ke University Press in 1993 and then again in Routledge shortly after that.Judith Butler is yet another theorist who analyzed effects of dominant understandings of x and gender. Butler argues, “gender, like xuality is not an esntial truth derived from the body’s materiality but rather a regulatory fiction”. Butler looks within the cultural work and looks at the reprentation of gender and the natural expression of the body. She thinks that gender performativity is a “strategy of resistance” which includes drag and cross-dressing. Butler’s most influential book was “Gender Trouble” where she discusd that women were not just a group with common interests. In the book, she also talked about gender relations. Butler is known for her theory that x should be between a man and a women so it can cau masculine and feminine which would cau desire for the other gender.
Analyzed Texts
Lady Gaga's song, Pokerface, is about a female initiated xual game of cat and mou. Traditionally the male is expected to take the lead when it comes to xual relations, however; as referenced in the line 'And after he's been hooked I'll play the one that's on his heart,' Gaga implies that she's the one skilled in making the first move.
Notable Readings/Links
函数的平均值Resources Ud/Works Cited
Klages, Mary. Queer Theory. University of Colorado at Boulder,1997. Web. 4 March 2011. &>
Definition: The Queer Theory/Sexuality Studies is a very inclusive theory that has gained i
缅怀亲人n prominence since the 1980's. Where, at first, the study was originally thought to simply reprent homoxual instances, it has been expanded to the point of "queer", where all sorts of odd ball expressions that are outside of society's norm are file. Something can be xually or socially queer, even in a heteroxual context (Stein, Plummer, 182). The 'Queer Theory' has a very broad scope that refus to be tied down to the all to simple thought of homoxuality.