
更新时间:2023-06-17 19:26:46 阅读: 评论:0

蜘蛛侠平行宇宙SpiderMan: Into the SpiderVer中英剧本介绍:迈尔斯(沙梅克·摩尔配音)的父亲是一位一板一眼的警官,而他的母亲则是一名工作勤奋的护士。慈爱的父母对于孩子的成就非常自豪,也希望他能够融入新加入的这所优秀的学校,在这里取得成功。然而迈尔斯的生活因为一次意外变得更加复杂。他被一只放射性蜘蛛咬伤,并因此获得了毒液冲击、伪装隐藏、蜘蛛爬行、超凡听力、蜘蛛感应等一系列超能力。与此同时,这座城市里最臭名昭着的犯罪头目金并(列维·施瑞博尔配音)已经建立起一台高度隐秘的超级对撞机,这台对撞机开启了通往其他宇宙的时空通道,来自其他宇宙、不同版本的蜘蛛侠(包括中年彼得·帕克、女蜘蛛侠格温、暗影蜘蛛侠、蜘猪侠和潘妮·帕克)也来到了迈尔斯所在的世界。在这些新老角色的帮助下,迈尔斯慢慢学习、逐渐接受挑战,也学会了作为一名超级英雄所要承担的责任。他最终意识到,任何人都可以戴上超级英雄的面具,为正义而战…
英文字幕Subtitles by explosiveskull
好吧各位我们最后再来一次All right, let's do this one last time.
我叫彼得帕克My name is Peter Parker.
我被一只受过辐射的蜘蛛咬了I was bitten by a radioactive spider.
我是这世上I've been the one
唯一的and only
剩下的你们都知道了I'm pretty sure you know the rest.
能力越大责任就越大With great power comes great responsibilit y.
拯救了不少人坠入过爱河拯救过城市I saved a bunch of people, fell in love, saved the city. 又一次的拯救城市And then I saved the city again.
一次又一次And again and again
的拯救城市and again.
我做到了And I did, uh...
而且做的很好I did this.
♪Get on up Get yourlf together ♪
♪Drive that funky soul ♪
我们不需要光谈论这个We don't really talk about this.
看我还出过漫画还有同款麦片食物Look, I'm a comic book. I'm a cereal.
和圣诞专辑Did a Christmas album.
是一首很棒的主题歌I have an excellent theme song.
♪Spiderman Spiderman ♪
还有不怎么样的冰激凌And a soso popsicle.
我的意思是看上去很糟糕I mean, I've looked wor.
经历过这些事后But 打的英语
我仍然喜欢做蜘蛛侠I still love being SpiderMan.
我是说谁不喜欢呢I mean, who wouldn't?
不管被打败多少次So no matter how many hits
我最终总是会爬起来的...I always find a way to come back.
因为能平衡这个城市的Becau the only thing standing between this city and oblivion
只有我is me.
因为蜘蛛侠只有唯一的一个There's only one SpiderMan.
而且你现在就在看着他And you're lookin' at him.
哦\N♪Ooh ♪
哦哦哦\N♪Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
无需多说\N♪Needless ♪
尽管她身上充满了危险因素\N♪Nevertheless Callin' it quits ♪
我要叫停了宝贝我已成了一具残骸迈尔斯\N ♪Now, baby, I'm a wreck ♪RIO: Miles! 上学时间到了Miles, papa, time for school!
迈尔斯听到了Miles! Yeah! Yeah?
去学校的行李打包好了吗Are you finished packing for school?
在熨我最后一件衬衫Just ironing my last shirt.
♪You're ♪
拜托你现在是个成年人了Come on! You a grown man now.
让我们给这些老师看看迈尔斯Let's show the teachers that. Miles!
我的笔记本电脑呢Where's my laptop?
如果你想让我开车送你我们现在就得走了If you want me to drive you, we gotta go now. 不用了爸爸我自己走No, Dad, I'll walk.
让我当一次你的私人司机吧不用了Personal chauffeur going once. It's okay.
迈尔斯该走了再等一下Miles! Gotta go. In a minute!
该走了再等一下Gotta go. In a minute!
妈妈我要走了Mom, I gotta go.
再等一下啊In a minute.
我们周五见See you Friday.
看谁回来了最近怎样老兄Look who's back. Yo, what's going on, bro?
嘿我只是路过你还好吗Hey, I'm just walking by. How you doin'?
