together form a kind of life attitude that is mentioned above ,and the life attitude experience a process of growth and maturation under the direction of her inde-pendent spirit.Her experience of life can be divided into five periods according to the places she had stayed just like a play.They are Gateshead ,Lowood ,Thornfield ,Moor Hou and Ferndean.The analysis of this part will be done according to this quence.
The first scene happened at Gateshead.
Happy ones enjoy their happiness in similar ways ,while un-happy ones suffer in a variety of ways.Jane ’s fate is discribed to the latter category.As a child ,she had no parents.As an orphan adopted by her uncle ’s family ,she had no uncle ,but the cruel and merciless aunt and cousins.Thus Jane ’s tragic life
opens before us.With her aunt and cousins enjoining their time together,she stayed alone in another room,reading a book.She couldn’t still understand it completely,but she managed to find interest in the pictures in it.The poor-born and lonely girl is trying to find the pleasure in life.The writer builds a compare here,and through the girl’s active and emingly uncommon be-haviors,she puts us in facing a question:why Jane isn’t de-presd?Naturally we feel a kind of upward power,which is the power of life,while the power originates from the attitude toward life.The attitude is that she loves her life passionately.When she would go to a new environment,her aunt,Mrs.Reed slandered her before her future patron.So she made a com-plete,although blu
nt,pour for her rentments to her aunt.The maltreatment,the destroying of her reputation and the probable damage of her coming new future made Jane will never forgive her.At same time,her words spur the conscience of the aunt.She is poor and has no position,but she is her niece.She should at least get her just treatment and mercy,if not love.Again the writer,through a detail of daily life,express the life attitude of Jane,to be full of love toward life,also to be lf-respective.As a weak girl,she fought for the reverence of her life,and she struggle for a meaningful life.Jane is just cherishing her life and defending the value of her life.Becau she is a child,her way is somewhat childish.Her burst can neither get for her love from the aunt nor her reputation from her future patron.So the life at-titude is still immature.Her thoughts are a little bit radical.As a writer of critic realism,Charlotte is trying to prent the internal state of the heroine in such a way that it must experience a process of growth during her lifetime.This makes her attitude to-ward life more real.
The first part is about Jane’s life in Gateshead.The depic-tion is mainly laid on the daily life and psychology.The following part is about the most important period in Jane’s growth.There she met two persons who gave the greatest help to her life.One of them is Helen Burns.She,like a meteor in Jane’s world,shoots before Jane’s eye quickly,but leaves her light in Jane’s heart forev
er.Helen was a pious Christian in the work.She considered all the matters around her in a Christian way,which included the persuasion to Jane.As a western writer,Charlotte’s mind is naturally influenced by her native culture,which includes the religion—Christianity.
Here she borrows the goodness in Christianity to motivate the growth of the life attitude.After the burst of acerbic words,Jane had regretted and been afflicted.It is Helen’s silence and calmness before punishment that was often rendered to them for the reason that can’t be called reason that shocked her greatly.Helen’s attitude toward insult and slander affect her deeply.Be-ing able to be tolerant,and then to correct her own behaviors shows remarkable growth of Jane’s attitude toward life.Love life,one should love the world and the people around you.To life a happy life,one should have a kind heart.Toward them that hurt you,the proper allowance sometimes is needed.After all kindness is of human being’s goodness.This is echoed in fol-lowing part that she forgives her aunt when she is in her death-bed,despite her aunt refus to reconcile with her.
The other important person is Miss Temple.She is her teacher,friend and mother.Modeled on her,Jane became a knowledgeable and versatile lady during a time of eight years.The knowledge makes Jane’s life attitude get a higher level.She know more how lovable the life is and how to respect her life.By the introduction of the two characters into Jane’s life and the description of the
most critical period in Jane’s growth,the writer demonstrates the mutual of the life attitude.In the strict and vere institution,she didn’t bend toward the superi-ors and the bad conditions,instead she obrved her new envi-ronment calmly,and find the people who has the cherish thoughts and right conducts that worthy of learning by her.Through the description of Jane’s growth,the writer con-veys the development of the life attitude.
The third,forth and fifth part are full of the depiction of natural scene,psychology,dialogues and daily life which vividly show her way of life conducted by her life attitude.
Every youth who love their life will not satisfy with one kind of formularized life.They aspire to freedom and the outer world unknown by them.Jane is no exception.She went to the Thorn-field as a governess to her will.Before her love appeared,she felt the silent hou with Mrs.Fairfax as her only companion is another fetter for.
