Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) Scale
英文名称: Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) Scale
中文名称: 组织公民行为量表
作 者: Farh, J. L., Earley, P。 C., & Lin, S。 C。
出 处:
Farh, J. L。, Earley, P. C., & Lin, S. C. “Impetus for action: A cultural analysis of justice and organizational citizenship behavior in Chine society。” Administrative Science Quarterly, 1997, 42, 421-444。
简 介:
条 目:
人民的勤务员1 - 非常不同意 5 - 有点同意
2 - 相当不同意 6 - 相当同意
3 - 有点不同意 7 - 非当同意
4 - 不能确定
Identification with the company
Eager to tell outsiders good news about the company and clarify their misunderstandings
Willing to stand up to protect the reputation of the company.
走一步再走一步作文600字Makes constructive suggestions that can improve the operation of the company.
Actively attends company meetings.
Altruism toward colleagues
Willing to assist new colleagues to adjust to the work environment.
Willing to help colleague solve work—related problems.
事业单位绩效考核Willing to cover work assignments for colleague when needed.
Willing to coordinate and communicate with colleagues。
Impersonal harmony
不生事争利 (人际和睦)
棋子湾Often speaks ill of the supervisor or colleagues behind their backs。 (R)
Us illicit tactics to ek personal influence and gain with harmful effect on interpersonal harmony in the organization. (R)
Us position power to pursue lfish personal gain. (R)
Takes credits, avoids blames, and fights fiercely for personal gain. (R)
Protecting company resources
Conducts personal business on company time (e。g., trading stocks, shopping, going to barber shops). (R)
Us company resources to do personal business (e。g., company phones, copy machines, computers, and cars). (R)
Views sick leave as benefit and makes excu for taking sick leave。 (R)
Often arrives early and starts to work immediately.
Takes one’s job riously and rarely makes mistakes.
Complies with company rules and procedures even when nobody watches and no evidence can be traced.
Does not mind taking new or challenging assignments。
Tries hard to lf—study to increa the quality of work outputs。
信 度:
效 度:
备 注:
Organizational Justice Scale
英文名称: Organizational Justice Scale
中文名称: 组织公平量表
作 者: Jason A. Colquitt
出 处: Colquitt, J. A。 (2001). ”On the Dimensionality of Organizational Justice: A Construct Validation of a Measure."Journal of Applied Psychology 86(3): 386—400
条 目:
Procedural justice
The following items refers to the procedures ud to arrive at your (outcome). To what extent:
1。Have you been able to express your views and feelings during the procedures?
2.Have you had influences over the (outcome) arrived at by tho procedures?
3.Have tho procedures been applied consistently?
4.Have tho procedures been free of bias?
5。Have tho procedures been bad on accurate information?
6。Have you been able to appeal the (outcome) arrived at by tho procedures?
7。Have tho procedures upheld ethical and moral standards?
Distributive justice
The following items refer to your (outcome). To what extent:
1.Dos your (outcome) reflect the effort you have put into your work?
2。Is your (outcome) appropriate for the work you have completed?
3。Does your (outcome) reflect what you have contributed to the organization?
4。Is your (outcome) justified, given your performance?
Interpersonal justice
The following items refer to (the authority figure who enacted the procedure)。 To what extent:
1.Has (he/she) treated you in a polite manner?.
2。Has (he/she) treated you with dignity?
3.Has (he/she) treated you with respect?
4。Has (he/she) refrained from improper remarks or comments?
Informational justice
黑兔影院The following items refer to (the authority figure who enacted the procedure)。 To what extent: