TED英语演讲 长生不老的细胞科学 党校学习个人总结
肚丝怎么炒好吃 Where does the end begin?Well, for me, it all began with this little fellow.This adorable organism --well, I think it’s adorable --is called Tetrahymena and it’s a single-celled creature.It’s also been known as pond scum.So that’s right, my career started with pond scum.
Now, it was no surpri I became a scientist.Growing up far away from here,as a little girl I was deadly curiousabout everything alive.I ud to pick up lethally poisonous stinging jellyfish and sing to them.And so starting my career,I was deadly curious about fundamental mysteriesof the most basic building blocks of life,and I was fortunate to live in a society where that curiosity was valued.
Now, for me, this little pond scum critter Tetrahymenawas a great way to study the fundamental mysteryI was most curious about:tho bundles of DNA in our cells called chromosomes.And it was becau I was curious about the very ends of chromosomes,known as telomeres.Now, when I started my quest,all we knew was that they helped protect the ends of chromosomes.It was important when cells divide.It was really important,but I wanted to find out what telomeres consisted of,and for that, I needed a lot of them.And it so happens that cute little Tetrahymenahas a lot of short linear chromosomes,around 20,000,so lots of telomeres.And I discovered that telomeres consisted of special gmentsof noncoding DNA right at the very ends of chromosomes.
圆的面积怎样计算 对我而言,四膜虫这池塘浮渣小生物是研究我最好奇的根本谜题的好方式:我们的细胞内
大量的 DNA,也就是染色体。因为我对染色体的末端很好奇,也就是端粒。当我开始探索,我们只知道:它们协助保护染色体的末端。细胞分裂时,这点很重要。它相当重要,但我想要了解端粒是什么组成的,为这个目的,我需要很多端粒。刚好这个可爱的小四膜虫有很多短短线性的染色体。大约两万个,所以会有很多端粒。我发现端粒包括位在染色体最末端未编码的特殊 DNA 区段。
But here’s a problem.Now, we all start life as a single cell.It multiples to two.Two bees four. Four bees eight,and on and on to form the 200 million billion cellsthat make up our adult body.And some of tho cells have to divide thousands of times.In fact, even as I stand here before you,all throughout my body, cells are furiously replenishingto, well, keep me standing here before you.So every time a cell divides, all of its DNA has to be copied,all of the coding DNA inside of tho chromosomes,becau that carries the vital operating instructionsthat keep our cells in good working order,so my heart cells can keep a steady beat,which I assure you they’re not doing right now,and my immune cellscan fight off bacteria and virus,and our brain cells can save the memory of our first kissand keep on learning throughout life.
但,有一个问题。生命是从单细胞开始的。一个会变成两个,两个变成四个,四个变成八个,一路这样下去,形成了二十万兆个细胞,组成了成人的身体。有些细胞需要分裂数千次。事实上,即使我站在各位面前,我整个身体的细胞正疯狂地补充,让我能够持续站在你们面前。每当一个细胞分裂,它所有的 DNA 都会被复制,那些染色体中所有编码的 DNA,因为那带有极重要的运作指示,让我们的细胞能处于良好的工作状态,这么一来我的心脏细胞才能保持稳定的心跳,我向各位保证,它们现在并没做到,而我的免疫细胞,能击退细菌和病毒,我们的头脑细胞能储存我们初吻的记忆,并在整个人生中持续学习。
But there is a glitch in the way DNA is copied.It is just one of tho facts of life.Every time the cell divides and the DNA is copied,some of that DNA from the ends gets worn down and shortened,some of that telomere DNA.And think about itlike the protective caps at the ends of your shoelace.And tho keep the shoelace, or the chromosome, from fraying,and when that tip gets too short, it falls off,and that worn down telomere nds a signal to the cells.The DNA is no longer being protected.It nds a signal. Time to die.So, end of story.
但复制 DNA 的方式有个小毛病,仅是生命的事实之一。每当细胞分裂、DNA 被复制,某些末端 DNA 会磨损缩短,一些端粒的 DNA。可以用这方式来想:就像你的鞋带末端的保护套。它们能让鞋带或染色体不会被磨损,当尖端变得太短时,它就会脱落,而那被磨损掉的端粒就会发送一个讯号给细胞。「这 DNA 不再受到保护。」它发出讯号。是死亡的时候了。所以,故事完毕。 复明胶囊
电话号码英文 Well, sorry, not so fast.It can’t be the end of the story,becau life hasn’t died off the face of the earth.So I was curious:if such wear and tear is inevitable,how on earth does Mother Nature make surewe can keep our chromosomes intact?
Now, remember that little pond scum critter Tetrahymena?The craziest thing was,Tetrahymena cells never got old and died.Their telomeres weren’t shortening as time marched on.Sometimes they even got longer.Something el was at work,and believe me, that something was not in any textbook.So working in my lab with my extraordinary st
udent Carol Greider --and Carol and I shared the Nobel Prize for this work --we began running experimentsand we discovered cells do have something el.It was a previously undreamed-of enzymethat could replenish,make longer, telomeres,and we named it telomera.And when we removed our pond scum’s telomera,their telomeres ran down and they died.So it was thanks to their plentiful telomerathat our pond scum critters never got old.