“I climbed the three staircas,raid the trap-door of the attic,and having reached the leads,looked out afar over ques-tered field and hill,and along dim sky-line that then I longed for power of vision which might overpass that limit;which might reach the busy world,towns,regions full of life I had heard of but never en.”
The combined description of nature scene and psychology obviously reflect the curiousness and eagerness to the unknown world.It is forced by the love toward life.
Love is the eternal theme of human being.This work is no exception.The following part of the novel is mainly about the love between Jane and Mr.Rochester.Someone has said that people will give up all their lf-respect before love.But Jane is an exception.Through the description of the dialogues between Jane and Mr.Rochester and the psychology of Jane,the writer shows us how the charm of lf-respect in the heroine’s heart gained her love and then how it faces the love.
She was very frank.Becau of her poor growth environ-ment,she did hardly received prents,and she was a newcom-er,so her work couldn’t make a prize for her.She knew her sit-uation clearly,and she dealt with them calmly.This is the result of her lf-respect.It is the right point that impress on Mr.Rochester.It illustrates the saying:one who respects himlf will obtain other’s respect.
As the love arrived,the lf-respect emed become an obstacle.Having been compared with Miss Ingram,she hadn’t the courage to strive for her love.There was a feverish confliction in her h
eart.Here the writer introduces a description of Jane’s psychology to show how she swayed between love and lf-respect.
As the truth was revealed,she bravely accepted the love from Mr.Rochester,becau she respects life,and she respects love.
迎新春的画Then there was a large part for the narration of their life.Dramatically,their life was somewhat torture for Mr.Rochester instead of happiness.Jane kept a distance from him,and refud
LITERATURE Li Jing/Jane Eyre’s Attitude toward Life
his abundant prents as possible as she can.That is her repre-ntation of independent spirit.She didn’t want to depend on her beloved,and also kept a respect for herlf.
Every good thing is twisted,and their love is no exception.The appearance of Mrs.Rochester—Mason killed their marriage in its cradle.Jane’s lf-respect forced her leave Thornfield.Her love didn’t wane,but she could stay with him no longer.Her lf-respect warned her continuingly that she might become another mistress.
Life in Moor Hou was full of peace and gaiety.She met another man—St.John who wanted to marry to Jane just for his religious cau.Shocked by his attitude toward love,she felt the preciousness of true love,and also her independent spirit can’t leave her to live for another one.Her love to life within her deep heart made her decision to return to Thornfield to find her love.Charlotte makes the life attitude experience the testing of love and the result is that the faith and spirit hasn’t changed and the life attitude is sublimated.It makes the love to life more pure.It makes the passion to life break off the fetter of worldly conventions.All of this is the result of her independent spirit.The depiction of daily life,psychology,nature scene in her-oine’s eye and the dialogues are the spiritual component of this novel,they are filled with the author’s thoughts.Through the descriptions,she illustrates the growth and maturation of life atti-tude clearly and realistically,and the heroine’s independent spirit that motivates and caus the change is mainly the thing that the author wants to express.
As the writer criticize the society,she t up a model for people who were lost in it,and made a direction in people’s way of life by her heroine’s active life attitude,and the women who wanted equality,but suppresd by the whole society.Since the publication of the book of Jane Eyre,it has in-spired generations of youth.Today,it still shines and warms the lost people’s heart.Although the society is of different kind,the spirit is unchangeable from ancient time to now.The youth who are too proud to find a suitable position in the society,or even are unsatisfied with the society,the youth who are too lf-a-bad to find the life belonging to them,and then lost them-lves,and the youth who are at loss in the society,all can get some revelation in it.橡皮泥蛋糕
In the two ways—the form of narration with its depiction of details(life and natural scenes),the psyche of the heroine re-vealed through dialogues,the writer elucidates the kind of life at-titude that is marked by lf-respect and love for life.Jane Eyre’s attitude toward life experiences a process of growth and enrichment,in a realistic way,which includes the formation of virtues,the attitude toward honor and insult,the attitude toward life and death,and the attitude toward love.Finally,the author shows us the independent spirit in the change of her life attitude,which influences millions of her readers ranging from youth in their growth to all the women who can’t get an equal treatment in the society from ancient time till now.Let the great work’s light shine in everyone’s life voyage.
[1]Charlotte Bront e''.Jane Eyre[M].Modern China Press,2002.
[2]Gaskell,Elizabeth.The Life of Charlotte Bront e''[EB/ OL].http://www.lang.nago,3/20/2006.