迈尔斯你昨晚感觉到了地震Yo, Miles! You feel that earthquake last night?
你在说什么我昨晚睡得像个婴儿似的What you talkin' about? I slept like a baby last night. 新学校怎么样轻而易举How's that new school? So easy.
我们想你迈尔斯你想我但我还住在这里We miss you, Miles. You miss me? I still live here!
等等你想我Wait, you miss me?木剑芦荟
不是吧Oh, come on.
认真的吗爸我走去学校就好了Seriously, Dad. Walking would've been fine.
星期六的时候你就可以边走You can walk plenty on Saturday
边把你那些随意粘贴的贴纸拿下来了when you peel tho stickers off.
你看到我了我不觉得那是我You saw that? I don't know if that was me.
还有你昨天在克林顿贴的两个And the two from yesterday on Clinton.
好吧是我Yeah, tho were me.
看哪里一家新开的咖啡店Look at that. Another new coffee shop.
你看到了吗看到了You e that? Totally. Yeah.
那个叫什么泡沫派对What's that one called? Foam Party.
泡沫派对不是吧"Foam Party"? Come on.
每个人只穿亚麻布你看到了吗And everyone is just linin' up. You e that?
我看到了I e it.
那是咖啡店还是迪斯科舞厅Is that a coffee shop or a disco?
爸你真老土Dad, you're old, man.
昨晚有许多关于There are multiple reports
神秘地震事件的报道of another mysterious ismic event last night.
据知情者了解蜘蛛侠正在调查这件事Sources clo to SpiderMan say he's looking into the problem.
蜘蛛侠一个带着小面具到处SpiderMan. I mean, this guy swings in once a day,
荡来荡去我行我素的人对吧zipzapzop in his little mask and answers to no one. Right?
是的老爸Yeah, Dad. Yeah.
与此同时我们这人冒着生命危险Meanwhile, my guys are out there,皮影制作
而且不用面具lives on the line, no masks. Uhhuh.
我们露出我们的脸开快点我认识这些人We show our faces. Speed up. I know the kids. 能力越大责任越大With great ability comes great accountability.
这句话可不是这么说的That's not even how the saying goes.
不过我确实喜欢他的麦片我会告诉他的I do like his cereal, though. I'll give him that.
哦天哪警察不是能闯红灯吗Oh, my gosh. Don't cops run red lights?
是的有些会但你爸爸不会Oh, yeah, some do. But not your dad.
♪My memories keep begging ♪
♪For someone el ♪
灯笼椒图片♪I know this feeling, yes I know it very well ♪
为什么我不能回布鲁克林中学Why can't I go back to Brooklyn Middle?
已经给你两个星期的时间了You've given it two weeks.
我们完全不用讨论这些的We're not having this conversation.
我只是觉得这所新学校是精英学校I just think that this new school is elitist.
精英学校我还是喜欢上"Elitist"? And I would prefer to be
普通学校和普通人在一起at a normal school among the people.
“普通人”这些就是普通人"The people"? The are your people.
我之所以能在这里是因为我撞了大运I'm only here 'cau I won that stupid lottery.
胡说你和其他人一样通过了入学考试No way. You pasd the entry test just like everybody el.
明明有那么好的机会你要毁了它吗You have an opportunity here. You wanna blow that?
想像你叔叔那样吗You wanna end up like your uncle?
艾伦叔叔怎么了他人很好What's wrong with Uncle Aaron? He's a good guy.
每个人都有自己的选择We all make choices in life.
我不觉得自己有得选It doesn't feel like I have a choice right now.
你确实没有You don't!
我爱你迈尔斯I love you, Miles.
好啦知道了我们周五见Yeah, I know, Dad. See you Friday.
你应该也对我说我爱你爸爸你没有开玩笑吧You gotta say "I love you" Back. Dad, are you rious?
我要听你说我爱你爸爸I wanna hear it. "I love you, Dad."
你真要我说You wanna hear me say it?
这是学校门口You're dropping me off at a school.
我爱你爸爸看看周围"I love you, Dad." Look at this place.
爸爸我爱你"Dad, I love you."
爸爸我爱你Dad, I love you.
收到That's a copy.
把鞋带系好Tie your shoes, plea.
我爱你爸爸"I love you, Dad."
嘿早上好你好啊Hey, good morning. How you doin'?
Weekend was short, huh? "That's a copy."
Oh, my gosh! This is embarrassing.
We wore the same jacket.
