古代书信格式Models of Software Systems Fall 2004
美女动漫头像Scientific foundations for software engineering depend on the u of preci, abstract models and logics for characterizing and reasoning about properties of software systems. There are a number of basic models and logics that over time have proven to be particularly important and pervasive in the study of software systems. This cour is concerned with that body of knowledge. It considers many of the standard models for reprenting quential and concurrent systems, such as state machines, algebras and traces. It shows how different logics can be ud to specify properties of software systems, such as functional correctness, deadlock freedom, and internal consistency. Concepts such as composition mechanisms, abstraction relations, invariants, non-determinism, and inductive and denotational descriptions are recurrent themes throughout the cour.
By the end of the cour you should be able to understand the strengths and weakness of certain models and logics, including state machines, algebraic and trace models, and temporal logics. You should be able to apply this understanding to lect and describe
abstract formal models for certain class of systems. Further, you should be able to reason formally a
背对时间bout the elementary properties of modeled systems.小兔跳跳
Lectures. Class meet Monday & Wednesday, 5:30-6:50 am, in Newell-Simon 1305.
Communication. We will be using the CMU Blackboard System this year for distributing most cour materials, providing a general cour bulletin board, and keeping track of student email address. In addition you can u
Office Hours: The instructor and the TAs have weekly office hours, listed above. We are also available other times by appointment.1.Email: We welcome email about the cour at any time.
2.Readings. Most lectures will have a reading assignment that we expect you to complete before you come to class. There is one required textbook for the cour: Concurrency: State Models and Java Programs, by Magee and Kramer [MK99]. In addition, there is an optional companion text Using Z: Specification, Refinement, and Proof, by Woodcock and Davies [WD96]. This text is available on-line at /.
An optional reference book may also be uful: The Z Notation: A Reference Manual, Second Editio
n, by J. M. Spivey (available on the web ac.uk/~mike/zrm). Some readings are in the form of handouts to supplement lectures; other additional readings are technical papers. The will be made available as needed throughout the cour. Finally, for supplementary detail, there are a number of books noted in the References ction at the end of this document.
Homework Assignments. The cour is organized around (roughly) weekly homework assignments and a t of three projects. The purpo of the assignments and projects is to give you practice in using the models, logics, and tools of the cour. We encourage you to discuss your homework with other students, but the final write-up must be your own work.
To give you the most opportunities to learn from the homework assignments, we will allow you to redo problems that didn't receive a passing grade. A redone homework must be turned in at the class following the one on which it is handed back. Problems done correctly the first time will be given more weight in the final grade.
Projects. We will be assigning three group projects that are designed to give you a chance to apply the ideas of the cour to
mi-realistic ca studies. Each project will be completed by a team. Team members are expected t
o participate equally in the projects.We will distribute a team peer evaluation at the end of the mester.
On-line materials. Most of the cour materials will be available electronically via the CMU Blackboard System碧血丹心的意思
(u.edu/blackboard/). You will find copies of the lecture slides, handouts, homework, and readings. It will be your responsibility to make copies of the to bring to class or to u for homework.
Some of the cour materials have web sites. The are:
Using Z: /
Concurrency: State Models and Java Programs: www-d.doc.ic.ac.uk/concurrency/The Z Notation: ac.uk/~mike/zrm/
PhD Option. Students taking the cour for PhD credit students will be required to complete a cour project. This project is described in parate handout.
Exams. There will be a (take-home) mid-term (handed out Wednesday, October 20, due back Friday, October 22 by 5:) and a formal (in-class) final examination. Both exams will be open-book.
Grading. The cour grade will be determined as a combination of five factors: homework assignments (30%), projects (30%), midterm exam (15%), and final exam (25%). Final grades may be adjusted bad on instructors judgment.
Bold refers to Using Z [WD96].
*Marks class that follow a holiday.