step one翻译
Step one的翻译为“第一步”,它通常用于指某个过程或计划的第一个步骤,意义相当于“首先”、“第一件事是”。
1. Step one: Gather all the necessary ingredients and tools.
怎么系围巾>好写的作文题目2. Our project is to develop a new product, and step one is to conduct market rearch.
3. Before investing in stocks, step one is to educate yourlf about the market and trading.
4. When starting a new job, step one is to get to know your colleagues and the company cul
5. If you want to lo weight, step one is to t a goal and develop a plan.
6. Step one in improving your public speaking skills is to practice regularly.
cad激活步骤7. If you want to learn a new language, step one is to find a good teacher or language program.青春诗歌朗诵
8. Step one in starting your own business is to come up with a solid business plan.
9. When tackling a difficult problem, step one is to break it down into smaller, more manageable tasks.
10. If you want to become a successful athlete, step one is to train consistently and with discipline.