Hey. Your shoe's untied.
Yeah, I'm aware. It's a choice.
♪Theory is that All matter is compod ♪
♪Of at least three ♪
♪Fundamental particles ♪
谁能解决这个xy的问题Who can solve this for XY?
这就叫做三段论法And that is known as a syllogism.
回去读完《远大前程》的两个章节Read two chapters of Great Expectations.
随堂测试容积和压力A takehome quiz on volumetric pressure.
五页纸的论文结论是重点Fivepage essay with your conclusions stresd.
会有无数种可能性...countless other possibilities.
在另一个宇宙我可能穿的是红衣服There could be a univer where I am wearing red.
又或者是皮裤子Or wearing leather pants.
偷偷溜进来的莫拉莱斯先生你又迟到了Mr. Morales. Movin' in the dark. You're late again. 爱因斯坦说过时间是相对的不是吗Einstein said time was relative, right?
或许我没有迟到也许只是你们早到了Maybe I'm not late. Maybe you guys are early.
抱歉我只是觉得太安静了Sorry. It was just so quiet.
你是想继续站着呢Would you like to keep standing there,
还是坐下or do you wanna sit down?
我们所处的宇宙其实是多个平行宇宙中的一个Our univer is, in fact, one of many parallel univers
这些平行宇宙是同时存在的happening at the exact same time.
多亏了菲斯克家族科研基因会的所有人Thanks to everyone here at the Fisk
我喜欢你的笑话真的吗I liked your joke. Really?
其实不好笑所以我才会笑I mean, it wasn't funny. That's why I laughed.
不过想法不错所以我喜欢But it was smart, so I liked it.
我好像之前没见过你I don't think
我以前见过你I've en you before.
我以前见过你Every choice that we make
都会创造出各种可能性would create countless other possibilities.
而这些可能性是无穷的A whatif to infinity.
零蛋在多拿几个零分A zero? A few more of tho,
你应该就会把我踢出去了吧you'd probably have to kick me outta here, huh?
或许我不适合这个学校Maybe I'm just not right for this school.
如果一个人闭着眼睛If a person wearing a blindfold picked the answers
在一堆判断题里随便乱选on a trueorfal quiz at random,
你猜准确率是多少do you know what score they would get?
百分之五十回答正确%? That's right!
能正确避开所有正确答案The only way to get all the answers wrong
那就证明你其实全都会is to know which answers are right.
你故意想被开除You're trying to quit.
我是不会答应的And I'm not gonna let you.
我要罚你写篇关于自己的文章I'm assigning you a personal essay.
不是关于物理而是关于你自己的Not about physics, but about you,
英语书信作文万能套用你想成为什么样的人and what kind of person you want to be.
♪Unh. Unh ♪♪Unh. Unh ♪
♪Come on ♪
♪Ha, sicker than Your average ♪
♪Poppa twist cabbage Off instinct ♪
♪Don't think ♪
♪My Detroit players, timbs for My hooligans in Brooklyn ♪
♪Dead right, if the head Right, Biggie there e'rynight ♪
♪Never lo, never choo to Brui crews who ♪
♪Do something ♪♪Come on ♪
艾伦叔叔嘿吓一跳吧Uncle Aaron! Hey! Were you scared?
想领教一下吗You want that?
学校怎么样What's up with school?
好得不行朋友多到乐翻天Going great! Got tons of friends.
总不见得一无是处吧You can't tell me it's all that bad there.
聪明的姑娘总是那么迷人Smart girls is where it's at.
哪里应该有许多才是Place must be full of 'em.
不没这回事根本没有No, there's no one.
做我的侄子Yo, I can't have no nephew of mine
可不能那么没戏on the streets with no game.
谁说我没戏了有个新来的姑娘Hey, I got game. There's a new girl.
你懂的他还挺喜欢我的Actually, you know, she's kinda into me.
你懂的You know how it is.
他叫什么What's her name?
你懂的我们还在建立感情阶段You know, we layin' down the groundwork right now.
知道搭肩膀这招吗You know about the shoulder touch?
当然知道'Cour I do.
不过说来听听But tell me anyway.
明天去找那姑娘走到她面前然后Tomorrow, find that girl. You walk up to her and be like: 嘿"Hey."
逗我呢吗艾伦叔叔You rious, Uncle Aaron?

本文发布于:2023-06-17 19:26:46,感谢您对本站的认可!



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