There are Four Basic Means of Payments in International Settlement.
The following categories are the usual methods of payment to ttle international transactions:
1. Cash in advance (C/A) 预付现金
猜猜他是谁300字优秀作文The buyer places the funds at the disposal of the ller prior to shipment of the goods or provision of rvices.买方在货物装运之前或劳务提供之前把资金交给卖方处理。
at the disposal of: 由...支配,由...处理
这种付款方式费用高,而且有一定程度的风险。当生产过程或交付的劳务是专业化并且资金紧张时,就不大应用这种方式。在这种情况下双方可能同意通过预付部分款项或按进度付款等方式为经营融资。 This method of payment is ud:
– when the buyer’公章制作s credit is doubtful买方的信用有问题
– when there is an unstable political or economic environment in the buyer’s country, and 买方所在国有不稳定的政治或经济环境
– if there is a potential delay in the receipt of funds from the buyer, perhaps due to events beyond his control.由于买方无法控制的事件可能推迟从买方收到资金
2. Open account (赊帐)
An arrangement between the buyer and ller whereby the goods are manufactured and delivered before payment is required.
3. Collection (托收)
Collection is an arrangement whereby the goods are shipped and the relevant bill of exchange is drawn by the ller on the buyer, and/or document(s) is nt to the ller’s bank with clear instructions for collection through one of its correspondent banks located in the domicile of the buyer. 托收是一个协议安排,按照这个协议,卖方装运货物,开立以买方为付款人的汇票,将汇票、单据连同明确的托收指示一起交给卖方的银行,通过该银行在买方所在地的代理行托收货款。
汇票:bill of exchange; draft
单据:shipping documents;bill of lading
托收委托书:collection order
Thus, a collection is usually procesd through banks acting as the intermediary.
1) Clean collections 光票托收
Clean collections are collections on financial instruments (bills of exchange) without being
accompanied by commercial documents, such as invoice, bill of lading, insurance policy, etc. 光票托收指金融票据的托收,没有随附商业票据,如发票,提单等。
The payee or holder of a cheque drawn by someone abroad may require his bank to nd the cheque abroad for collection. Traveler's cheques are usually nt by the bank buying them to their issuing bank abroad for collection. Promissory notes may also be nt by the bank for collection so as to get its payment from the overas maker. All the are called clean collections.外国人签发的支票的持有人或收款人或许要求其银行把支票送到国外托收。旅行支票通常由购买支票的银行送到外国开立行托收款项。本票也可由银行托收,以从海外出票人那里收到付款。这些都是光票托收。
2) Documentary collections 跟单托收:
Documentary collections may be described as collections on financial instruments being accompanied by commercial documents or collections on commercial documents without
being accompanied by financial instruments, that is commercial documents alone without a bill of exchange. 跟单托收可描述为对随附有商业单据的金融票据的托收,或托收商业单据而没有随附金融票据,即只有商业单据,没有汇票。
跟单托收的形式: Documents against payment (D/P) 付款交单 Cash against documents (C.A.D) 梦见大扫除交单付现 Documents against acceptance (D/A) 承兑交单 Collection with acceptance: relea of documents only against payment (acceptance D/P) 连带承兑托收:只凭付款交单(承兑D/P)
Operation of Documentary Collection:跟单托收的运作
After the exporter has shipped the goods or rendered rvices to his customers abroad, he draws a bill of exchange on the buyer with or without shipping documents attached thereto and then gives the draft to his bank together with his appropriate collection instructions. 出口商装运货物或提供劳务给外国客户以后,开立以买方为受票人(付款人)的汇票,随附或不随附装运单据,将汇票连同托收指示交给他的银行要求托收货款。
Procedure of a documentary collection:跟单托收的步骤
1) The exporter ships goods and obtains documents of title (bill of lading) from the shipping line.硕士几年出口商装运货物,从船运公司获取物证(提单)。
中甲积分榜排名2) The exporter, who is known as the principal, hands in the following documents to his bank (the remitting bank):速效胰岛素有哪些出口商为委托人,将下列单据交给其银行(委托行)
a. bill of exchange drawn on the importer;以进口商为受票人的汇票
爬山英语怎么说b. documents of title (i.e. a complete t of clean, shipped on board bills of lading, made out to order and blank endord), and other relevant documents (insurance policy or certificate of CIF);物权证书(即全套清洁已装船提单,提单应空白抬头,并且已由发货人空白背书)以及其它相应的单据
c. a collection order which contains the exporter’s instructions to the remitting bank.出口商向委托行下达托收指示的托收委托书
3) The remitting bank completes its own collection order addresd to the importer’s bank. This collection order will contain the same instructions as the exporter’s original coll
ection order. This collection order is then nt to the importer’s bank, along with the other documents.委托行填写它自己寄交进口商银行的托收委托函。这份托收委托书含有出口商原来的托收委托书里的全部指示。委托行随后把托收委托书连同其它单据一齐寄给进口商的银行。
4) If the instructions are D/P (documents against payment), the importer’s bank will relea the documents to the importer only against payment.如果指示付款交单,进口商的银行将凭付款放行单据给进口商。