朴子粿An earthquake is a sudden tremor or movement of the earth's crust, which originates at or below the surface.地震是地壳一次突然的震动或运动,起源于地球表面或以下。
There are two main caus of earthquakes.They can be linked to explosive volcanic eruptions or can be triggered by tectonic activity, with the latter being the cau of most earthquakes.地震由两种主要原因引起。他们都跟火山爆发有关或由建筑活动引起的。后者是大多数地震的原因。
Earthquakes in the UK are all tectonic quakes, triggered when the Earth’s crust is subjected to strain and eventually moves.英国的地震都是由建筑物震动,是由地壳绷紧时最终移动引起的。
At the start of a quake there is a sudden movement within the Earth's crust and shock waves move out from that point.震动开始时地壳内部有一些突然的移动,随后地震波开始在那一点传开来。The focus of the earthquake or tremor is often deep below the surface and difficult to map, so what is normally called the epicentre is taken as the point on the Earth directly above it.震中心通常在表面以下深处,很难用地图表示,所以通常我们所称的正中心为地球最上方。擦
There are two scales for defining the strength of an earthquake, the Mercalli Scale and the Richter Scale.地震强度用两个级别来定义,Mercalli级别和Richter级别。
Earthquakes emit three types of waves which have their own characteristics.地震发出两种波,它们有各自的特征。网络意识形态安全
Primary waves are identical in character to sound waves.The ground is forced to move forwards and backwards as it is compresd and decompresd.主要波跟声波的特征相同,当地面被加压或减压时强迫向前和向后移动。
Secondary waves travel more slowly and arrive after the P-waves.They move in all directions, at speeds which depend upon the density of the rocks through which they are moving.They cannot move through liquids.They can move walls and fences, leaving them 'S' shaped.次要波传播的更慢,发生在P波之后。它们根据所穿过岩石的密度以不同的速度向各个方向移动。他们不能穿过液体。但可以穿过墙和篱笆,留下S形状的痕迹。
Surface waves are formed clo to the epicentre and can only travel through the outer part of the Earth’s crust.They are responsible for the majority of the buildings damaged by earthquakes.The ground is made to move in a circular motion, causing it to ri and fall as visible waves move across the ground.表面波在正中心形成,它只能穿过地壳外部,是大多数建筑物在地震中损坏的原因。地面环形运动,引起上升或下降,成为可视波横穿地面。
1.If you are indoors, duck or drop down to the floor.Take cover under a sturdy desk, table or other furniture.Hold on to it and be prepared to move with it.Hold the position until the
ground stops shaking and it is safe to move.Stay clear of
windows, fireplaces, woodstoves, and heavy furniture or appliances that may fall over.Stay inside to avoid being injured by falling glass or building parts.If you are in a crowded area, take cover where you are.Stay calm and encourage others to do likewi.1.如果你在室内,低下身子,或是匍匐在地板上。躲在坚实的书桌、餐桌或其它家具之下,以此为遮盖物。抓紧这些家具,随时准备行进。维持这一姿势直到地面停止 震动,确认情况安全后才能移动身体。远离那些可能会倒塌的窗户,壁炉,火炉,大型家具和家用电器。在室内还要避免被落下的玻璃或倒塌的建筑物砸伤。如果你 处于一个比较拥挤的区域内,待在原地则是明智之举。务必保持冷静,并让他人也按照此法而做。
2.If you are outside, get into the open, away from buildings and power lines.2.如果你在室外,往开阔的地方跑,远离高楼和电线。
3.If you are driving, stop if it is safe, but stay inside your car.Stay away from bridges, overpass and tunnels.Move your car as far out of the normal traffic pattern as possible.If possible, avoid stopping under trees, light posts, power lines, or signs.3.如果
你在开车,请停在安全的地方,但不要下车。不要停车于桥梁,天桥和隧道。尽量远离常规的交通路线。如果可能的话,避免将车停在树下,灯柱下,电线下或 广告牌下。
来月经可以吃芒果吗4.If you are in a mountainous area, or near unstable slopes or cliffs, be alert for falling rock and other debris that could be looned by the earthquake.4.如果你在山区,或是在不稳定的斜坡或山崖旁,注意那些因地震而从山上滚落下来的岩石和其它山体残骸。
5.If you are at the beach, move quickly to higher ground or veral hundred yards inland.5.如果你在海滩上,马上往高地跑,或是跑向开阔的内陆地区。
定了以下三维目标: [知识目标]了解地震的成因和前兆,掌握地震来临时如何逃生和自救。